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Shea Stanley

Ms. Douglas

UWRT 1101

Favorite Toy
When I was growing up, I rarely became attached to things like toys and dolls,
except for one. The first time I ever went to the zoo was when I was about two or
three years old. While at the zoo, my parents let me go into the gift shop to go and
pick out my very own stuffed animal. There were many options ranging from a
giraffe, a gorilla, or even a polar bear. But the one I loved the most was the lion, my
favorite movie also happened to be the Lion King at the time. My favorite part about
that experience of getting that lion is the arguments I had with my parents about the
name of the stuffed animal. They continued to insist that his name was Leo but being
so little I couldnt pronounce it the same way they could, so I called him Lido. From
then on I carried him everywhere with me, even to this day.
This entry was chosen because I truly enjoyed having the ability to look back and
look at a childhood memory. The reason this entry stands out to me is because of the
memories that it brings back and how well Im still able to comprehend them. This
shows my learning skills by being able to use my past experiences and favorite
memories and put them into a storytelling context

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