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25 Day Food Journal/ Weekly Goals

GOAL 1: Drink more water, at least 64 oz a day.

How am I going to accomplish this goal: I am going to fill my water bottle at least 3 times and
drink it all.
How did I do on this goal: I did ok, I drank at least more than I typically do, but not as good as I
wanted to.

GOAL 2: Meditate 10 minutes a day.

How am I going to accomplish this goal: Get up 15 minutes early every day.
How did I do on this goal: I did ok, I really struggled to get up early. So, on the days that I
couldnt get up early, I meditated in my car in-between classes.
GOAL 3: Add in one complete meal of veggies of fruit a day.
How am I going to accomplish this goal: Make sure that I am fully stocked with fruit and
How did I do on this goal: Not so hot. My son got sick this week, and then so did I. It was a
rough week. Eeks.
GOAL 4: Be in bed every night by 9:00 p.m.
How am I going to accomplish this goal: Start getting kids and myself ready for bed at 8:00.
How did I do on this goal: Not as good as I had wanted, but just improving the time I get in
bed made a huge difference in my energy level.
GOAL 5: Re-doing goal number 3 since I did horribly because of sick family.
How am I going to accomplish this goal: Be prepared and stocked with fresh fruits and
How did I do on this goal: Much better than last time.

September 30- October 6th

GOAL 1: Drink more water, at least 64 oz a day.
How am I going to accomplish this goal: I am going to fill my water bottle at least 3 times
and drink it all.
How did I do on this goal: I did ok, I drank at least more than I typically do, but not as
good as I wanted to.
B- One cookie, Banana and Luna Bar
SL-Chic-fil-A wrap
S- 8 pieces of licorice/handful of M&Ms
D- Tacotime crispy chicken/6 tator tots/ couple sips of coke
S- glass of white wine
Workout- 50 minutes of pilates
Water- 48 ounces

October 1
After waking I had cup of coffee/tsp sugar/tsp creamer
B- green smoothies
S- 1 hardboiled egg/ cup cherries
L- 2 C. green salad mix, 1 C. veggies, 1 string cheese, 1 tlbs dressing
S- 4 pieces of licorice, several m&ms, c. raw almost
D- 1 C. mac and cheese, 1 glass of white wine
Workout- 50 minute Zumba
Water- 72 ounces

October 2

Wake- Coffee and 1 tsp creamer

B- banana, c. steel cut oats with stevia and cinnamon
S- 3 stalks of celery w/1 tlbs almond butter
L- tuna sandwich with tomato, slice of spinach leaves (2 slices of bread)
S- C. cottage cheese
D- Protein shake with water
Workout 50 minutes of Pilates
Water- 60 oz
*Didnt quite make my water goal today, but had a great workout
October 3
Wake- coffee w/tsp sugar and tsp/creamer
B- banana/apple
L- Chicken/lettuce/rice
S- very sugary cupcake, celery w/almond butter
DS- Beer
Workout- workout video
Water- 40 oz
*didnt do very good on my water goal today. ;-(

October 4
Wake- coffee w/tsp sugar and tsp/creamer
B- Bowl of cereal
SL- pasta salad, 1.5 cups

S- 26 small rice cakes

Water- 60 oz.
*4 oz short of my water goal today, should have just had one more glass.

October 5
Wake- cup of coffee w/creamer
B- luna bar
S- Baked beans
L- Pasta salad
D- homemade pizza benders (2.5)
Workout- none
Water- 60 oz.
*Again, 4 oz short of water goal.

October 6
Wake- cup of orange tea w/stevia
B- oatmeal (homemade)
S- Apple, 1 slice of cheese
L- chicken salad w/berries and a little goat cheese, w/small amount of dressing
S- cheese, crackers, berries, almonds
D- banana, hummus w/pretzels
Workout- 50 minutes of Zumba
Water-80 oz of water

October 7 October13
GOAL 2: Meditate 10 minutes a day.
How am I going to accomplish this goal: Get up 15 minutes early every day.
How did I do on this goal: I did ok, I really struggled to get up early. So, on the days that I
couldnt get up early, I meditated in my car in-between classes.
October 7
Wake- cup of coffee
B- oatmeal (homemade)
S-apple, 1 slice of cheese
LS- cheese, crackers, almonds
D- cereal
Workout- pilates
Water- 80 oz
*got up early, meditated for 10 minutes. Felt so good!

October 8
B-steelcut oats/almond milk/greek yogurt/tsp honey/chia seeds/blueberries
S- apple/serving of cheese/banana
L-chicken wrap/romaine/sundried tomatoes/wheat tortilla, coconut water
S- hummus w/veggies, couple of crackers
D- homemade chili 1 c.

Water- 40 oz.
*Got up early to meditate.

October 9
B- tea w/stevia, oatmeal
S- banana w/two babybel cheese
L-carrot/orange/chia seed smoothie, couple of bites of chicken wrap
S- tea
D-1 c. of chili
Workout- pilates
Water- 40 oz.
*rough night with the babe, so I slept in. Did meditation in the car.

October 10
B- tea w/stevia, oatmeal
S- apple and cheese
L- carrot orange shake
S- tea w/stevia, small bite of yummy dessert
D- 1 cup of chili
Workout- none.
Water- 64 oz.
*Didnt meditate at all today. ;-(

October 11
Wake- tea w/stevia, apple with 2 babybel cheese

S- handful of almonds
L- orange/carrot shake
S- tea with stevia
D- 1 c. of tortellini with sauce
Workout- none.
Water- 60 oz.
*I didnt get my morning meditation in, but spend a little time after kids went to bed to meditate.

October 12
Wake Tea with stevia
B- granola with almond milk
SLS- hummus and pretzels
D- beer, pesto chicken w/Asian salad
Workout- none.
Water- 40 oz.
*I didnt meditate today.

October 13
Wake- tea w/stevia
S- string cheese/banana
L-salad with chicken/ quinoa
S- hummus and pretzels

D- 1 cup of quinoa/ c. chicken with a little hot sauce

S- apple
Workout- Zumba
Water- 60 oz.
*woke up late this morning, but I meditated in the car in-between classes.

October 14 October20
GOAL 3: Add in one complete meal of veggies of fruit a day.
How am I going to accomplish this goal: Make sure that I am fully stocked with fruit and
How did I do on this goal: Not so hot. My son got sick this week, and then so did I. It was a
rough week. Eeks.

October 14
Wake- tea and stevia
B- oatmeal
S- string cheese, banana
L- salad w/chicken and quinoa, 1 piece of licorice
S- apple
Workout- pilates
Water- 64 oz
*No complete meal of fruits and veggies today.

October 15
B- oatmeal
S- apple, string cheese, banana

L- PB/banana shake
S- nut bar, couple of nuts, handful of popcorn
D- sauted spinach, 2 tlbs quinoa, tuna steak
S- piece of licorice
Workout- Zumba
Water- 90 oz.
*Oh gosh, another day without veggie/fruit meal. Need to make it to grocery store.

October 16
B-oatmeal/ 2 pieces of licorice
S-nuts and string cheese
L- half serving of chicken burrito w/out shell
S- other half of lunch
D- 1 c. quinoa w/ c. chicken
S- 3 pieces of licorice
Workout- Pilates
Water- 95 ounces
*ended up eating out for lunch today. Still no trip to grocery store.

October 17th
Didnt keep track today.
*obviously my goal was not met this day, as I did not even keep track of what I was eating.

October 18
W- black coffee

B- apple/banana/string cheese
LS- red licorice
D- tortellini
Workout- none
Water- 60 oz.
*had a meal with apple, banana and string cheese does that count? Lol.

October 19
WB- string cheese
L- 2 slices of pizza
S- pizza rolls
D- popcorn, couple of tamales, skittles
Workout- none.
Water- 40 oz.
*seriously bad week for my goal.

October 20
B- fruit and veggie smoothie
S- pretzels and humus
LS- pretzels and hummus, sweedish fish
DWorkout- Zumba

Water-20 oz.
*well, I managed to get in a fruit and veggie meal.

October 21 October27
GOAL 4: Be in bed every night by 9:00 p.m.
How am I going to accomplish this goal: Start getting kids and myself ready for bed at 8:00.
How did I do on this goal: Not as good as I had wanted, but just improving the time I get in
bed made a huge difference in my energy level.
October 21
B- oatmeal
S- apple/string cheese
L- salad w/quinoa and tilapia
S- cottage cheese/nuts
D- 1 c. quinoa, string cheese
Workout- pilates
Water- 50 oz.
*In bed by 9:30.

October 22
B- oatmeal
S- apple, string cheese
L- salad
S- nuts, cheese, fruit
D- c. tuna salad
S- beer, 2 small choco chip cookies

Workout- Zumba
Water- 60 oz.
*in bed by 9:05.

October 23
B- oatmeal
S- apple, almonds
L- jamba juice
S- licorice
D- hot dogs, salad, chips
Workout- pilates
Water- 80 oz.
*stayed up too late, watching favorite t.v. shows with family. ;-) In bed by 10:30.

October 24
B- apple/string cheese
SL-small bag of chips
SD- pizza
Workout- none.
Water- 20 oz.
*Friday night hard to get kids in bed knowing that next day was Saturday. In bed by 11:30.

October 25

B- 1 c. cereal
S- apple, string cheese
L- stew
S- licorice
D- stew
Workout- none.
Water- 60 oz.
*In bed by 10:00.

October 26
B- oatmeal
S- cheese, apple
LS- cheese, almonds
D- stew
Workout- none.
Water- 56 oz.
*Ha, everyone in bed by 8:45!

October 27
Wake- cup of black coffee
B- oatmeal
S-tea, apple
L- Salad from school.
S- chips

D- spaghetti
S- apple
Workout- Zumba
Water- 20 oz.
*in bed by 9:00!

October 28 November 3
GOAL 5: Re-doing goal number 3 since I did horribly because of sick family.
How am I going to accomplish this goal: Be prepared and stocked with fresh fruits and
How did I do on this goal: Much better than last time.

October 28
Wake-cup of tea w/stevia
B-fruit and veggie smoothie
S- apple, string cheese
L- Jimmy Johns sandwich w/chips
S- almonds
D- chic-fil-a chicken strips
S- almonds
Water- 60 oz.
*got my meal of veggies and fruits in today!

October 29

W-black coffee
B- salad
S- almonds
L- Zumba green smoothie
S- candy
D- chicken breast w/pasta and sauce
S- ice cream
Workout- Zumba got to dress up for Halloween.
Water- 20 oz.
*had two meals today that were veggies and fruits, wahoo!

October 30
Wake- black coffee
BS- apple, 2 bananas
L- Zumba juice
SD- Pizza
Workout- Pilates
Water-70 oz.
*managed to fit in green smoothie for lunch.
October 31
Today was a bust, too much candy, no greens! ;-)

November 1

B- green smoothie
L- green smoothie
S- handful of almonds
D- pesto and pasta
S- tea
Workout- none.
Water- 40 oz.
*got in two meals of greens and fruits today.
November 2
Wake- tea w/stevia
BS-apple, banana
L-green smoothie
S-crackers and cheese
D-pesto and pasta
S-tea and apple
Workout- None.
Water- 20 oz.
*got in one green shake, but the rest of the day wasnt too healthy.

October 3
Wake-black coffee
B-green smoothie
S-two bananas

L-chic-fil-A, chicken strips

S- candy
D- mac and cheese
S- tea and apple
Workout- Zumba
Water- 60 oz.
*Got in a snack and a meal that was only fruit and veggies today, yummy.

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