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Nature of childhood:

Childhood pre industrial society

Childhood and industrialisation

Childhood as a social construct

Modern western notion of childhood
Cross cultural differences
Historical differences
Reasons for change

Childhood 20th century

Children and the state laws etc.
Theoretical approaches to childhood


March of progress view
Conflict view
Inequalities/control etc.
Separate childhood culture
Globalisation of western childhood
Contradictory trends reconstruction of childhood

Explain what sociologists mean by a child centred society

Suggest 2 differences between childhood pre-industrial societies and contemporary industrial societies.
Identify 3 ways in which the state protects the rights of children today.
ESSAY Assess the view that childhood is not a fixed universal experience.
Suggest 2 examples of ways in which the distinction between childhood and adulthood is becoming blurred
Identify 3 changes linked to industrialisation that have led to changes in the position of children.
ESSAY Assess sociological explanations of changes in the status of childhood.
Things also to consider:
Position of children varies ARIES; modern notion=innocent, needs protecting; what led to the emergence of childhood=industrialisation, legislation, literacy, etc.
Analysis and evaluation using conflicting views of the status of childhood today, march of progress (De Mause, shorter) V child liberationists approaches
(firestone, Holt)
Assess the different views is childhood changing again, OR disappearing (Postman, Opie, the globalisation of western childhood)

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