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 Zaid Hamid, a follower and Khalifa of Yousaf Kazzab (Who

claimed to be a Nabi (Nauzbillah), is preparing his army to

complete the tasks of his Murshad Yousaf Kazzab.

 He is a trained Jihaadi and a so called brasstacks think tank,

who is creating suicide bombers (using the same Taliban

strategy – using the young children, who know not much of

religion/deen and can can easily be attracted/trapped with

such speeches) of Pakistani youth by de-tracking them,

using un-authentic Ahadeeth and un-authentic material

(probably self-created).

 He spent 6 years of his life in Afghan War and now war is in

his blood. (When Russian soldiers returned home after USSR

war in Afghanistan, they were afraid of any one standing

behind them. Afghanis used these silent commando attacks

from behind to kill them. They were half psycho, when they

returned back home). He is shifting this war mania to the

youth and takes a start with cyber war. The youth was never
ready to die for religion or country. Now each of his fan on

facebook is ready to die for him.

 He is using the name of Islam and the patriot Pakistani youth

who is far distant from the teaching of Islam is being played

puppets in his hands.

 For him dying in a war, is nothing. Its sacrifice and nations

have to sacrifice. Which is true for YOU only, and not for

 He has the same words, same speech for every place, wake

up Lahore, superior university and now textile university.

Same typical sentences, same phrases, verses repeated

again and again in every speech. If you listen to all of his

speeches, you can easily deliver the same speech too.

 Now GUYS!!!
 Wake Up!!! Before its too late. Sit with your parents back

home and talk to them about what you’re doing and in which

person you’re believing. Take their advice, If they ask you to

go after this Zaid Hamid, go for it. But if they ask you not to,

please don’t. You’re all immature and know nothing about

the tricks being used by different sources to use you. Don’t

be used in ignorance or later you will repent of not

understanding this in time.

 You are no one to Zaid Hamid. He can use you, make you

die for him or any one he wants and then he can give a

speech on it by telling “so what? They sacrificed. Nations do

sacrifice” . Talk to those, who care for you and who know

the tricks and truth. Consult your parents!

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