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Canada: Autonomy Organizer

Autonomy defined:

WWI 1914-1918

What it was
Vimy Ridge was a stunning victory;
Passchendaele and 100 Days
campaign followed on that success

How it affected autonomy

Canadian troops now commanded
by Canadians (Arthur Currie);
Canada respected for war effort
and sacrifice

Paris Peace
Conferences 1919

Wilson, Clemenceau, Lloyd George

meet to discuss the terms of peace
they would impose on Germany;
Robert Borden insisted Canada given
its own seat at conferences

Canada gets its own seat at the

conferences (independent of
Britain). International recognition.
Canada joins League of Nations as
a separate nation

Chanak Affair /
Crisis 1922

Halibut Treaty 1923

King-Byng Crisis

Conferences (1923)
& Balfour Report
Statute of
Westminster (1931)

Canada declares
war, WWII (1939)

Citizenship Act

joins Canada 1949

Suez Crisis 1956

Canadian Flag
created (Maple
Leaf!) 1965

Constitution Act
passed 1982


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