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Prepared by: Megan Stone

Lesson title/topic: Animals

Subject area: Physical

Grade: Pre-School
Date: 11/14/2012

Time available: 30 minutes

STANDARDS/OUTCOMES addressed in this lesson:

1. Gain Confidence in using their bodies.

OBJECTIVES Through these learning activities, the student will be able to:

Students will be able to have complete control of their bodies.


Teaching strategy:

Child centered
Introduction/Set induction

Have picture of different animals that live in the desert. Talk to the students about the different animals
and how they move. Walk, crawl, hop, slither.
Instructional Activities

Each child will choose and animal that they like for the desert and they are going to move around the
classroom as if they were that animal. Remind the children that they need to keep their hands and feet
to themselves. No touching other animals. Once they have been pretending to be that animal for about
5 minutes have them choose a different animal that they want to be. This time have all the students
follow you/teacher around that room.

Talk about the different animals that they were. Which animal was the most difficult to be?
Transitional Activities

Have them all act like frogs and hop back to their seat.
How this lesson provides for ASSESSMENT of student learning:

While the children are acting live animals I will be watching to see if they have good control of their

Talk to the students about having control of their bodies and how sometimes you have to slow down
and way the classroom stays safe.
Checking up

During the activity watch the students to see if they are playing nicely and if they have good control of
their bodies.

Observation- watch students and make sure they are in control of their bodies and that they have
confidence to play and do physical things.
How this lesson provides DIFFERENTIATION for the students in this class:

Students can move at whatever pace they want to and be whatever they want, therefore everyone
should be able to participate.


Pictures of animals
REFLECTIVE ASSESSMENT of the lesson and student success (to be hand written after lesson is taught)

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