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Texas A&M UniversityCommerce

Teacher: Chantry McMahan

Daily Lesson Plan Form

Subject: P.E.

Grade Level: 6th-8th grade

Mentor: Jenna Oneal

Campus/District: Commerce ISD
Date: October 1, 2014
Overall Goal of Lesson:
To be able to pass to serve over the net.
Instructional Objectives:
Upon completion of this activity students will be able to demonstrate the proper way to serve a volleyball.
Texas Essential Knowledge & Skills (TEKS) & ELPS:
Key Vocabulary:
116.22. Physical Education, Grade 6:
(B)(6.1):Movement. The student demonstrates competency in
movement patterns and proficiency in a few specialized movement
forms. The student is expected to:
(C) perform sequences that combine moving and transferring
weight in to a smooth sequence.
116.23. Physical Education, Grade 7:
(B)(7.1) Movement. The student demonstrates competency in
movement patterns and proficiency in a few specialized movement
(F) demonstrate, without cue, critical elements in specialized skills
related to sports such as serving and bumping
116.24. Physical Education, Grade 8:
Higher Order Questions:
How can this drill help us in a real game situation?
What type of hits do we use in this drill?
How many hits should it take to get over the net?
Student Activities:
The students will warm up with stretches and running drills then perform the activity of learning to pass the
volleyball towards a partner(s).
Modifications/ELL Strategies
Anticipatory Activity for Lesson: (10 minutes)
The teacher will modify instructions by
Dress Out
let those individuals pass while
remaining still. The teacher will also
Cardio Exercises
demonstrate what the activity looks like.
Running Drills
Time Allotted :
Teacher Input/Lesson Activity:
Students will learn the proper technique when passing the volleyball towards one another. They will
practice this technique in an effort to pass the ball accurately to partners. They will also estimate the
power and accuracy used to reach their partner. In the activity the students will create two circles, one
15 minutes
around the net and one just on the outside of the net. The circle group around the net will have
volleyballs. The inner group will toss the balls to the outside group that is just opposite of each
student. The outer group will have to pass the ball to their partner in the inner circle. Once they have
passed the ball the outer group will rotate clockwise to the next partner. They will do this activity so
they can understand footwork and how to pass accurately to a partner. Once they do this drill for
about a minute and half the outer group will switch to the inner group and vice versa.
Instructor will demonstrate proper passing and setting techniques: (Passing: you maintain a stable
2-3 minutes
stance and create a triangle with your arms by grasping your hands together and allow the ball to be
hit from your forearm area.)(Setting: you maintain a stable stance and you move your arm above your
head. Your hands are creating a diamond or your hands are like antlers above your head and you
allow the ball to be hit with just your fingertips.)
Guided Practice:
5 minutes
The students to find a partner and practice on passing with one another. The instructor will walk
around to help teach the correct technique for passing. This practice will help students learn the
concept of proper technique of passing the volleyball to a partner.

10 minutes

5-7 minutes

Independent Practice:
Students will practice passing the ball back and forth towards multiple partners. The students will
create two circles, one around the net and one just on the outside of the net. The circle group around
the net will have volleyballs. The inner group will toss the balls to the outside group that is just
opposite of each student. The outer group will have to pass the ball to their partner in the inner circle.
Once they have passed the ball the outer group will rotate clockwise to the next partner.
Lesson Closure:
Students will put up all equipment used. Then as a group will go over what concepts we learned today
and break out as a whole.
Then students will dress out to go back to class.
Assessment Methods/Strategies:
Teacher will assess the students on:
o Attendance
o Proper Gym Attire
o Participation
o Following Directions
Students will assess what they learned:
o Non-Testing Assessment:
o Testing Assessment:
A test on the different types of passing and what they have learned.

It is very essential for students to understand the different forms of passing prior to the lesson and activity.

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