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Darci Adams 1

Teaching Philosophy

My vision is to have a community within the classroom,

providing a positive and caring environment for students to
learn and grow. My aspiration as a teacher is to empower each
student and build confidence in their choices and abilities. I will
strive to always treat each student with dignity and respect,
value them as individuals and embrace diversity.
I will teach to the students ability and support each student
as an individual. Supporting their effort will encourage teaching to the child and following a
learner directed curriculum. I believe that every child is capable of learning and I will challenge
them by having realistic expectations for each student. I will not set my students up for failure
and will remember that an expectation is different than a prejudgment. Expecting a student o
achieve/perform to a certain standard is encouragement. Assuming they are not capable of
something altogether is holding them back. My focus will be on the learning process/effort and
not on the outcome, in hopes of developing lifelong learners.
I believe that each student has a right to feel valued within the classroom. My goal is to lead by
example, offering guidance and feedback in a nurturing way. I will be excited to teach and even
more excited to learn. I will encourage active listening with my students and facilitate learnercentered experiences often. With this, I hope to establish a strong sense of community and
teach not only academics but also ideology and how to embrace those that are different from us.
I think the learning environment and community ecology is an important aspect and I will
strive for harmony among my students.
My students can expect me to start each day with a smile in my heart and delight on my face. I
will guide them with a positive attitude, high expectations and creative teaching methods. I will
be dependable and accountable for what I say and do. Being consistent and reliable is a trait
that I value. While academics will be a large portion of our focus in the classroom, I will aim to
teach life skills and believe cooperation, socialization, leadership, character and problem solving
are necessary traits. I plan to use these as a guide within my lessons. I hope to have an open
classroom and will encourage feedback from my students.
I believe that learning is lifelong and hope to pass this on to my students by admitting my
mistakes and encouraging their support in finding the answers. I will also teach my students
that there is more than one way to get it right. I dont believe in failure; if failure leads to
learning, than its a success. With this, I look forward to evolving as a teacher and am eager to
teach and learn within the class!

~So often you find that the students youre trying to inspire
are the ones that end up inspiring you.~
Sean Junkins

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