COMM 3410 Assignment 2.1

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Assignment 2.

1: Preparing for a Business Meeting

The Budget Committee Meeting will be held at 9:30 AM on December 12, 2008.

Meeting will take place in Conference Room 3; WebEx will be active for remote

The meeting will be called to order.

The minutes from last quarter's meeting will be reviewed.

Copies of the overall divisional budget will be distributed.

The Real estate director will report about the cost overruns at the Greentree site.

Discussion: How can we do a better job of anticipating and preventing cost overruns?

The finance director will report on the actual versus projected quarterly revenues and

What additional budget issues must be considered during this quarter?

Date of the next budget meeting will be announced.

The agenda will help keep the meeting on point. With the agenda distributed everyone
will already have an idea of what to expect and what is up for discussion. The agenda also lists
the time and place which is crucial for employee attendance. In addition to the agenda there will
be the WebEx available for remote employees. This is a great way to keep those who are unable
to attend the meeting in person up to date regarding any issues and/or news at hand. Handouts
will be distributed, so that everyone can have a visual of what the team will be speaking about.
A PowerPoint presentation can be displayed to show the budget revenues and expenses. The
PowerPoint can somewhat mirror the handout and provide additional information and food for


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