Traduccion Scoot

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C= cesar
J= julio
C= hola
J = hola
C= como estas
J= bien, y tu
C= muy bien
J= viste television anoche?
C= no, yo estaba estudiando
J= que estudias?
C= yo estudio ingles para el examen
J= que bien, y leiste tu separata todo el dia?
C= si, quiero obtener una buena calificacion
J= bien por ti, me da gusto
C= y tu, estudiaste una carrera profesional
J= si, estudie la especialidad de contabilidad
C= y donde estudiaste?
J= en la universidad nacional de tacna
C= fue dificil?
J= no mucho
C= terminaste de estudiar?
j= si, ya termine
c= fuiste un buen estudiante?
j= claro que si
c= estuviste en el tercio superior?
j= si a partir de tercer ao
C= Y, estas trabajando ahora?
J= si, trabajo en una oficina de contador
J= pero antes, he estado buscando trabajo por 6 meses
c= y antes ya habias trabajo
j= no nunca
c= Y te gusta tu trabajo
j= si, me siento bien
c= piensas seguir estudiando?
j= claro, quisiera estudiar una maestria
j= para complementar mi profesion
c= que bien
j= bueno cesar, te dejo seguir estudiando
c= gracias
j= adios
c= adios

C = hello
J = hello
C = as these
J = well, and your
C = very well
J = did you dress television last night?
C = no, I was studying
J = that study?
C = I study English for the exam
J = that well, and did you read your separata the whole day?
C = if, I want to obtain a good qualification
J = well for you, he/she gives me pleasure
C = and your, you studied a professional career
J = if, study the accounting specialty
C = and where you studied?
J = in the national university of tacna
C = was it difficult?
J = not a lot
C = did you finish studying?
j = if, already finish
c = were you a good student?
j = undoubtedly if
c = were you in the superior third?
j = if starting from third year
C = AND, these working now?
J = if, I work in accountant's office
J = but before, I have been looking for work for 6 months
c = and before there was already work
j = not never
c = AND you like your work
j = if, I feel well
c = do you plan to continue studying?
j = clear, he/she wanted to study a master
j = to supplement my profession
c = that well
j = good to cease, I allow you to continue studying
c = thank you
j = good-bye
c = good-bye

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