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Qin shi Huang Di debate

Good evening ladies and gentlemen.

The opposition is grasping at straws when they state that Qin shi Huangdi was a
great and inspiring leader. Do not be foolish, nave and gullible and believe the
opposition. Qin shi Huangdi was an emperor in Ancient China during the Qin dynasty
and ruled for 11 years (from 221BCE 210BCE). Some people argue that Qin Shi
Huangdi was an inspiring leader, while others argue that he was a cruel and
heartless tyrant. For this debate I will be talking from the point of view of Qin shi
Huang Di being a cruel and heartless tyrant.
A terrible leader was Qin Shi Huangdi, you are clearly confused if you do not agree.
As third speaker I will be discussing:
How Qin Shi Huang Di clearly had a murderous heart, lacked humanness and was
such a cruel tyrant.
Ladies and Gentleman, to my first argument. It is made evident in source 2 that Qin
Shi Huang di did not have a caring heart but rather a wolf like heart. This means that
he did not care about anyone but himself, was quite selfish and was power hungry. It
also says he doesnt have any good will or respect for any other teachings which
further shows that he had a bad heart and does not respect anyone elses opinions.
This justifies the fact that Qin Shi Huang Di had a dysfunctional heart that could not
be used to lead China.
Furthermore, source 8 identifies the fact that Qin Shi Huang di buried more than 400
scholars alive and burned all books that taught the teachings of someone else. This
goes to show that Qin Shi only wanted people to live by his teachings and not by
anyone elses. He wanted people to take his side so that he would be the most
powerful person in China. This definitely proves that Qin shi Huang di had a
murderous and selfish heart that China would not ever benefit from.
Additionally, source 14 maintains the fact that Qin Shi Huang Di was definitely a
cruel and heartless tyrant. It suggests that Qin Shi lacked a caring heart and lacked
humanness and therefore could not be a suitable leader for the Chinese Empire. It
then further goes and discusses that Qin Shi Huang di also lacked rightness and that
a leader without the element of rightness could definitely not lead China to rise
above all other empires. This further upholds the fact that Qin Shi Huang Di was a
cruel and heartless tyrant.
So ladies and gentlemen, there you have it I know that my team and I have
convinced you that not only is Qin Shi Huang di a cruel and heartless tyrant but he is
also a man that lacked all social skills that a leader should have. A terrible leader
was Qin Shi Huang di, you are clearly confused if you do not agree!

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