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Serbia VS Ukraine

The country I was given to investigate its livability was Serbia.
Serbia is located in Eastern Europe, bordering Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Croatia, Bosnia,
Montenegro and Albania.
Serbia is a landlocked country.

Serbia's capital city is Belgrade and their current population is 7.224 million.
Serbia's main language is Serbian, however, some people speak English.

What are the literate levels of young people
within the Serbian education system?

Literacy and numeracy levels

Students expected to continue schooling for

15 years.
Some students finish schooling after 13
years to work.
there was a survey taken on kids aged 36-59
months, to see if they are developmentally
on track.
The survey showed that 63.4% of the kids
surveyed are developmentally on track.
Not as good of an education, if you move to

Students Develpmentally On Track

Students Not Developmentally On Track

What are the most common infectious disease that you can catch in Serbia and
who has access to medical help?
Hepatitis A- can catch in food or water-take a vaccine.
Bacterial Diarrhea- can catch in food or water- no preventative measure.
All citizens have access to public healthcare- poor quality.
Also have access to private healthcare- can not afford
In Australia everyone has access to high standard public healthcare.
Australians also have access to private healthcare but most people can not
afford it.
So therefore, if you move to Serbia, you will have access to a poorer healthcare
system than you will have access to if you live in Australia.

What is the currency in Serbia and how does it compare to that of Australia?
The currency in Serbia is called the Serbian Dinar.
The Australian dollar is worth 78.7949 Serbian Dinar.

Your Serbian dinar will by you more than the Australian dollar will, so you can by
more things with your money.
So therefore, if you move to Serbia, your money will go to a lot more use than it
will in Australia.

What is the cost of living in Serbia and how affordable is it?
Serbia is rich in gold, lithium, boron, copper, molybdenum.
Recently found more than 10% of metal content in an ore in eastern Serbia.

The heated rocks found in eastern and southern Serbia, preserve large quantities
of copper, gold, lead and zinc.
To rent an apartment in the city in Serbia it costs 31205.30 Serbian dinars.
If you are renting an apartment outside the city, it costs 18,490.40 Serbian dinars
So therefore, if you move to Serbia, you will pay less to rent an apartment and will
not have to pay as many taxes than you will have to if you live in Australia.

How often is Serbia affected by natural disasters and if so, what natural disasters
are most common?
Serbia has only been affected by 3 earthquakes and the closest one being in 2010.
In 2006 Serbia was affected by the European floods and infrastructure near the
water were damaged.
Therefore, if you move to Serbia, you will not be affected by as many natural
disasters than Australia, but if there is a natural disaster it will damage large areas.

How does the climate in Serbia vary throughout the year?
Northern Serbia- continental climate- cold winters and hotsummers
Southern Serbia-Adriatic Climate- hotsummers and autumns and cold, snowy
Therefore, if you move to Serbia, you will experience a completely different
climate, than you will in Australia. However, if you like this climate, than this is
definitely more livable.

I think that Serbia is not suitable for Australians to migrate to
Even though it is rich in resources (which means it is wealthy)
Does not experience many natural disasters

The education system is to a lower standard than it is in Australia

The healthcare is to a poorer standard.
Major change in climate .


My country I was given to research was Ukraine.
Ukraines capital is Kiev.

Ukraine is located in Eastern Europe, bordering Poland, Romania, Moldova and Russia.
The population is 44,291,413.
The area is 603550 square km, the 2nd largest in Europe.
Most people follow the religion of Ukrainian Orthodox.
It is a constitutional republic.
The currency is Hyrvna.

Is the education system effective

and worthy in Ukraine?
Do many young people live without
jobs? Can the young people in
Ukraine read and write? How long
Education is highly valued in Ukraine.
do people in Ukraine live? Do many
Their are three levels, Primary school (from ages 6 people choose to have children in
to 9), Lower secondary school (from ages 10 to 14),


Higher secondary school (from ages 15 to 17 or 18).

The unemployment rate for youth is 17.3%.

The unemployment rate is 8%.

Most people over the age of 15 can read and write.

99.7% of the population can read and write.
Most people have good Literacy levels.

On average couples only have 1.3 children, which is

number 215 out of 224.


The religion in Ukraine is Ukrainian Orthodox.

Two-thirds of the population are Christians.
Social gatherings have jokes, music, songs and rituals.
Some of the holidays that are celebrated in Ukraine are
Ivan Kupala Day, Maslenitsa, Koledovanie and Malanka.
When female friends meet, they kiss each other 3
times on the cheek. They starting with the left and
then alternate.
While close male friends pat each other on the back
and hug.
Flowers should only be given in odd numbers and
avoid yellow flowers.
The oldest or most honoured guest is served first. Try
everything. Refusing a dish is considered very rude.

What are some of the cultures in

Ukraine? Do people follow a
religion? What are some of the
important customs to show
politeness to people in Ukraine?

The cost of quality health care is 55.83 in 2014.
Rated number 36 out of 46 for cost.

Does the health system in Ukraine

have the facilities for the people?
Is there enough funding for the
health system to cater for many
more people?
Are there any pre-existing health

The health care in Ukraine is pretty average.

The overall health care is rated at 75th out of 86 with a score of
only 48.61.
Around half of the deaths in Ukraine before the age of 75 could
have been avoided through adequate prevention and treatment.
Medical care is free, but the service is poor.
The health system in Ukraine is only just able to provide the basics
for the current residents
Thyroid cancer and other problems are still stemming from the
Chernobyl disaster and affecting a large proportion of the
Around 4000 cases of thyroid cancer have been reported since the
disaster in April 1986.

The cost of Electricity, Heating, Water and Garbage are of
an average cost in Ukraine.
660.68 is the cost of basic utilities, which is $60.19 in
Australian dollars.
The cost of renting a three bedroom apartment per
month is 6,646.96 in the city and 4,085.17 outside of
the city.

That is converted to $3,176.89 and $2,050.28.

The cost of sport and leisure in Ukraine are very cheap
compared to Australia.
The cost of a litre bottle of milk in Australia is $1.56 while
in Ukraine it costs 9.47 , which is about half the price.

What is the cost of living like in

Ukraine? Does it cost a lot to live in
Ukraine? How much money does
houses and food cost?

Dry summers and severe winters.
The coldest month is January.

Temperatures fall to about -20C.

Heavy clothing in winter but in summer only light
to medium clothes are required.
There are more than 290 sunny days in the year.
More than 70 percent of all land is agricultural
60% of that land is black earth soil
Ukraines black soil is one of the country's greatest

What are the climate and weather

patterns? Does the climate affect
agriculture and farming?

The population is 44,573,205.
The life expectancy is 69.14 years.

For females it is 74.86 years and for males it is 63.78.

The population density is the lowest it has been
since 1966 with 75 people per square km.

How populated are the areas of

Ukraine? What is the average life
expectancy in Ukraine?

Australia is far more liveable than Ukraine, so we would
definitely not migrate over there. The population density in
Australia is 2.9 and the population density in Ukraine is 75. It
is clear that Australia is the best because less people live in
the area so we can have bigger houses, less congested roads
and more access to things. The climate is freezing in Ukraine
and not suitable for migration. Being in the cold makes
people miserable so it is not a very comfortable climate in
comparison to the sunny, tropical weather of Australia.
Ukraine is not liveable when it comes to health care because
the health system is very poor and to have a good life you
need to have good access to medical help. Australia and
Ukraine both have a great education system because it is
very structured and effective. It is also very similar to the
Australian system. Also, the culture and customs in Ukraine
does not make it unliveable because we can surely adapt to
their way of life. It doesnt exactly matter. We will be able to
learn, with time, how to be accepted in Ukraine.

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Office of Public Affairs. (2014). People and Society. Retrieved Monday 12/05/14. CIA World Fact book. Monday 12/05/14

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World Fact book.
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(2014). Cost of Living Ukraine. Retrieved Sunday 18/05/14. Numbeo.
(2014). Currency Converter. Retrieved Sunday 18/05/14. The Money Converter.
Weather online Ltd. (2014). Climate of the world: Ukraine. Retrieved Sunday 18/05/14. Weather Online.
Office of Public Affairs. (2014). People and Society. Retrieved Monday 12/05/14. CIA World Fact book.

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Culturegrams. (2014). Serbia: Health. Retrieved May 1, 2014, Culturegrams Website:
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Wikipedia. (2014). 2010 Serbia Earthquake. Retrieved May 10, 2014, Wikipedia Website:
Wikipedia. (2014). 2006 European Floods. Retrieved May 10, 2014, Wikipedia Website:
Wikipedia. (2014). Climate of Serbia. Retrieved May 12, 2014, Wikipedia Website:

When looking at which country is more liveable for an Australian family out of
Serbia and Ukraine, we believe that Ukraine and Serbia are equally as good to move
to. Neither of the countries are as good as Australia, though. The amount of time
required to be in school in Serbia and Ukraine is 15 years for both of them. Except in
Ukraine the school system is a lot like Australia and way better than Serbia. The
level of hospital care is poor in Ukraine and Serbia. The cost of living in Serbia is far
heaper than that in Ukraine. Neither Ukrainian's or Serbian's speak English, this willl
be very hard to get used to and go about your daily life because who can you speak

Neither of the countries could compare to


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