VCSU Coverages

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COVERAGES COVER 3V Page 48 [FS algnment= disguise cover 2 on on the snap spite nwo widest receivers x 14 jackside uncovered linemen! QB alley 3 slep- drop seltle feet and go to QBs eyes 'p- be deeper than all receivers j~ot = check postiob the hole V. alignment = 4x6 TE/OTiwins 81 x5 move to position on lsnap. Read = 8 lun = TO-primary force AWAY - fold unifat “twins try to reroute #2 ‘0 jump out AWAY- trash SO! LAWAY. look for TE throwback screen M&W = align to front call 1OOK/cutl - work to first threat in zone. If your threat crosses yell cross and carry receiver through your zone. Look lio cheat to tripps. ‘O-find the hole route Away- force the QB (0 - run to #2 AWAY - force the QB [0 ook up #f Corners: alignment = 1talign x 7yds Read = backside uncovered linemen’ QB Run = TO- S, Forcell AWAY. Touchdown Pass = 3 step jump routes 5 stop routes - deep 1/3 stay on top offal routes. if #1 does a route under 15yds slow backpeddle and keep getting depth. Bubble screen=play over the top of #1 and look for bubble & 90 Lone TE - alignepitalign x 10yds fiat footed read TE /5 | Boot = TO stay’on top of #1 AWAY - run wi backside post’ SOP = TO - stay in deep 1/3 AWAY- push backside post ‘S: alignment = 4x5 TE/OTAwins Bi x5 Run = TO -primary force AWAY - fold Pass = curifat “twins try fo reroute #2 Boot = TO - jump out AWAY: trash SOP= TO -look up #1 AWAY. look for TE throwback screen ley yO 8 8 COOKIT COURTS rs E° ‘ Nw, 3 v ae Cheek sy or cloud a E ° fo} q ° 9 ccoke00 2° coffe. o4 | E sw wows Ey ¢ © Fs yA OMG oth Awl COVER 3CV Page 49 [FS= alignment = disguise’? on snap spilt the two widest receivers x 14 ackside uncovered linemen’ QB alley slep- drop settle feet and go to QBs eyes stop- be deeper than all receivers IBoot = check postirob the hole |: alignment =disguise 2 work lateral to outside #f on the snap Read = loackside uncover inemen/OB \Run = TO -secondary force AWAY - touchdown [Pass =3 step jump routes 5 step routes - deep 1/3 stay on top off all foutes. If #1 does a route under 15yds slow backpeddle and keep etting depth [Boot = TO - stay on top #1 AWAY- run w/ post SOP= TO -deep 1/8 AWAY. push post MW = align fo front call Pass = hook/curl- work to first threat in zone. If your threat lcrasses yell cross and carry receiver through your zone. Look lo cheat to tripps. Boot = TO- find the hole route Away- force the QB [SOP = TO - run to #2 AWAY - force the QB CF: Play the same as Cover 3 Read = OB. Run = TO- P.Forcel/ AWAY- Fold Pass = CurlfFlat Boot = TO - jump out AWAY- trash S: alignment = 4x6 TE/OTAwins 8x5 Run = TO primary force AWAY - fold Pass = curifat “wins try fo reroute #2 ‘AWAY: look for TE throwback scree CCV; alignment 1 talign x6 on the snap drive inside spit twin Lone TE align= 2 x: flat footed, pass gain width and depth SOP= 10 -l00k up #1 AWAY- look for TE throwback screen Boot = TO jump out AWAY- trash SOP= TO look up #1 8 TOORTO Oo Q SORES o wwe wow : ¢ ¢ — prnaaaanannrn " heck 3 sky or oud loud oO FE ° ° ° E 2005900 ° ° 2 © offen 2 sw uy s Fe cr c © coxa E sy yan, v s

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