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The Registrar
NUSRL, Ranchi


Subject- Regarding availability of essential logistical support for the First Batch Trip to

Dear Sir,
This application is being written with an intention to intimate about the proposed visit to
Chandipur. Chandipur, also known as Chandipur-on-sea, is a small sea resort in Baleshwar
District, Orrissa. The beach is unique in that the water recedes from 1 to 4 kilometers during the
ebb tide. Due to the unique circumstances, the beach supports bio-diversity.

The class has planned this trip considering all other feasible options and safety for the students.
They intend to cast an indelible imprint on their memories through this trip in the times to come.
The excursion shall also symbolise Four years of solidarity, that the batch has fostered since the
inception of this institution. Pursuant to this, it is most earnestly requested to permit us in making
this trip a memorable one.

Chandipur is situated at a distance of approximately 295 kms from Ranchi to be traversed on

Bus which will take approximately take 5hrs to reach the destination. We would also like to
mention that there is no direct route by train to reach the destination. The students have
collectively chosen such a place considering all the feasible options to carry out this safe trip.
The students would seek permission from the concerned authorities to facilitate with bus and
other logistical support, if necessary, for ensuring safer conveyance.

We have also talked to the following professors who have agreed to supervise this trip provided
their classes are substituted on that day, i.e. 2nd December, 2014:
1. Mr. Nimesh Das Guru-

2. Dr. A. Sahoo-

Please be a part in making it a remarkable journey in this epoch of our lives. We shall in return
continue to be obliged and appreciate every little contribution on the part of the University.
Yours Sincerely,
Students of The Foundation Batch.

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