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Thermodynamics - II

Lecture 2
Energy Analysis of Ideal Rankine
Cycle (Ch-10)

Zia Ud Din

Evaluating Ideal Rankine Cycle:

Principal Work and Heat Transfers:
TURBINE: It involves one-inlet, one-exit CV at steady state.
Applying the energy rate balance (Q = 0 for turbine)

Evaluating Ideal Rankine Cycle:

Principal Work and Heat Transfers:
CONDENSER: It involves one-inlet, one-exit CV at steady state.
Applying the energy rate balance (W = 0 for condenser)

Evaluating Ideal Rankine Cycle:

Principal Work and Heat Transfers:
PUMP: It involves one-inlet, one-exit CV at steady state. Applying
the energy rate balance (Q = 0 for pump)

Evaluating Ideal Rankine Cycle:

Principal Work and Heat Transfers:
It involves one-inlet, one-exit CV at steady state.
Applying the energy rate balance (W = 0 for boiler)

Evaluating Ideal Rankine Cycle:

Performance Parameters:
Thermal Efficiency:

Evaluating Ideal Rankine Cycle:

Performance Parameters:
Thermal Efficiency/ Heat Rate:
The efficiency of power plants in the U.S. is often expressed in
terms of heat rate, which is the amount of heat supplied, in Btus,
to generate 1 kWh of electricity.
Back Work Ratio:
Ratio of the pump work input to the work developed by the turbine

Example 10-1

Example 10-1

Example 10-1


Example 10-1


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