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Lesson Plan

Lesson # 7

Grade Level 11-12

Pull-out SIOP Model

Fall Semester; Week 6

Culture Shock
ELACC11-12SL1: Initiate and participate effectively in a range of
collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse
partners on grades 11-12 topics, texts, and issues, building on others ideas
and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.
d. Respond thoughtfully to diverse perspectives; synthesize comments,
claims, and evidence made on all sides of an issue; resolve contradictions
when possible; and determine what additional information or research is
required to deepen the investigation or complete the task.



Students are all expected to actively participate in oral communication

activities, though their fluidity and vocabulary usage will vary depending
on the level of the individual. Students will be given sentence stems to aid in
discussion participation.

Discuss what is/is not normal and explain some of the characteristics of their
own culture, in their home country.
Determine whether a behavior (listed on worksheet) is considered
normal/polite/impolite/rude/strange in their country.
Classify, inform , discuss, determine
Culture, culture shock, polite, impolite

In my culture its normal worksheet, pencil

Laptop, projector, Culture Shock YouTube video
Everyone has a culture. It shapes how we see the world, ourselves, and others.
Why is it important to understand cultural differences?
objective &

Students will be able to explain some of the features of their own culture. They
will also understand the idea of culture as it affects behavior.

Students will practice fluent discussion and expressing opinions.

Assessment guarantees participation in discussion as well as proper responses
and the synthesization of learned information.

Introduction to

(Whole Class) 18min

Culture Shock YouTube video.
Ask students if they have experienced the same emotions as the students from
the videoand/or to describe other experiences of culture shock in the U.S.

When in Rome, do as the Romans do
Ask if students know the meaning of the proverb (when you live in another
country or culture, you should follow the rules of that country or culture); and
whether or not they agree or disagree; why?
Introduction to discussion question worksheet: ask students how they greet
people in their culture.
Teacher Activities: promote higher-order thinking via open-ended questions (i.e.
Does this remind you of anything from your life?)
Student Activities:

Body of Lesson



*Assessment: Questioning - Closed Fist/Open Hand (closed fist means they have
a good grip/grasp on the concept; open hand means they do not understand and
need more clarification) Whole Body Language
(Pair Work) 20min
In my country its normal
Teacher Activities: Reminds students to think about the context. Are their
situations where they always do these things or never do them? Do they greet
their parents they same way they greet their friends? Strangers?
Student Activities: Students break into pairs and discuss the behaviors listed on
the In my country its normal handout, as well as if they think they are
*Assessment: Think-Pair-Share;
(Whole Class) 7min
Wrap Up


Teacher Activities: Guide student discussion of what they learned from their
peers and their culture.
Student Activities: Students share the most interesting things that they learned
from each other. Explain any differences in opinion that occurred during
*Assessment: Think-Pair-Share continued

In My Culture Its Normal

In my country it is normal/polite/impolite/rude/strange:
1. To shake hands when we meet someone for the first time.

2. To kiss on both cheeks when we greet or say goodbye to a friend

3. To take someone out to dinner (pay for dinner) for his birthday or when he gets a promotion

4. To be a little late to meet friends

5. To be a little minutes late to work or to business meetings

6. To spit in public

7. To call most people by their first names

8. To ask people their ethnicity or nationality when you meet them for the first time

9. To sing in public
10. For women in the family to make important decisions like which school to send children to, how to spend money, etc
11. For men to cook, clean or do other household work

12. To interrupt people when talking

13. To give gifts to teachers, doctors, government officials, bosses

14. For students to wear suits or dresses or formal clothing
15. To invite people to your home

16. To ask guests to leave when it gets late or if you are busy

17. To serve guests only drinks and chips or small snacks

18. To disagree with older people or people who are more powerful than you

19. To give up your seat for older people or women

20. To get promoted to a much higher position than your family or friends

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