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Private hospitals doing well: Khaw

Revenue drop marginal
despite economic slump S’pore sewing up deal to get H1N1 vaccines
and H1N1 flu outbreak SINGAPORE is finalising a deal to obtain new strain of flu, including some with
vaccines against the Influenza A (H1N1) no underlying medical problems.
BY SALMA KHALIK bug that is causing the current “This continues to baffle the doctors
HEALTH CORRESPONDENT pandemic. and scientists and we do not have good
Details will be out later this week, answers as yet,” Mr Khaw said. This is
THE health of Singapore’s private hospi- Health Minister Khaw Boon Wan told the reason why Singapore is still in alert
tals is better than expected despite the Parliament yesterday. Dr Lam Pin Min code yellow, and not green, which
economic downturn and outbreak of (Ang Mo Kio GRC) had asked for an signals that things are back to normal.
H1N1 flu, Health Minister Khaw Boon update on the situation here.
Madam Halimah Yacob (Jurong GRC)
Wan said yesterday. Mr Khaw said vaccines are the most
asked if the coming northern winter is
Private hospitals suffered only a mar- important measure to prevent death
cause for greater concern.
ginal drop in revenue compared to last from H1N1. A safe vaccine, once found,
will be made “widely available”. The Mr Khaw replied that the fear is the
year, he added, disclosing that a surge in
domestic demand helped make up for the ministry will recommend it to frontline virus will mutate to a more dangerous
loss of foreign patients at these hospitals. staff and people at high risk of form. But close monitoring so far has
But last year, they did very well, he developing complications from the flu. not shown such a change.
told Parliament. Foreign patients had to Mr Khaw believes that Singapore is poised to capture the foreign medical market when the region So far, 18 people have died from this SALMA KHALIK
be turned away because the “market was recovers from recession. PHOTO: PARKWAY HOLDINGS
bigger than we can cope”.
He believes that Singapore is poised to
capture the foreign medical market when goal, he said. Hence, more facilities and ministry’s aim to chase the foreign dollar. ponent, besides attracting foreign pa- with the Economic Development Board to
the region recovers from recession. manpower are being added to cope with Foreigners seeking treatment in public tients. “position Singapore as a future-oriented
Mr Khaw gave his health report when the expected higher demand. hospitals is an inevitable outcome, he This is the production of useful health- Living Lab”, with industry players and
replying to Dr Lam Pin Min (Ang Mo Kio To Nominated MP Paulin Straughan’s said, as the reputation of these hospitals care solutions from research and innova- public hospitals cooperating to conceptu-
GRC) who asked about the ministry’s query on how the ministry will ensure spread. tions. “The world is hungry for practical alise, test and adopt new treatments and
plans to boost medical tourism. that Singaporeans do not suffer as a re- “We have a competent health-care sys- solutions to help people stay healthy, procedures.
However, Mr Khaw acknowledged that sult of the influx of foreign patients, Mr tem, with world-class facilities and a manage their chronic illnesses and reduce Areas of interest include the use of IT
the target of one million medical tourists Khaw said public hospitals are “crystal well-deserved reputation for high medi- their medical bills,” he noted. in health care, medical technology and
by 2012 now appears unrealistic. clear” that their priority is the Singapo- cal and ethical standards.” This need is the reason for the public ways of preventing serious diseases.
Latest available figures show that in rean, especially the poor. The minister also explained that Singa- sector’s investment in clinical and transla- Successful innovations could be export-
2006, Singapore treated just over Mechanisms are in place to ensure sub- poreMedicine, the brand name the nation tional research, which aims to improve pa- ed, he said. “The prospects are promising
400,000 foreign patients. sidised patients are not neglected, he is promoting in its effort to be a world tient care. and exciting.”
Still, Singapore will strive to reach the said, adding that it has never been the medical hot spot, has another major com- Mr Khaw said his ministry is working

Most top-scoring students per cent of wage earners here, and how
the Government intended to narrow the
live in HDB flats gap.
Dr Balakrishnan did not provide the
MOST of the top scorers in the Primary wage gap figure, but instead cited the
School Leaving Examination (PSLE) live Gini coefficient – which measures the
in HDB flats, said Education Minister Ng income distribution within a country –
Eng Hen yesterday, citing figures. as a proxy.
They make up more than 60 per cent It fell from 0.489 in 2007 to 0.481
of the top 10 per cent of PSLE scorers. last year. This signals a narrower wage
As for Secondary 1 students enrolled gap. If government benefits are taken
in Integrated Programme (IP) schools into account, the figure is further
this year, more than half live in HDB reduced to 0.462.
flats. Dr Balakrishnan also noted that lower
In IP schools, students skip the income workers were given help to
O-level examinations and sit for their A upgrade themselves through training and
levels after six years. by redesigning jobs.
Dr Ng, in disclosing the figures, said: The monthly income of workers in
“Our education system aims to provide the bottom 20th percentile was $1,310
opportunities for all students to go as far last year, compared with $1,200 in
as possible, regardless of their home 2006.
He made the statement in his written
response to Mr Seah Kian Peng (Marine Dash to beat red lights
Parade GRC), who asked for the
proportion of students in the top 10
cause of many accidents
secondary schools living in HDB flats. MANY of the accidents at road
View of the 2008 Formula One SingTel Singapore Grand Prix race circuit from the 65th level of Swissotel The Stamford. ST FILE PHOTO About 82 per cent of Singaporeans intersections are caused by motorists
live in public housing. who dash past red lights.
Every year for the past five years,
This is why “a longer lead time is re-
F1 road closures to be quired to prepare and inspect the cir-
cuit”, he added.
For instance, almost 1,500 pieces of
ComCare scheme has
helped 86,000 since 2005
these errant drivers cause about 300 of
the more than 2,000 accidents at

shortened where feasible

About 19,700 summonses were issued
concrete and high-tech barriers have to THE ComCare programme for needy yearly to motorists who beat red lights.
be precision-fitted to separate the race residents launched in 2005 has helped Deputy Prime Minister and Home
track from spectators, he said. 85,600 people. Affairs Minister Wong Kan Seng made
But Singapore has learnt from last This includes 27,000 who received these disclosures in a written reply to Dr
ALTHOUGH the Formula One champi- Bay floating platform. assistance in the first half of this year – Teo Ho Pin (Bukit Panjang), who asked
year’s inaugural race and this year, the
onship is a street race both here and in “These elements allow Singapore to a 15 per cent increase compared with the about the number of accidents at
road closure will last seven days, not 12
Monaco, Singapore needs more time to stage a unique and exciting event,” said number at the end of last year. intersections and the installation of
prepare for it for three reasons, said Mr days, said Mr Iswaran.
Mr Iswaran. In disclosing these figures in a written countdown timers.
S. Iswaran, Senior Minister of State for He was replying to Nominated MP The race will be held next weekend,
reply yesterday, Community Mr Wong is pessimistic as to whether
Trade and Industry, yesterday. Calvin Cheng, who asked if road clo- from Sept 25 to 27. But specified roads
Development, Youth and Sports Minister countdown timers at traffic lights would
One, the Singapore race, being the sures could be shortened to reduce the will be closed from Sept 23 and most Vivian Balakrishnan said the make a difference. He said a 2003 trial
world’s only F1 night race, poses unique impact on businesses near the circuit. will re-open by the morning of Sept 29. Government expects to spend about $77 done at the junction of Rochor Road and
logistical requirements. Mr Cheng had said that roads in the The main arteries, however, will stay million on the programme this year, a 37 North Bridge Road found a timer could
Second, Singapore’s 5km-long track Monaco race were closed only several open during the morning rush hour, per cent increase from last year. even cause accidents.
is 1.5 times longer than Monaco’s hours before and after the race and prac- from 5am to 9am, except on the race ComCare provides financial The reason: Drivers react differently
3.34km track. tice sessions. day (Sept 27), to minimise inconven- assistance to needy residents, including to timers approaching zero.
Third, the track here is much wider. Mr Iswaran said the differences in ience to road users, said Mr Iswaran. subsidies for their children’s education. “Some motorists applied the brakes
In fact, Monaco’s widest stretch is the two tracks meant more work for the He assured the House that the organ- Dr Balakrishnan was responding to to stop, while others accelerated in an
10m-wide, which is equivalent to the Singapore authorities, who have to com- isers will use each year’s experience Mr Seah Kian Peng (Marine Parade unsafe manner to beat the lights. This in
narrowest – and slowest – sections of ply with safety and technical require- to see whether the period of road clo- GRC), who asked about the income gap fact increases the likelihood of rear-end
the Singapore circuit, namely parts of ments set by the International Automo- sures can, where feasible, be further re- between the top 5 per cent and bottom 5 collisions,” he said.
Anderson Bridge and around the Marina bile Federation, F1’s governing body. duced.

Juvenile offence ruling set for apex court CASEFILE

BY K. C. VIJAYAN judgment would apply to all cases where Cabby dies after
LAW CORRESPONDENT the law stipulates different punishments heart attack on PIE
THE issue of whether juvenile convic-
About the case for repeat offenders.
These would include offences under A MAN who suffered a heart
tions should be held against those who re- the Road Traffic Act and the Vandalism attack while driving along the
turn to court as adult offenders looks set MUHAMMAD Noor Indra Hamzah was be disregarded when adult offenders go Act, and even more common crimes un- Pan-Island Expressway (PIE)
to be decided by Singapore’s highest convicted on various charges of drug to court. der the Penal Code, such as theft. died after striking another car
consumption and robbery in a District Judge Sarjit Singh, when Justice Lee’s ruling reinforced a deci- and hitting the central divider.
court, the Court of Appeal.
Subordinate Court in January and was sentencing Muhammad Noor, 22, said sion from 10 years ago when a district At about 11.20am on Sunday,
The issue was tackled in the High sentenced to a three-year jail term. his juvenile conviction should not be court also took a repeat drug offender’s ju- taxi driver Chew Poh Soon, 52,
Court last month after the prosecution ap- The prosecution appealed for a stiffer taken into account. is believed to have stopped his
venile record into account during sentenc-
pealed against the sentence of repeat sentence, arguing that he was a repeat But Justice Lee Seiu Kin said in a ing. vehicle on the left lane of the
drug offender Muhammad Noor Indra offender, having had two previous judgment last month that juvenile Meanwhile, lawyers say that motions PIE after running into difficulty.
Hamzah, 22, whose first offence was com- convictions for drugs. convictions should be considered when filed to settle questions of law in the pub- Another driver spotted him in
mitted when he was a 14-year-old. However, the first conviction dealing with repeat drug offenders under lic interest are rare. distress and tried stopping her
Justice Lee Seiu Kin decided in the happened when he was 14. the Misuse of Drugs Act. But one such case, involving convicted car along the road shoulder to
High Court that a drug offender’s convic- Under the Children and Young Justice Lee, however, did not increase lawyer Bachoo Mohan Singh, was heard help.
tion as a juvenile should be taken into con- Persons Act, juvenile convictions are to the sentence. last month by the Court of Appeal. Mr Chew’s vehicle, however,
sideration by the court when meting out Singh, who was convicted of helping suddenly lurched forward,
sentence. to file a false claim, said he brought up striking the back of her car
Even though the Children and Young the case as he was contesting a point of before veering to the right and
Persons Act states that juvenile convic- But the lawyers who represented Mu- settle the issue once and for all. hitting the divider.
law of public interest.
tions are to be disregarded when offend- hammad Noor are now seeking permis- They said Justice Lee’s ruling raised He said his case raised a question of An unconscious Mr Chew
ers return to court as adults, the judge sion to pursue the matter further. questions of law which were in the public law regarding the scope of lawyers’ du- was taken to Changi General
noted that the Misuse of Drugs Act speci- The team of three lawyers from Wong interest. ties. Hospital and died there about an
fies different punishments for repeat of- Partnership, led by Senior Counsel Tan In particular, they want the Court of The decision of the court in Singh’s hour later.
fenders. Chee Meng, wants the Court of Appeal to Appeal to decide whether Justice Lee’s case is still pending.

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