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What it's about
Who it's for


A practical introduction to the use of PDMS for equipment and piping

design, steelwork design, making Reports, Drawings og Isometrics
Engineers who will be designing and constructing 3d computer models of
equipment, pipes and steelwork - and be able to finish the
documentation such as drawings and isometrics.
Other users who need a solid grounding in PDMS before taking on
responsibility for other aspects of PDMS and its family of related
20 days (40 Hrs.)
This course is really a combination of a piping & equipment course, a
steel course, a drawing production course and the Isometric course with
full knowledge of theory & software based practical exercises.
Equipment Design
Pipe Design
Steel Design
Drawing Production
presentation of other modules e.g. Review

Equipment and Piping Design

The principles of a database within the PDMS design hierarchy.
The way catalogues, specifications and design data link together.
Basic use of a workstation, mouse, keyboard (only if required).
Using the graphical user interface to select options from the menus.
Building up a model from real engineering drawings by creating, orientating and
positioning equipment using any of the mixture of design primitives.
PDMS Steel Design
Regular steelwork, columns and beams, nodes, joints and fittings.
Platforms: Access stairs & Ladders
Panels & Plates
PDMS Draft
How the hierarchy in the Drawing Production Module (DRAFT) is constructed.
Using the graphical user interface to select required options from the on-screen and pull
down menus.
How to use the drawing production tools

How to produce completed drawings and plotfiles, using the Drawing Production tools.
Creating new drawings containing single or multiple views.
Seeing the effects of design data changes on the drawings.
How to insert dimensions and annotations on any view using 'Intelligent text' to extract
data from the design database.
Creating simple detail views of areas of interest and scrap views.
Creating a section to show particular view information.
Using the extensive 2D drawing facilities.
The use of local rule changes.
PDMS Isometric
The different forms of piping isometrics and the variations in their format.Where the
reference data is stored within PDMS and the format in which it is extracted by the
isometric system.Using the graphical user interface to select required options from the onscreen and pull down menus.Producing isometric drawings for the drawing frame and title
block pipe picture material list, using any of the available options.Producing bespoke
isometrics to suit company requirements.How the isometric system would be used in a
production environment and the controls available for revising or reissuing
drawings.Controlling drawing content for fabrication and managing weld and material

Detailed syllabus

PDMS Basics
& functions



The Principles of PDMS, How PDMS Can Help You, How PDMS is
Structured, PDMS Database, How PDMS Data is Stored, Attributes in PDMS,
UDA (User Defined Attributes)
Controlling PDMS - Accessing the Design Environment, Window Setup,
Using the Mouse, Using Menus, Using Forms, Accessing Help, Saving Your
Work, Leaving PDMS
Displaying Modelled Elements - Principles of the 3D Display, Building the
Draw List, Setting the View Limits, Setting the View Direction
Working with the 3D View - Multiple 3D Views, Manipulating the View, View
Attributes, Position and Rotation - Attributes in PDMS, Querying Attributes,
Modifying Attributes, Model Editor
PDMS 3D Graphics Quick Reference - Setting the display, Adding Items to
the Screen, Setting the View Limits, Setting the View Direction
The Principles of Building Equipment, Primitives, PDMS Names, Creating Equipment,
The Axis System, Equipment and Primitive Orientation, Creating Primitives, Setting
Attributes, Size Attributes (Primitives), Positioning, Positioning Using P-Points,
Orientation, Orientate>Axes, Orientate>Rotate, Other PDMS Attributes, LEVEL
Attributes, Obstruction Attributes, PDMS Units
Building the Basic Structure - Create the Site, Zones and Base, What You Will Be
Expected to Do!, Checking the Slab Position, Correcting errors using Model Editor,
Summary of design errors, Create Pump, Copying Equipment, Create Heat Exchangers,
Using Model Editor to Position Nozzle

Piping in PDMS - Basic Concepts, Piping Specifications, Setting the

Appropriate Specification, Branches, Branch Heads and Tails, Fittings,
Creating Branch Members, List Order, Selecting the Component from the
Specification, Automatic Positioning and Orientation of New Components,
Positioning and Setting the Orientation of Components, Arrive and Leave
Points, The Piping Application - A Worked Example, Orientation and
Positioning Components in Falling Pipelines, Positioning, Copying Branches.
Data Consistency Checker - Possible Types of Data Error, Starting the Data
Consistency Checks, The Diagnostic Messages, Some Examples of

Diagnostic Messages,
Setting Up the Database Hierarchy for Steelwork - How PDMS Stores Design
Data, PDMS Names, Starting the Structural Application.
Beams and Columns - Design to Catalogue Cross-Referencing, How PDMS
Represents Structural Sections, Commonly Used Plines, Initial Settings,
Creating Sections, Connecting Sections, Exercises.
Modifying Structural Sections Positioning, Joint Freedom, Orientation,
Copying, Copying with Multiple Attached, Lists, Exercises.
Bracing, Splitting, Splicing and Merging - Bracing Configurations, Bracing
Gaps, Splitting Sections, Splicing Sections, Merging Sections, Exercises.
STEELWORKS Regular Structures - Must Know Points, Creating a Regular Structure
Section Fittings and Joints - Must Know Points, Section Fittings, Joints.
Panels and Plates - How PDMS represents Panels & Plates, Panel Hierarchy
and Attributes, Initial Settings, Panel Creation, Modifying a Panel, Splitting a
Panel, Connecting Panels,
Negative Extrusions and Panel Fittings - Negative Extrusion Hierarchy and
Attributes, Creating a Negative Extrusion, Modifying a Negative Extrusion,
Creating a Panel Fitting, Modifying a Panel Fitting.
Drawings for Onshore Exercises - Pipe Rack Drawings, Equipment Support
Structure Drawings
Introduction to Draft - Must Know Points, The strengths and structure of
PDMS, The structure and functions of Draft, General functions, Hierarchy,
Labelling, Dimensioning, 2D drafting, Automatic drawing production
application, AutoDRAFT application, Administration.
Getting Started - Basic information, Using the mouse,menus,forms,text
boxes,drop-down list,option button,check boxes, Using scrollable lists, Using
action buttons, Responding to alert forms
The Draft Display - The Draft startup display, Title Bar, Main Menu Bar, The
Toolbars, The Main Display forms, Using on-line help, Loading an existing
drawing sheet, The Draft database hierarchy, The Draft Explorer, Using the
mouse and keyboard to manipulate the view of the sheet, Zooming and
panning, Viewing Controls.
Setting up the Hierarchy to Create a Drawing Sheet - Creating a
Department, Creating a Registry, Creating Drawings and Sheets.
View Creation Views, Creating User-Defined Views, Manipulating a View
Frame, Setting the Centre of Interest of a View, Setting the Contents of a
View, Setting View Attributes, Using Predefined Frame Configurations,
Creating Views.
Populating the 2D View using a 3D Design View - The main features of the
3D View, Manipulating the 3D View, Manipulating the Viewfinder, Selecting 3D
Content, Updating the design.
Labelling - Label Types, Main features of a Label, Creating Layers, Creating
a General label, Label Contents, Modify mode, Gaps in Leader Lines,
Creating Symbolic Labels, Modifying Labels.
Dimensioning - Creating linear dimensions, Deleting dimension points,
Modifying linear dimensions graphically, Angular dimensions, Modifying
angular dimensions graphically, Radial dimensions, Modifying radial
dimensions graphically.
2D Drafting - The 2D Drafting hierarchy, Creating sheet note and view note
elements, Creating primitive, Editing 2D primitives graphically, Individual
Primitives, Miscellaneous Construction Options, 2D Settings, 2D Utilities.
Section Planes - Section Planes, Creating Flat Planes (Traditional Method),


Modifying Flat Planes (Traditional Method), Creating Stepped Planes Using

3D View, Creating a Section Plane, Editing a Section Plane.
Intelligent Text and Alternative Character Set
Dimensioning Example Sheets, Labelling Example Sheets
Isometric Production - Must Know Points, Accessing Isodraft, CE, Detail,
Produce, Option files, Exercises.

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