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Professor of Education Ph.D.; Ed. Specialist College of Southern Idaho Education 202 - Field Experience - 1 Credit EVALUATION OF STUDENT PERFORMANCE As the instructor or cooperating teacher for EDUC 202, you are asked to evaluate the performance of the student enrolled in your course or completing field experience in your classroom. Please rate the student on each of the dimensions listed below using the scale from 0 (Indicator Not Met) to 2 (Indicator at Target), Thank you for your assistance. Name of CSI Student; Stace; D- Demers. VoFac\ and es Coordinating Teacher: School: _ INDICATORNOT | INDICATOR] INDICATOR AT [| SCORE ENSION MET ACCEPTABLE TARGET ° 1 2 TITERACYICOMMUNICATIO (idaho Core Teaching Standard 6) Communicates effectively 2 Communicates appropriate z Indicator Total yas PROFFSSIONAL COMMITMENT AND RESPONSIBILITY: (idaho Core Teaching Standard 9) Conveys a positive image 2 Zz Displays enthusiasm ip de ae icorcing LZ Z Demonstrates responsibility 2 z ‘Shows respect for others Zz z Demonstrates initiative Z Zz ‘Shows commitment to teaching 2 “z Indicator Total 1 na Coordinating Teacher Comment usd wnrter. She tales intiatwe ard i very enttysiaste with studs. Bacoy GO Coordinating Teacher Signature: 792-6800; FAX 732.6797 John C. Hepworth Higher Ejucation Center, 315 Falls Avenue West, Twin Fale, 1D 63303-1238 Page 1 ‘Dr. Egbert, Professor of Education Ph.D.; Ed. Specialist I DEO Specialist EDUC 202 Field Experience Checklist Evaluation Dear Coordinating Teacher (CT): Below is a list of field experience activities that we would like you to evaluate for your CSI Field Experience student. While we (Education faculty at CSI) do not expect that each field experience student will have the opportunity to perform or participate in all of these activities, we do hope that the field experience is a broad and as diverse as possible. Please place a checkmark in either the yes or no column What makes the field experience course so rich is the ability for the student to spend some time observing the cooperating teacher in his or her setting. During this time, the CSI student will be able to take notes, get a feel for the classroom routine, and observe student learning, look at items hanging on the walls, and get a general feel for how things go. However, the most important aspect of Field Experience is the time the students spend actually doing the things that teachers do. e Field experience student: Nowa ‘Comments. is punctual. is dependable, «dressed appropriately for the educational almosphere. asked questions when appropriate. AARIVN adhered to school policies/elassroom policies. In order for the CSI faculty to gain an understanding of the activities the student experienced, please place a checkmark in either the yes or no column. Thank you, Additionally, rest assured that the CSI Field Experience student is not penalized if he/she does not complete all activities listed. Field Experience Student: No | ‘Comments worked with small groups on defined tasks. worked with individual students, aaa attended a faculty meeting ‘graded papers and/or recorded grades. a designed and put up a bulletin board. ea -nct applicable. NAL ANE ran copies. laminated materials. bound materials. nol apaicable: observed or participated in Parent Teacher conferences. ae developed and presented a lesson or activity. 1 Administrative Evaluation Standard ‘Standard ‘Standard (To be completed by CSI Field Experience Not Met Acceptable at Target Instructor) Rating of Standard 6 0 1 Gg Rating of Standard 9 o u Gy sr ianactactigaatets afl "782-6890; FAX: 732-6797 John C. Hepworth Higher Education Cente, 315 Fas Avenue West, Twin Falls, ID 63303-1238, Page 2 ° Dr. Egbert, Professor of Education, Ph.D.; Ed. Specialist John Hughes Eaueation Dept Cheleman Prone 732-8549 | nuchess ec EvinFox EARC Atestant Professor Phone 752-8072 stoxcaieay Dr. Dave Makings EUG Pretersar Prone 732.5866 simekinasies eds Dr. Tracey m EDUA Program Dracorané Pretesaor Phone 732-0074 Instructor for this las Dr. LueLinda Egbert EDUC Professor Phone: 732-6890 legben@esi edu EDUCATION 202 TIMESHEET STUDENT NAME: SO as DD ASSIGNED SCHOOLS): | sik oS Date | Timein | TimeOut | Total ‘Time SM Q\dase Seb ala TOTAL HOURS COMPLETED LL By STUDENT SIGNATURE: _/) 12 OQ) J 4 /.—— T have completed 30 fours of fel experience with my assigned schools). ‘COORDINATING TEACHER SIGNATURE: , CO-TEACHER PHONE NUMBER: -Y2f- "782-6800; FAX: 732-6787 John C. Hepworth Higher Education Center, 315 Falls Avenue West, Twin Falls, ID 83303-1238 Page 1

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