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Knowledge and Skills Inventory Competency Title omen ee Knowledge and Skills ee kere enr ee inthe Read each statement and ask yourself: “Can I consistently and reliably...?” If the answor is. yes, place a checkmark in the “Satisfactory” column. If the answer is no, place a checkmark “Needs Development” column. ee eee 1. Business Acumen ean consistently and eb 11 | af, | 1. Unscatand ond weplemont general principe of busines management | G7 |2. Undertand the general principle of financial management counting budget personal and busines axes © | 973. Understand relevant legislation, restrictions and functions of regulatory bodies Cl | | 4. Understand busiest onnershp ses/oncere | 7]. deity what constiies reasonable fees Sor serves and crest sppropnate fee stucie. | 1 | 6. Understand the impact of client satisfaction on busines results and client © | 1 15. Operate all applicable business eystems/software essential to perform work, improve efleriveness and profi. 2 Business ean conse and relat Development | | 1. Examine current client base to ident retention and expansion potential | 97 | 2 idemiy target client groups for marketing iatives | 97] 3. Develop business plans tat articulate business goals and timelines. | 87] 4. Develop anctwor of contacts to expand busincte 3. Client Focus Tea conssetly and lab | 0 |1. Encourage and be responsive to clients” choices regarding treatment, | o fz Encourage the client’s full mvolvement in the planning, implementation and ‘management of ther own healthcare | oF |. Acjusteatment nine wth changing clint prefereces and piri oe OD | 4. Actin the client’s best interest at all times. gy D | 5. Advocate, respect and support clients’ ethical and moral rights. |B |. tatty cis ebjecives nd joy develop reasonable ols D7 Follow-up with client regarding satisfaction levels and/or reasons for dincotee 7 Gent Relations can consent ad realy | o |." Tneract cooperatively with clients and subsite decision-makers GH | G |2. Acknowtedge, value and espectode's nos, viewpoint, opinions and cali ble | © |. Recognize and respect chent boundaries. | o | Demonstrate empathy and concern for the feelings and needs of others. &% | F|'. createrapporby essing opn and one ommniction DF | 6. Define therapeutic relationships including therapist/client power differential, tranaerencelcountenranserence, privileged eommunicaion and wv lo |, sides, 7. Provide constructive feedback and willingly accept feedback from others. 100 65:20 6Z-TT-b107 Competency Title | Ss. = Knowledge and Skills ¥ ‘5. Communication Jean consistently and reliably. 1, | & |1._ Provide complete and accurate information ins sensitive and timely manner. S| GF |2, Communicate verbally, clearly articulating the meaning and content of the messi, © | © |. Listen effectively, using silence and questioning techniques to clanfy BY, | | 4, Recognize own body language and interpret body language of others. | G_ |. Use language and terminology thats suitable to cach person's understanding and background. FH | F | ‘Acknowisge cen | 7. Write clear, concise treatment plans, reports, letters and memos in a timely | S| sake eftective formal and informal presentations. & Compliance cam consistently and rehably | | 12 Understand and comply with + Regulated Health Professions Act ‘Massage Therapy Act and is regulations * Healthcare Consent Act * Standard of Practice * Code of Ets + Other applicable legislation (municipal, provincial and federal). S| | 2 Comply with formed choice and consent requirements. S& | | 3. Report any occurrence required under the Mandatory Reporting requirements | | 4 Understand insurance epulations and issues particulary with respect wo hid pany billing. & | G1 Js. Seteguardprotet the clen’s right to physical and emotional privacy and 7 confident. F | 6. Recognize potential conflicts of interest and deal with related issues and conduct. 7. Confiiet Resolution Tea contsently anc ready. | G_ | 1. Bringconfics into the open to enable collaborative resolution. (3% | GF | 2. Maintain objectivity. SY | G1 |3. Use disagreements as tol o strengthen working relationships and improve chent foes CF | G_ |. Seekassstance, when necessary, if conflicts arise between the therapist and the cent SS | |. Address imponant isses, recognizing the difeenee between main and lesser 7 | 0 |. Acknowledge be value in al point of view. &._Interprofessional can conse and eiaby Relations Raa 9 goo a @ 1 Collaborate with members of other healtheare professions and third party ‘payers to meet public and individual healthcare needs. 2. Retr clients to other healthcare providers/specialists and draw on their ‘expertise to improve client outcomes. Demonstrate respect and support for other healthcare professions and members Promote teamwork and consider others needs, ‘Work collaboratively with people from diverse backgrounds and adapt responses/approach aecordingly. 200 00:80 62-11-b10z Competency Title Knowledge and Skills ‘&. Ongoing Learning agga aa an |

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