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Measurement of Time, Space and Velocity

A. Measurement of Time
1. Write the sign of time
The duration of one day is 24 hours. The daylight begin from sunrise until sunset,
about 12 hours. The night begin from sunset until sunrise, about 12 hours too.
Determining the sign time with notation 24 hours begin from 00.00 until 24.00.
While the sign time with notation 12 hours begin from 00.00 until 12.00 and
should be given information am or pm.

Pita go to bed at 09.00

pm or at 21.00
Pita go to school at 06.45

Pita study at 07.30

pm or at 19.30

Pita get up at 05.00


Pita nap at 01.30

pm or at 13.30
Pita watch tv at
04.45 pm or 16.45

2. The relation of unit time

a. The relation of unit time millenium, century, decade, windu and year
1 millenium = 10 century = 100 decades = 1.000 years
1 century = 10 decades = 100 years
1 decade = 10 years
1 windu = 8 years
1 millenium 3 century + 5 decades 25 windu = ... years
1 millenium = 1.000 years
3 century = 3 x100 years = 300 years
5 decades = 5 x10 years = 50 years
25 windu = 25 x 8 years = 200 years

So, 1 millenium 3 century + 5 decades 25 windu = 1.000 300 + 50 200

= 550 years.
b. The relation of unit time year, month, week and day
1 year = 12 months = 52 weeks = 365 days
1 month = 4 weeks = 30 days
1 week = 7 days
2 years 7 months 9 weeks = ... days
2 years = 2 x365 days = 730 days
7 months = 7 x30 days = 210 days
9 weeks = 9 x 7 days = 63 days
So, 2 years 7 months 9 weeks = 730 210 63 = 457 days
c. The relation of unit time hour, minute and second
1 hour = 60 minutes = 3600 seconds
1 minute = 60 seconds
2 hours 5 minutes + 180 seconds = . . . minutes
Answer :
2 hours = 2 x 60 minutes = 120 minutes
60 seconds =

minutes = 3 minutes

So, 2 hours 5 minutes + 60 seconds = 120 5 + 3= 118 minutes

B. Measurement of space
Unit of space


every step up divided by 10


every step down

multiple by 10



1. 12 km = . . . dm
12 km = 12 x 10.000 dm = 12.000 dm
2. 1.000.000 cm = . . . km

cm =

km = 10 km

C. Measurement of velocity
Velocity is comparison between space with travel time.


Velocity =

Space = velocity time or

Time =


Space is stated by km. Then, time is stated by hour. So, unit velocity written by
Example 1:
Ani and family go to the grandmother house by car within 2 hour. Their home have
the space of 96 km. How much velocity of the car?
Known : Space = 96 km
Time = 2 hour
Asked : velocity = . . . ?
Velocity =

= 48 km/hour

So, the velocity of the car is 48 km/hour.

Example 2:
The space from Jakarta to Bandung 100 km. Iwan ride a motorcycle with velocity 60
km/hour. How much the time required to arrive in Bandung?
Known: s = 100 km
v = 60 km/hour
Asked: t = . . . ?


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