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Low Doses of Caffeine Can Increase Performance in Athletes

Many athletes use any advantage available to increase performance and gain a
competitive edge. Caffeine is one substance that has been thoroughly tested and across scientific
studies, consumption of caffeine shows increased performance in athletes. The purpose of this
review is to investigate if caffeine consumption increases athletic performances during
competition. PubMed was the database used for this review, and the key search words were
athletic performance and caffeine and caffeine and exercise. To be included in this paper, the
journals had to be available online through the University of Minnesota library and the research
published within the last five years. A study was included if it was human-based, focused only
on caffeine consumption, and included adult athletes. All research studies were a double blind
design. Six reviewed studies showed that low doses of caffeine improved athletes times during
time trials by 5% on average; however, one reviewed study showed no improvement with low
doses of caffeine consumption. One limitation to all reviewed studies was the small sample size;
the research was performed with sample sizes between seven and sixteen participants. Trainers
and athletes may want to review current research to understand how caffeine consumption could
affect an athletes performance. Athletes may gain improved performance with low doses of
caffeine consumption before or during events. This research has future implications on how
athletes use caffeine to improve their performances during completion. More research needs to
be performed to understand how different caffeine consumption levels will affect an athletes

Caffeine, a stimulant drug of the central nervous system, has been shown in previous
studies to enhance ones ability to concentrate and awaken mind and body during exercise.
Caffeine consumption has become common. This regular usage has allowed scientists and
researchers to publish several studies regarding caffeine and its associations with athletic
performances, especially high intensity sports were lot of energy is needed. Athletes may gain
improved performance with low doses of caffeine consumption before or during events. The
scope of interest in this paper concerns caffeine and its effects on athletic performance. Studies
using anhydrous caffeine consumed in a pill form and caffeinated gum were included in this
review. Articles including specific energy drinks or caffeine-laden beverages were omitted from
the scope to provide consistency amongst the sources. Both adult men and women athletes were
evaluated in this research. Although caffeine may have positive effects on athletic performance
in high intensity sports under specific conditions, there is not enough research to make any
conclusion at a population level.
Methods and Results
For this paper, seven different studies were reviewed. The articles reviewed for this
paper were found on the PubMed database through the University of Minnesota library, and all
the studies were conducted within the last five years. A study was included if it was human
based, focused only on caffeine consumption, and had adult athletes. All of the studies were
double blind placebo designed with some studies using crossover design. The crossover design
was important in many of the studies because the exercise was of such great rigor and intensity
that the athletes needed time to rest. Having a placebo in the studies was also important to set a
baseline and a control for the research. The placebo data allowed the researchers to observe the

results of the performance without the caffeine compared to performance with the caffeine.
Another interesting aspect of most of the studies was that they mostly included solely male
athletes. Only one woman was included in the reviewed research. Finally, all the studies had
small sample sizes. Many of the studies had 10 or fewer participants. The study with the largest
sample size only had 16 athletes. This limitation causes questions about the studies results and
the ability to apply these results at a population level.
The first group of studies included caffeine consumption by cyclists. Of the three studies,
two included well-trained cyclists with training of four years or more and the third included
college-age physically active cyclists. Two of the three studies concluded improved speeds in the
time trials while the third study did not see any improvement with the caffeine consumption. In
the first study by B. Desbrow et al.,1 cyclists participated in three time trials. The research looked
at two different levels of caffeine: 3 mg/kg of weight and 6 mg/kg of weight. This research was
the only study that had two caffeine levels that were significantly different with the top level
being twice the initial dose. The study had interesting results the higher dose of caffeine did
not result in a higher performance. The low dose caffeine 3mg/kg resulted in a 4% increase in
performance in time trails while the 6mg/kg resulted in only 2.9% higher performance or a 2.9%
decrease in time to complete the course. The research did not address why the higher caffeine
dose had lower performance effects.
The second cycling study, M. D. Silva-Cavalcante. et al.,2 was similar to the first but only
compared one 5mg/kg of caffeine dose to a placebo. The 5mg/kg had moderate effects on
increased performance but did not define the percentage increase on performance. This study had
a washout period where all cyclists performed the trials and rested seven days in between testing.
In both the cycling studies, the athletes were asked to abstain from caffeine for 24 hours prior to

testing. There was no discussion in either study of prior caffeine use. This caffeine usage could
be a potential flaw in the studies because caffeine consumption during a race may affect athletes
differently depending on if they are normally high caffeine users or not. Another limitation to
these two studies was the small sample size, where both studies had fewer than 20 participants.
M.D. Silva-Cavalcante. et als. 2 study only had seven participants and B. Desbrow et als.1 had
16 participants.
The third study by E. J. Ryan, et al.3 was the final cycling study and concluded caffeine
had no effect on the cyclists performance. This study was similar in design to the other studies,
but the caffeine dosages were different than the other two cycling studies. In this research,
caffeine doses were administered through gum. The doses were two pieces of chewing gum, 100
mg of caffeine each, and were administered at three points during the race for a total of 600 mg
of caffeine. The total caffeine consumed of 600 mg in E. J. Ryan, et als3 study compares to the
other studies with a range of caffeine consumption between 237 mg (3mg/kg) to 474 mg (6
mg/kg) from B. Desbrow. et als1 study, assuming a cyclists weight of 79kg. The higher dosage
of caffeine did not result in enhanced performance. This is similar to the findings discussed
above in B. Desbrow, et al.1 where cyclists with the higher dose of 6 mg/kg had a lower
performance compared to the low dose 3mg/kg of caffeine. Additionally, the fact that the
caffeine was administered through gum may have affected the results. In all other studies the
caffeine was in a capsule form and swallowed, not absorbed by chewing gum. The issue around
the caffeine absorption process was not addressed in this research but may be an additional
avenue of study.
The next group of studies focused on cross-country skiers. Both studies were lead by
researcher H.K. Stadeim, and took place one year apart. It is interesting to compare results of

these two different studies as they were designed differently. The first study by H.K. Stadheim,
M. Spencer, et al. 4 reviewed the effects of consecutive days of competition and the research was
performed over a two day period. The second study by H.K. Stadheim, B. Kvamme 5 focused on
testing a shorter time trial with 8 km races. Some similarities between the studies were that the
projects were both double blind, placebo crossover design with highly trained cross-country
skiers, and small sample sizes with 8 and 10 participants, respectively. Caffeine levels for H.K.
Stadheim, M. Spencer, et al.4 study were 3 mg/kg and 4.5 mg/ kg body weight and for H.K
Stadheim, B. Kvamme, et al.5 caffeine levels of 6 mg/kg of body weight were used. In both of
these studies, the lactate levels were included in testing. The caffeine usage resulted in higher
lactate levels than the placebo. When glucose is broken down and oxidized to pyruvate, lactate is
produced faster than the tissues can remove it. With elevated lactate levels, this ensures the
participant has enough energy to continue exercising. Stadhiems studies and one other study
were the only research that addressed the lactate levels. Interestingly, the results from each study
proved similar outcomes. Athletes performed 4% better in the time trials with the caffeine than
the placebo in both studies. Similarly, the increase in performance with the higher 6 mg/kg doses
of caffeine conflicts with the research based on cyclists by B. Desbrow, et al.1 The cyclists
higher doses resulted in a lower increase in performance of 2.9%. These results show caffeine
dosage may have different effects on different sports.
The last two studies by P.M. Christensen, et al.6 and V.G. Santos, et al.7 were based on
rowers and taekwondo athletes, respectively. Both were elite athletes with extensive experience
in their sport. Again, both studies only used one dose of caffeine compared to the placebo. The
study based on rowing had a very short trial period testing 6 minute rowing sprints. The rower
study was the only study that included a woman. One of the 12 participants of the study was a

woman athlete. This lack of women in the studies needs to be addressed as caffeine may have
different affects on women athletes than it does on male athletes. The caffeine dosage for the
rowers was 3 mg/kg of weight and resulted in improved performance. These findings are similar
to the other sports studies in dosage and results. The taekwondo study had more testing,
allowing for two visits with three different events for caffeine and placebo testing. The caffeine
levels for the study were 5 mg/kg of body weight. The results were inconclusive with increased
performance during the first time trial but no increased performance during the second and third
trials. The taekwondo study addressed lactate levels and had similar results as the prior studies.
There were higher lactate levels during exercise with caffeine. Both studies had similar sample
sizes and caffeine levels.

Discussion & Conclusion:

Based on the studies reviewed, caffeine was not proven to increase athletes
performances in all sports. Although some of the studies had significant improvements in time
trials, the research is not consistent over all sports. The study with cyclists performed by B.
Desbrow, et al.1 showed at 3 mg/kg, a minimal caffeine intake, enhanced time trial performances
by 4%. The second cycling study by M.D. Silva-Cavalcante, et al.2 also noted increased time trial
performances from caffeine intake; however, it failed to mention how much of an increase. The
last cyclist study by E.J. Ryan, et al.3 showed that there is no correlation between caffeine intake
and time trial performance. The cross-country skier studies, both H.K. Stadheim, M. Spencer, et
al. 4 and H.K. Stadheim, B. Kvamme 5, concluded that caffeine intake for athletic performance
was enhanced by 4% but only with caffeine intake set at 6 mg/kg, a contrast to the B. Desbrow,
et al.1 study. The rowing study performed by P.M. Christensen, et al.6, the only study containing

a female participant, resulted in improved time trial performances with 3 mg/kg intake. The
taekwondo study by V.G. Santos, et al.7 resulted in inconsistencies with few conclusions. The
first trial showed an increase in taekwondo performance, but the other two trials were
inconclusive. As discussed above, results varied by sport and trial.
In conclusion, some evidence shows that caffeine can enhance athletic performance but
there cannot be a conclusion that caffeine increases athletic performance consistently for all
sports. Because of the inconsistencies in the studies, more trials need to be performed to ensure
accurate conclusions. The research must be focused on specific sports and conclusions can only
be applied to that sport.
The research studies reviewed also had many limitations including small sample size, not
including women in the research and using different forms of caffeine. The limitation of small
sample sizes affects how the results can be used in practice. With an increased number of
participating athletes, research findings can more easily be applied to the whole population. In
addition to small sample sizes, research was mostly limited to male participants. Though there
was one female participant in the rowing study, that research data cannot support any
conclusions about how women athletes performances may be enhanced with caffeine
consumption. Caffeine effects could drastically differ between males and females therefor the
number of female participants needs to increase. Finally, results are difficult to generalize
because one study used caffeine gum rather than a pill form. Consistent forms of caffeine
administration among the trials would ensure more accurate findings. More research needs to be
performed to say that caffeine enhances athletic performance. With the limitations on these
athletic studies, its difficult to generalize the findings to all individuals. The inconsistencies and
flaws in these studies and theories should be remedied by allowing for more cohesive and

fundamental research parameters. There is potential for future research with caffeine to have an
impact on how it is used in competitive sports. The current research allows us to understand that
different forms of caffeine may influence the effects caffeine has on the body during athletic
completion. Additionally, the current research presents that there are variances between sports
and this needs to be addressed in future research. With additional studies, researchers may be
able to conclude what level and form of caffeine can give optimal performance enhancement and
provide a competitive edge to athletes.

1. Desbrow B, Biddulph C, Devlin B, Grant GD, Anoopkumar-Dukie S, Leveritt MD. The
effects of different doses of caffeine on endurance cycling time trial performance. J
Sports Sci. 2012;30(2):115-120.
2. Silva-Cavalcante MD, Correia-Oliveira CR, Santos RA, et al. Caffeine increases
anaerobic work and restores cycling performance following a protocol designed to lower
endogenous carbohydrate availability. PLoS One. 2013;8(8):e72025.
3. Ryan EJ, Kim CH, Muller MD, et al. Low-dose caffeine administered in chewing gum
does not enhance cycling to exhaustion. J Strength Cond Res. 2012;26(3):844-850.
4. Stadheim HK, Spencer M, Olsen R, Jensen J. Caffeine and performance over consecutive
days of simulated competition. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2014;46(9):1787-1796.
5. Stadheim HK, Kvamme B, Olsen R, Drevon CA, Ivy JL, Jensen J. Caffeine increases
performance in cross-country double-poling time trial exercise. Med Sci Sports Exerc.
6. Christensen PM, Petersen MH, Friis SN, Bangsbo J. Caffeine, but not bicarbonate,
improves 6 min maximal performance in elite rowers. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab.
7. Santos VG, Santos VR, Felippe LJ, et al. Caffeine reduces reaction time and improves
performance in simulated-contest of taekwondo. Nutrients. 2014;6(2):637-649.

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