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Collocations = Word
partnerships = Words that
go together
Collocation is the way
words combine with other
words in predictable ways.
Knowing strong and
frequent collocations is
essential for accurate,
natural English. Using
correct collocations
expands your English and
makes it much more

I dedicate this contribution

to lovers of English
language, including
The following is a list of
English [Adjective + Noun]
collocations, which I have
compiled through my
readings. I translated these
collocations into Arabic for
(students and novice
translators) .

Scanty information

An all-out = full-scale war,
attack /
Invincible = undefeatable
A golden opportunity

A verdant tree

A rough sea /

Abject poverty
A dreadful / horrible
accident /
Infectious disease
Incurable disease

Horrendous disaster

Dire consequences

Industrious / diligent
Tepid / lukewarm water

Tremendous wealth

Nutritious food

Fashionable clothes

Complete confusion

Reliable source
Irreversible decision

Irrevocable divorce
( / )
Common-law marriage

Difficult decision
Fearless warrior
Hopeless case

Reckless driver
Formal announcement

Illegible handwriting

Potable water

Edible food
Navigable river

Insurmountable difficulties

A clear-cut evidence

An Intimate relationship

Permanent / temporary
residence /
Severe restrictions
National / internal security
/ ) (
A countless number of

Tame / tameless animals
) ( ,
A detailed analysis

An arduous journey

A serious injury

An undeniable fact

Accurate prediction
) (
Artificial respiration

Irresistible temptation

Underground organization

Verbal communication

Free admission

Official statement

Official permission /

Optical illusion
A diplomatic / peaceful
solution /
A vital role
A hostile act
An abortive = an
unsuccessful = a botched
= a failed attempt

Absolute priority

Alternative proposal

Arbitrary government

/ Fierce fight

Bloody battle
Drastic war
, Heinous crime

) (
A senior official

( A rogue state
A lame excuse
Radical / sudden change
/ ,

Constructive criticism

Destructive criticism

Evasive answers
- ) (
Clear instructions

Impressive results

Impulsive behavior
Classified = confidential
Political turmoil/unrest

Pent-up anger /

A (non)-binding agreement
) (
Handsome guy
Gorgeous woman

Exciting movie
( )
Non-refundable fees

Counterfeit money

A bewildering question

Wild imagination
A stale joke
A funny joke
Heavy rains
Naughty boy

Clinical death
Blatant discrimination

Fundamental rights

False testimony = perjury

Demilitarized zones
Barbed wire
( ...)
Tripartite committee

Quadripartite committee

A unilateral measures

A bilateral meeting

Tremendous efforts

International forums /

A pathetic sight

Incomparable / matchless
view /
A miserable life
True copy /
) (
To wish someone a speedy

Oppressive regime

) ( /
Total rejection
Formal resolutions
A prestigious, (Revered)
university ( /
Mild weather /

Delicious food
Professional player

Sworn, legal translator

False passport
Boundless patience

A rare chance (
Complicated / simple
procedures /

Astronomical / huge
profits / /

Catastrophic / huge / gross
losses / /

Dangerous / grave /
serious threats

Strong ties
Harsh treatment

Blind trust / obedience

A crucial turning-point

Great values / benefits
Great / glorious victory
Ignominious / crushing
defeat / /

Deep depression / deep
despair /

Latest developments


Abrupt / sudden

Congenital / hereditary
defect / ,
Natural disasters

Temporary cease-fire
( )
Utter chaos

Controversial issues

An unjustified act

A Vicious circle of violence
) (
To be under House arrest

) (
Un/fair assessment
) (
Candid camera

Gloomy atmosphere

Stuffy room
Supreme court of Justice

Anonymous writer/author
A historic moment
Tender meat
) (
High-quality merchandise
Premeditated killing
( ,
Manslaughter killing

Mutual obligations

Unpleasant odor / smell

Exclusive offer
( )
(20) percent discount /
( 20)
) (
Noble endeavours = (good
Tremendous energy

Clean / polluted
environment /

Primitive / out-of-date
methods ,
Modern / up-to-date
In/valid visa ) (

Meager / low wage

A well-paid job

Arable / barren land

A desperate attempt

A ceaseless effort

A charismatic leader
Technical glitch/fault /

Exorbitant prices

Chapped lips
Strong tea

Fact-finding committee

Fitting room
) (
Reconnaissance / spy
/ plane

Surveillance camera
)... (
Aircraft carrier
) (
Mine sweeper
= Minesweeper
Intercontinental ballistic

: Black list

Armed revolt
The world public opinion

Prosecuting committee

Provisional government

(Ministerial) Cabinet
Electoral propaganda

To take proper measures

Precautionary measures
The grand total
) (
The project / course
duration /
Indescribable feeling

Wilted flowers
The Palestinian National

Charitable Organization

Space shuttle
Financial advisor

Legal advisor

Islam is a true religion

Distance Learning

Ethnic cleansing

Stiff resistance

A televised speech

Chemical plant

Friendly fire

Plastic arts

Accepted pilgrimage

Additional prayer

Corporal punishment
Deadly sins (
A grave breach

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