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A _____ The tortoise who offers to go is very worried that the others will drink his milk

shake while he is gone. But

B _____ going to come back now. Lets drink his milk shake!
C _____ cafe doorway, If you dare touch it, I wont go for the umbrella!
D _____ Two days pass and still he has not come back. Then another two days. Finally,
after a week, one of the
E _____ Three tortoises go into a cafe and order three chocolate
F _____ Yes, I agree! says the second tortoise.
G _____ they promise him that they wont. So he finally sets off.
H _____ milk shakes. Then it starts to rain, so they decide that one of them should go
home and fetch an umbrella.
I _____ Suddenly, the third tortoise shouts angrily from the
J_____ tortoises who is still waiting says, I dont think lies

A _____ When they arrived at the police station, Manners waited outside on the
steps while Shut-up went in.
B _____ Sitting outside on the steps, replied Shut-up.
C _____ Three boys called Manners, Shut-up and Trouble were playing in the woods
one day, when Trouble suddenly
D _____ Are your looking for trouble? he said.
E _____ Shut-up, replied the boy.
F _____ him. They ran and shouted and ran and shouted, but Trouble had managed
to get himself totally lost. So
G _____ Shut-up and Manners decide to go and report Troubles disappearance to
the police.
H _____ Eh? said the policeman, startled. Wheres your manners?
I _____ Yes, said Shut-up. How did you know?
J _____ The policeman started to get angry.
K _____ vanished from sight! Although they looked everywhere, Shut-up and
Manners were unable to find
L _____ Whats your name, son? asked the policeman behind the enquiry desk.

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