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Research Journal of Engineering Sciences ___________________________________________ ISSN 2278 9472

Vol. 2(1), 45-49, January (2013)

Res. J. Engineering Sci.

Review Paper

Simulation of R-L-C Series and Parallel Resonance in Basic Electrical

Engineering with LabVIEW
Ashok Kumar Rajput
Department of Electrical Engineering, Radha Govind Group of Institutions, Meerut-25004, INDIA

Available online at:

Received 27th December 2012, revised 8th January 2013, accepted 20th January 2012

R-L-C Series and Parallel circuit at resonance is a part of basic electrical engineering course which is mandatory for all
discipline students to aware the idea of resonance in all technical universities in India and abroad. This topic is also a part
of in laboratory of their curriculum. Now day by day students have different modes to perform the practical in the lab
session. Software based practical are less costly than hardware base practical and also have a provision to change the
circuit parameters as we need compared to hardware based results, which is better understanding of students in learning
concepts of basic electrical engineering course. Today software based different laboratory experiments can performed by the
student with a single place which impacts on flexible learning of students and under-standing abilities. This motivation deals
with Simulation of basic electrical engineering laboratory experiments which are part of lab session at under graduate
electrical engineering students using laboratory virtual instrument engineering workbench (LabVIEW) software. Lab-VIEW
uses graphical language which allows a natural, error free result and user-friendly interaction.
Keywords: Basic electrical engineering, laboratory, LabVIEW, parallel, series resonance, simulation, software.


ii. Parallel Resonance and Analysis of Resonance Curve.

Basic electrical engineering is one of the tough subject being

taught to the first year students in different Technical
Universities curriculum in India and abroad. Course comprises
the following units: Basic Fundamental of Electrical
Engineering, D.C Network Theory, Sinusoidal steady state
analysis of A.C. circuits, Measuring Instruments, Basic of
Power System, Trans-former and A.C and D.C Machines with
Laboratory. R-L-C Series and Parallel circuit at resonance is a
part of Sinusoidal steady state analysis of A.C. circuits
Laboratory Experiments have been simulated using LabVIEW
software. In this series Electrical Machines experiments are
simulated with LabVIEW under graduate Electrical
Engineering1,2. The fundamental equations of a Transformer,
D.C machines and Induction motor and equivalent circuits have
been imposed into the LabVIEW for Simulation purpose3,4. The
concept for the use of LabVIEW software in Engineering
education is recognized internationally but the complete Lab
Experiments of Electrical Machines course has been
implemented in LabVIEW based upon the exact ratings and onground machines parameters as a pioneer and novel research at
RCET5-10. Simulation of Synchronous machines have already
been implemented in LabVIEW11, Other programming tools like
MAT-LAB, PSCAD and SkyLab etc. are also used for
Laboratory experiments simulation purpose but due to strong
graphical user interface LabVIEW is preferred on all others12.
The list of some experiments of Basic Electrical Engineering
course which has been simulated during this course work are as
follows: i. Series Resonance and Analysis of Resonance Curve.

About The LabVIEW

International Science Congress Association

Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineering Workbench

(LabVIEW) which is a graphical user friendly Language which
is totally based upon icons/buttons instead of programming
codes and code paragraph. This software has the ability to build
user defined interface with set of objects and graphical tools.
These programs are labelled as Virtual instruments (VIs,) owing
to their operational replica of physical instruments, like
oscilloscopes, multi-meters, mathematical tools etc. A Virtual
Instrument is the combination two panel generally known as
windows. i. Front panel or window, ii. Block diagram window.
All control and indicator are the part of Front panel window and
their Icon and connector pane lies in a Block diagram window.

Simulation with LabVIEW

R-L-C Series Resonance: In a series RLC circuit there
becomes a frequency point were the inductive reactance of the
inductor becomes equal in value to the capacitive reactance of
the capacitor. In other words, XL = XC. The point at which this
occurs is called the Resonant Frequency point (o) of the circuit,
and as we are analyzing a series R-L-C circuit this resonance
frequency produces a series resonance.
Series Resonance circuits are one of the most important circuits
used electrical and electronic circuits. They can be found in


Research Journal of Engineering Sciences___________

_____________ ISSN 2278 9472
Vol. 2(1), 44-49, January (2013)
Res. J. Engineering Sci.
various forms such as in A.C mains filters, noise filters and also
in radio and television tuning circuits producing a very selec
tuning circuit for the receiving of the different frequency
channels. Consider the simple R-L-C
C series circuit shown in
figure 1.

We know about R-L-C

C series circuits: i. Inductive Reactance i.e
XL (XL = L= 2fL),
L), ii. Capacitive Reactance i.e XC (XC = 1/C
= 1/2fC).
Condition for obtaining the resonance in R-L-C
series circuit i.e
Resonant Frequency would be f o= 1/2(LC)

Our aim is to obtain response (current) in R-L-C

circuit at
ance and also draw the resonance curve. It is simulated in
LabVIEW with two different windows one is its block diagram
window shown in figure 2 and results are indicated in front
panel window shown in figure 3.

Circuit Diagram for Series Circuit

R-L-C Parallel Resonance: A series resistor with the inductor

in a parallel LC circuit as shown in figure 4 is a topology
commonly encountered where there is a need to take into
account the resistance of the coil winding. Parallel LC circuits
are frequently used for band pass filtering and the Q is largely
governed by this resistance. The resonant frequency of this
circuit is

Block Diagram of R
R-L-C Series Circuit

International Science Congress Association


Research Journal of Engineering Sciences________________________________________________________ ISSN 2278 9472

Vol. 2(1), 44-49, January (2013)
Res. J. Engineering Sci.

Front Panel of R-L-C Series Circuit

This is the resonant frequency of the circuit defined as the

frequency at which the admittance has zero imaginary part. The
frequency that appears in the generalized form of the
characteristic equation.

should be maximum, ii. Current should be minimum, iii. Power

factor should be unity.
Simulation of this parallel circuit in LabVIEW shown in figure
5 resonance curve and all result are shown in figure 6.

The idea of basic electrical engineering lab experiments
Simulation using LabVIEW software is being successfully put
into operation at RGGI, Meerut, India in the department
electrical engineering which results in outstanding feedback of
students Lab work evaluation. The same idea can also be
extended for other courses in future like as control system,
network system, electrical machines etc. Software is a little bit
tough to do work on LabVIEW for first year under graduate
technical students but basic idea can be given to them in which
how to operate a LabVIEW, how to work in two windows i.e
block diagram window and front panel window and how to use
basic tools of the software.
Circuit Diagram for Parallel Circuit
Condition for obtaining the resonant frequency i.e IC = IL Sin
L. At resonance the following features will occur: i. Impedance

International Science Congress Association

In lab sessions hardware based practical can be performed

physically and check their different results after simulation of
their circuits in LabVIEW. The Simulation performed during
this research work can also utilized as on-line experiments
performance with in campus and abroad.


Research Journal of Engineering Sciences___________

_____________ ISSN 2278 9472
Vol. 2(1), 44-49, January (2013)
Res. J. Engineering Sci.

Block Diagram of R
R-L-C Parallel Circuit

Front Panel of R-L-C Parallel Circuit

International Science Congress Association


Research Journal of Engineering Sciences________________________________________________________ ISSN 2278 9472

Vol. 2(1), 44-49, January (2013)
Res. J. Engineering Sci.



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