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Does Homework Necessary?

Good morning ladies and gentleman. Here, I want to

deliver my speech about the necessity of homework.
Well, the first thing is school is a place where students can
afford knowledge and experience, and they are not only a little
but you can get much from it, right? Well, school is divided into
two division, these are studying and socialization in an
organization. Because of that, students are also divided into
two groups, they are students who say school is studying and
students who say school is organization. Then which is right?
Well, both of them are right.
School is not only reading materials then going home but
there are much things to do. As you have known, teachers
really like to give their students homework to do. If they do so,
how about students who like to participate in the organization
that make them busy all day? Well, this is why there are many
opinions about the necessity of homework.
Actually, homework is necessary for students. Because it
can help them to understand the material better. If there is no
homework that is given to them, then how can they understand
the material? You can see that students who do their
homework, automatically they will find ways to solve problem
which is stated in the questions. Finally, they will read book for
it. So, homework is really useful, right?
But sometimes there are some students who object this
opinion. Why? Because they already have much things to do.
Such as organization tasks. If homework is given, then there
will be pressure for them. Besides students cant use their
spare time to do something what they like.
Well, the point is homework is necessary but in the other
hand homework will be turned into a disaster if its multitudes.

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