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My Autobiography

By: Sonny Jake Quinto

Im Sonny Jake Quinto. I was born on April 2, 1995. Im the eldest among
the three siblings of Mr. and Mrs. Quinto. We are living in a simple house but if is
simple; we are sharing, caring and loving each other. When I was in grade school,
I joined in the Boy Scout of the Philippines, so I learned on how to create a fire
using a bamboo stick. Its so much fun when I was in grade school. Because I have
a very supportive parents and Im very thankful to both of them.
In high school, I joined also an extra-curricular activity. Just like Arnis Club,
and Dance Club. In Arnis is a combat sport using a wooden stick, and learned on
how to defend myself with a use of that kind of martial arts. When I reached in
third year level; my classmates and I are decided to form a Hip-hop dance group.
So we can enhance our dance skills. After three months of practiced and finished
our dance routine. Fortunately, the school announced that they will have a talent
competition named LNHS Got Talent. We are shouting for joy after we heard
that announcement. So we immediately go to the office and signed for
registration. And after the competition, we won the 1st place and we are very
happy specially our classmates for winning the title. All I can say that high school
life is the best.
In college, my course is Bachelor of Arts in Economics but I dont really like
this course because of financial problem but if I would be given a chance to
choose my course, I prefer an I.T. course because we are now in the new
generation of technologies I want to learn on how to program a computer. And I
stopped all my extra-curricular activities due to some reasons: My parents want
to focus my studies; I focused my attention in playing guitar and basically I want
to explore more of my hidden talents. I want finish my studies because I want to
prove to my parents that if Im not academically sharp but with the use of my
talents they would say youre the best Jek.

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