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Child Labour Presentation Speech

Slide 1.
The Government is careless about Child Labor and does not know what to do. That is, it
is not a good government. Also when theres no democracy, it means that people dont get to
decide their government.
Those children that go through child labor are poor and cant afford proper education because,
unlike Canada, Bangladesh doesnt provide proper education in government schools.
There are no strict laws against child labor. Most of the child labor exists in agricultural areas.
Agricultural areas, in Bangladesh, dont have strict laws or security increasing child labor every
Government doesnt provide proper health care, especially, in the rural areas of Bangladesh,
where most child labor exists. Children that suffer from child labor also suffer from a lot of
injuries and diseases like Malaria, Pneumonia, etc. They dont get proper health care and some
of them, eventually, end up dying.
Slide 2.
Bangladesh has Market Economy. Decisions regarding investment, production, and
distribution are based on supply and demand. People demand more and the need of labor
increases as the primary industries need to work more, more labor is needed and more child
labor is used.
Bangladesh has all 3 types of industries, and child labor exists in all of them. Primary industriesChild labor exists in agriculture, mining etc. Secondary industries-Child labor exists in
manufacturing like textile working, building, furniture making etc. Tertiary industries-Child labor
exists in serving the population as well; E.g. Restaurants.
When it comes to the jobs, there are the most cheapest jobs. Children are forced to do filthy
jobs like prostitution and really hard jobs like building where they have to pick heavy bricks up.
Children that are forced to do child labor belong to really poor families. Families are so poor that
they do anything to get money and survive.
Some families trade their children away for child labor for money. The work their children do is
extremely cheap and they get almost no profit out of it. With little money, they have to pay
heavy taxes and for some of them it is impossible so they live in huts made of leaves without
any electricity, natural gas, and water, they drink dirty and contaminated water. Most of them
Although countries may agree on the importance of labor standards, in practice, many obstacles
to the enforcement of child labor standards remain. Countries often compete with each other
for jobs, investment, and industry. This global competition increases poverty while lowering
labor standards.
Slide 3.
Earthquakes, floods, tornadoes, tropical cyclones, landslides. Since 1980-2010, 234
disasters in Bangladesh. 191,836 people are killed, since 1980 due to disasters. Average number
of people are killed per year is 6,188. 323,480,264 people are affected. Average year people are
affected per year 10,434,847. Economic damage due to disasters since 1980 is of 17,072,500

(US$x1000). 2014 elections in Bangladesh caused political conflict and the problem of credibility.
Flawed conduct of the polls and the subsequent lack of democratic credibility of the election
results can be traced back to two separate political conflicts. Firstly, the conflict between
Bangladeshis two major political parties, AL (Awarri League) and the BNP (Bangladesh
Nationalist Party). Secondly, the conflict over the trial of Islamist war criminals and contestations
over the question of whether political Islam should be granted a legal space in the countrys
democratic system. Bangladesh is one of the worlds most densely populated countries with 150
million people, 26% of whom live below the national poverty line of US $2 per day. 45% of the
Bangladeshis are employed in the agriculture sector. 80% of the population lives in rural areas,
and 36% of the population suffers from persistent food insecurity, own no land and assets, are
uneducated, and also suffer serious illness or disabilities. Even in the major cities, 28% of the
population lives below the poverty line. Main causes of rural poverty: fast-growing population
rate and countys geographical and demographic characteristics. Causes of urban poverty:
limited employment opportunities, degraded environment, and bad housing and sanitation.
Slide 4.
Poor people dont have much job opportunities. The kinds of jobs they do are hard and
dirty. For example, carrying heavy bricks which is bad for their health physically and mentally.
These kinds of jobs do not help them make enough money to help them survive. After
Bangladesh gained Independence from Pakistan familys reunited after all the struggle they
faced. Families didnt only reunite after Independence but they also reunite after different kinds
of disasters. For example, a thirteen year old girl who worked as child labour survived when the
place where she worked was on fire and her hand was stuck under something heavy and she
couldnt get out and the rescuer had to cut her hand to save her.
Slide 5.
It is really difficult for poor families to afford o lot of things. Most of them have homes
that consist of cement block walls and tin roofs. Most of them have to share bathrooms and
kitchen with other families. Women mostly sell their gold and precious jewelleries to get money
in emergency situations. Poor families that give their children away for child labour, live in lowsecurity places. They do not have healthy drinking water or food. They cant afford to move
country to country. According to the Labour Law of Bangladesh 2006, the minimum legal age for
employment is 14. However, as 93% of child labourers work in the informal sector- in small
factories and workshops, on the street, in home- based businesses and domestic employment.
The enforcement of labour laws is virtually impossible. It is almost impossible for these people
to emigrate because they cannot afford the visa and travel options. India and Bangladesh share
a border with which India is in the process of turning into a controlled border. It is to control the
flow of people between the two countries and prevent illegal migration. As a result of the past
and the continuing illegal migration, majority of the people close to the border.
Slide 6.
Due to agricultural history of Bangladesh, children in rural areas are more likely to work
than children in urban areas. Children working alongside adults in the fields is also a tradition. In
both rural and urban settings, boys are more likely to work than girls.

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