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MIS 205 Assignment 3

Creating a database in MS Access

This group assignment will test your ability to work with MS Access and SQL. You are required to
create the database for a hospital
1. Create the database tables. The structure and fields in your table should resemble the
relationship diagram shown below.(Remember to save your tables as you progress)CORRECT
2. Create the relationships in your table. Again, the relationships should resemble the relationships
provided in the diagram. However, decision regarding primary keys and foreign keys is up to
you. Make sure that the tables are normalized. CORRECT

3. By looking at the notations in the diagram provided, describe in detail the relationship (in
words) between
a. Patient and Payment CORRECT
b. Insurance Company and Payment CORRECT
c. Bill and Appointment CORRECT but remember not ONE but EXACTLY ONE should be written
for one to one relationships
4. Populate the fields of all the tables with information such as ID numbers, Names of Patients and
Doctors etc. Maintain referential integrity and make sure you have enough information available
when you will work with SQL. Save a relationship report in a separate file and save the database
as an Access database. CORRECT
5. Execute and save the following queries.
a. Display the names of all the Patients INCORRECT Patient Name not Patient ID
b. Display the names of all the doctors ordered by first name CORRECT
c. Find the duration of all the appointments a doctor is assigned for (info on any one or two
doctor is sufficient)INCORRECT, You did not include all tables in FROM Clause The correct
SQL statement is
WHERE doc_firstname='Sakibur'
AND DOCTOR.doc_physicianidnumber =APPOINTMENT.doc_physicianidnumber
d. Enter the records for a patient named Adam Smith and display his payment amount.
INCORRECT, Same error as in number c
e. For at least two of your created patients, find out the Insurance company name. CORRECT,
but do not use the Query by example wizard to enter queries!!!
f. Using SQL query calculate the total pay amount of all the patients in the Payments table.
Display the results AS a table named Total Payment PARTIALLY CORRECT, I asked you to
name the result table AS Total Payment
g. Find the minimum duration of an appointment CORRECT

POINTS Deducted from Question 5 = 1.5

Total Points 8.5/10

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