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D2 dd 9d HP DDD ye {This question paper contains 4 printed pages] os97 Rall os 8 U4Se (lls) COMPUTER SCIENCE /Y Semester Paper CS-S02 : COMPUTER NETWORKS (Admissions of 2001 and onwards) Time > 3 howrs Maximum Marks » 75 Write your Roll No. on the top immediately ‘om receipt of this question paper) AIL questions are compulsory. Parts Of the question should be answered cogether. |. (@) Which of the OSE Layerts) handles each of the fotowing (i) Flow Contr! i) Synchronization i) Routing decision ° ()State whether @ Conaection-Oricmted or Consetiontes service i required for the Following > warm DNS Query iy X28 (i) Real time trate @ PTO. 6597 2 (©) What do you understand by modulation ? Define various types of modulation schemes used in analog communication. Draw the conselltion diagram for 16 QAM sing 3 amplitude and 3 phases per quadrant «aay (@) Explain backward tearing in Transparent Bridges. ° 2. (a) What signal-to-noise ratio is needed to put a Tl carrer on a SO-AH2 line? @ () What wil be the transmitted fame when original frame fs 10100001101 and generator polynornil bs 11001, wsing cyclic redundancy check? (4) (©) What isthe difference between lacband signaling and Outchand signaling” Which scheme docs ISDN use? ey (8) What is a URL? List and explain its different componcas (sie) (@) How is BOO} Aifterent from DHCP? 3. (2) What are two types of switches ? Distinguish between them (2) () Diagram ally explain IP-header and discuss the various fois including option Field of reader @ 6597 3 5 (6) What do you understand by subnetting ? Extract the subnet addsess from the IP address with subuet mask 255.259.2440 a) () Discuss couat to infinity problem in Distance Vector Routing. o (4) What is the sizo of ATM cell? Why is it small and of fixedteagth? 02) (0) A signal has a bandwidth of 20 Hz. The highest feequency is 60 tz, What is the lowest frequency ? Draw dhe spectrum if signal comtaias all integral frequencies ofthe sume amplitude. (1*2) (©) Explain the use of piggybacking ? Discuss the ‘working of siding window protocol. (1+) (@) A cable TV system has 150 commercial chan all of them alternating programs with advertising 1s this more lke TDM or like EDM?) fe) Describe three-way handshake conection establishment scheme in TCP? o (4) Explain the algorithm by whieh the collisions can be reduced in Ethornct. o pro. 6597 4 (©) Draw the waveform of the bit stream 1011001 11001 using the following encoding. schemes {0 Mavcheuterensotng Gi) NRZ~1 encoding Gib Ditereniat Manchester encoding (0) Ri encoding casey (© Discuss the techaique that allows programmers to «all procedures lotted on remoie hosts along with its disadvantages ” (4) What do you meun by well-nowa ports? Name ports used by HTTP and SMTP. cy

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