Assessment Scenario For Jorge and Dana Twelve Months Docx 3

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Assessment Scenario for Jorge and Dana Twelve Months

Merissa Townsend
Pima Community College

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Assessment Scenario for Jorge and Dana Twelve Months:

Scenario Selected and Relevant Information on Both Children
The scenario I chose was the infant scenario which included Jorge and Dana both twelve
months old and Ms. Molly. I feel that Danas development is normal because she switches from
her mother to Ms. Molly with no problem. She seems to crawl with little effort and is able to
grasp objects. However I feel a close eye needs to be kept on her because she bit Jorge on the
I am not as concerned with Dana who is twelve months as I am Jorge who is also twelve
months and has Cerebral Palsy as he will need more help than Dana will just to thrive in the
world as walking and motor function will be hard for him if he is able to walk at all. Most likely
he will need psychical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, assistive devices to
walk or a wheelchair, and behavioral Healthcare depending on what type of Cerebral Palsy he
has. Just from his limited movement I can tell that he most likely has Quadriplegia Cerebral
Palsy so he will need extensive care as with this type of CP. People with Quadriplegic CP are
unable to walk without assistance, have difficulty eating and swallowing, as well as drool a lot
with this form of CP. I know this to be true as I once helped my Psychical Therapist Amy
Sturkey ambulate a boy with severe Quadriplegic CP down the hallway. I also cared for this boy
at camp and fed him his food as he could not feed himself.
Developmental Checklist Observations on the Children
I used the infant checklist on both Dana and Jorge because they are both twelve months.
It included domains of developmental and social development, cognitive development and
physical development.


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Summary of data based on the checklist

I assessed Dana first. Dana seems to have normal development based on the checklist and
from my observation. Dana is able to greet Ms. Molly with a smile when being handed to her by
her mother. She also is able to move her arms, legs and body to get something as she crawled
over to the book shelf and got a book on her own which required her to pull herself up using the
bookshelf. She is also able to do something to produce an effect by crying and pulling on Ms.
Mollys pants leg. She also shows emotion when she is upset and plays with familiar toys such
as the book when upset. Dana has mastered four of the categories on the checklist in the domain
of Emotional and Social Development which I have covered. Dana needs help on all the other
points in the domain of Social and Emotional Development such as: responds to soothing words
or holding, shows like and dislike for particular objects, sucks on fingers to calm self when upset
and offers a toy to another child when child is upset.
According to the chart for Danas Cognitive Development, she mastered three of the
categories. She does something to produce an effect, responds to words or gestures and uses
familiar gestures such as waving goodbye. The rest of the categories she doesnt display at all
and will either need to be watched for these emergent skills or will need help with them later on.
The categories she doesnt display are: produces own sounds or babbles, looks for a missing toy,
looks out the window and waits for a familiar person to return, and turns pages of a book and
looks at pictures. On the last one listed for Cognitive Development, however, I feel this skill for
Dana is emerging as she is able to pick up a book and put it in her mouth so the next step would
be for her to turn the pages after she gains a little more motor control and brain maturation.
For the last domain of Physical Development, Dana has mastered three of the categories
in this area. She can crawl to get somewhere, uses furniture or other objects to pull herself up and


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is able to sit by herself and maintain balance. Dana does not display the other categories at all.
She does not transfer from one hand to another or use pincer grasp but I feel that the last
category is emerging because she is able to pick up a book so in my opinion the next milestone
to come would be her pincer grasp.
Ways To Inform My Teaching With Dana
I could take the data from the check list and compile a series of activities to do with Dana
such as a sensory tunnel with different textures in it to entice her to crawl more and alternate
hands. I could also place different toys in the tunnel and then take one away each time she goes
through the tunnel to peak her curiosity and get her to look for missing toys more. I could also
play imitation games with her to get her to babble more and help her start to make her own
I do not foresee any interventions that need to take place right now outside of what I do with her
a little ways down the road. She might require physical therapy to strengthen her muscles and
help her move with more ease as she seems to be struggling right now in my opinion. If the
activities I do with her dont help improve her muscle tone and help her be able to walk then I
will suggest physical therapy intervention.
The following is my assessment results for Jorge. In the domain of Emotional and Social
Development, Jorge has mastered only one of the categories. He is able to express emotions as
he cries when he is put down on the floor. Jorge does not show signs of any of the other
categories under Emotional and Social development like listed above for Dana.
In the domain of Cognitive Development, Jorge again has only mastered one of the
topics. He is able to do something to produce an effect. When his father puts him down on the


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floor he begins to cry to show he is unhappy. In the scenario he does not show that he can do any
of the other things listed.
In the last domain of Physical Development, Jorge does not display any of the traits
listed. He is not able to crawl to get somewhere. He does not use furniture or another object to
pull himself up nor does he transfer from one hand to the other. Also he is not able to sit by
himself and maintain balance or use his pincer grasp.
Ways to inform my teaching with Jorge
I could use the data from the checklist to create activities to do with Jorge such as placing
two toys in front of him and see if he prefers one over the other. This would tell me if he was
able to use his reasoning skills at all. I could also place Jorge on the floor with a Boppy and some
pillows and see if he is able to sit up by himself. This would tell me for sure what kind of CP he
has along with a Range of Motion physical therapy test I would perform on him to see if he will
be able to progress in development. As far as the data from the checklist goes, it did not tell me
much for this particular child and his type of disability other than maybe he is not able to
perform many of the tasks and that I need to use other forms of assessment to make my
determinations. I will go into these a little later on in my paper. I would also use the data to
inform my teaching with Jorge by giving the information to my boss so she can help me assess
Jorge as well. From the data I could again form a list of activities and see if Jorge could do them
or not. I could also use the data to determine what kind of intervention Jorge would need and
formulate a plan from there.
Strengths and Weaknesses of the Profile Tool
Strengths of the checklist are that it is efficient and it covers many of the domains of


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Weaknesses: The checklist did not incorporate all developmental domains it just covered some of
them therefore I wasnt able to assess Jorge in the manner that I needed to without using other
methods of analysis to make my determinations. I found the checklist to be very time consuming
because I had to go through and list each domain. Plus I had to list the categories in that domain
and whether the child could perform them or not.
Other tools that might be used
In my opinion at this time no further assessment tools are needed for Dana just regular
observation to see if she is able to progress in development. I would use the following tools for a
child with CP. I would have to assess Jorge using a physical therapy Range Of Motion Test and
manipulate his feet, legs and ankles and see how far he is able to extend his legs on each side
using a protractor. While doing this test I would also be able to determine if his legs are floppy
and if they have tone or not. Some Range Of Motion tests include: knee extension, Lateral and
Medial Hip Rotation, Hip flexion with knee flexed, Hip Abduction and Adduction according to
the book Fundamentals of Sports Injury Management (Anderson, M.K., 2003. p.191). I would
also determine if he has any lateral and medial foot flexion and how floppy or stiff it is. Last, if
Jorge is unable to walk at all I would ambulate him using my body to help get momentum for his
muscles going.
Possible Adaptations to the Assessment Tools
I dont feel any adaptations need to be used. I feel that different assessment tools need to
be used for Jorge to assess where he is developmentally.


Anderson, M.K. (2013). Fundamentals of sports injury management (2nd ed.).
Baltimore, Maryland: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

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