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real #1 ERNST & YOUNG Laporan Autor independen Laporan Ne, Re: 2871/PS5/2012 ‘Badan Penguros Lembaga Pengembangan Masyarah ‘Amungme den Kamoro Kami telzn_mengoust leporan possi kevangan embaga Pengerbangan Masyarakat Amunsne dan Kemore «Pai, oroansasi iran, pada tangas! ‘31 Desember 2072 dan 2010, seta loporan tives an laporan aus Has un tahun yong bers 93d tanggottangooltersebut. Laporen Hevangan adalah ‘hagung Janad pengurus LPMAK. Tangguna isis kan terletak paca peryataan pendapat alas taporan evangan erdararan aut kami Kami meaksanakan audlt_ berdasarian standar auditing yang itetaptan Institut Akuntan Pui Indonesia Stondar_fereebut mengharuston kami ‘erencanakan don eeloksonakon st agar Kam ‘memperoichsoyakinan memadal ‘banwa’ aporan Kevangan tebas cart sloh sof materia Sunt at rmoipatl pomerksaan, stas dasar pengulan, Out Bult!" yang” mengusung — junlohumioh dan engunghapan daar laporan Kevangan. Aut Jugs Imeiputipenlan atas pris akuntansi "yong Sgunelan’ dan eslinas sigan yang dbust oleh Imanajemen, srtapeniion terhadap penyaban TGperan levangan secara heseiruhon., Kant Yan Darna at am memberian daser merlot ‘menyatatanpeedapat. Menurut pendapat kami tporan Keuangan yang kam ‘abut gk ols menyafian secara waa, dal Sera fal yang mater, post seuangan' LPMAK. pada {anggol 31. Oesember 2011. aan 2010, Serta perabahanasetbersin don arus kas unt thn yang Bora pod LenggaltanggalLrsebut ssual dengan ‘StandarAturtasi Kevangandinconsia Purwantono, Sunerman & Sura mec nchnehrsa na iss rg Independent Autor Report Report No. RPC-267T/PSS/2012 Menagement Board of eombaga Pengembsagan Masyarahat ‘Ainge Son Kamor® We have outed the statements of nancial poston of Lembaga Pangembangan Masyarakat xrsnome con Kamoro (PMAK @ ror proft organization, 38. December 31, 2011" and 2010, andthe relted Statements of atts and cath flows forthe yrs inen ended. These ancl statements ave the responsity "of LPWAK's management. Our Tesponsibity iso express” an” opinion on these Financ statements based on or outs. We conducted aur aut n accordance with eutitng Standards established by the rdoresan rue of Centies Pubic Accountants Those senders reqite ‘al we. plan and perform the udt #0. stan reasonable assurance about whether the financial Statements ae re of material missttement. An ut inctudes’ examin, ‘on 2" fest bass, evidence Suppatng the amcumts and aiscosures nthe ranciel Statements, An" ait aso Ineludes assessing. the ‘counting principles used and significant estates Imade by management 35 wells evaluating the vera Financia statement presentation We belive tha cur us provide 3 reaianabe basis or out opinion. 1m our onion, the nancial statements referred to ‘hove presnt fat, in all material respects, the nancial poston of LMA 25 of December 31, 2011 ‘nd 2010, and the changes Ini nl esate ands {ash flows fr the years then ended in conform with Indonesian Financial counting Standards Purwanton, Suberman & Suria ee eqistras AkuntanPubik No. AP.0684/Pubc Accountant Replstration No. AP.0684 27 Agustus 2012/Aupust 27,2012

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