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No slides for :_ Ethics, Sample Size

Few topics skipped/fast paced-Techniques of sampling etc.

A research design is a framework or blueprint for conducting a marketing research project.

It details the procedures necessary for obtaining the information needed to structure
or solve marketing research problems. Although a broad approach to the problem has
already been developed, the research design specifies the details the practical aspects of
implementing that approach. A research design lays the foundation for conducting the
project. A good research design will ensure that the marketing research project is conducted
effectively and efficiently. Typically, a research design involves the following
components or tasks, which will be discussed in detail in various chapters:
1 Define the information needed (Chapter 2).
2 Decide whether the overall design is to be exploratory, descriptive or causal (Chapter 3).
3 Design the sequence of techniques of understanding and/or measurement (Chapters 4
to 12).
4 Construct and pretest an appropriate form for data collection or questionnaire
(Chapters 7, 8 and 13).
5 Specify the qualitative and/or quantitative sampling process and sample size (Chapters
6, 14 and 15).
6 Develop a plan of qualitative and/or quantitative data analysis (Chapters 9 and 17).
In formulating a research design, the researcher has to balance the perspect

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