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Shea Stanley

Ms. Douglas

UWRT 1101

Posed Impact Picture: Under Age Drinking in College

Underage drinking in college has become a serious public health problem. This year
alone I have already known 3 people to go to the hospital because their blood
alcohol level was that high to where they couldnt even function and had
endangered their lives. Students in college are at the time in their lives when they
dont really care about breaking the law as long as they dont get caught. Theyre
also at a time in their lives when they dont know their bodies limits and tend to
binge drink leading them get that feeling of getting drunk all at once instead of
gradually over time. This leads to students passing out in dorms, random places, or
even in the streets. More than 80% of college students drink and almost half report
binge drinking in the last two weeks alone. On average, 1,825 students between the
ages of 18-24 die from alcohol unintentional injuries each year. Another statistic is
that 696,000 students are assaulted and 97,000 become victims of sexual assault or
rape annually as well.
I chose this entry because of the impact I chose to present to the class, the fact that it
was something everyone in college could relate to. It stood out to me because of the
high statistics that majority of people really just dont know about. The intensity and
dangers of underage drinking is something that really isnt as portrayed as it should
be. Society really doesnt show the facts, just that its an illegal activity for those
under the age of 21. This entry shows my learning process with using actual facts to
contribute to adding a personal opinion on a serious matter.

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