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Slide 1: Title: Miss Row-cell to the Rescue, BCTRB Standard #1

Slide 2: This is Miss Row-cell. She is a recent graduate from the bachelor of
education program at Vancouver Island University.
Slide 3: Miss Row-cell has just been hired at an elementary school and is very
excited to being her teaching career.
Slide 4: She is a very nurturing person who wants to help all of her students grow to
their fullest potential.
Slide 5: Miss Row-cell is very happy to have her own classroom. It has always been
her dream to teach young learners.
Slide 6: While observing her class one day, Miss Row-cell starts to notice some of her
students look distracted in the mornings and dis-engaged in the activities.
Slide 7: She wonders to herself if there is something going on with her students that
she doesnt know about.
Slide 8: She begins to think that maybe some of her students are not being fed
breakfast in the mornings.
Slide 9: On her coffee break Miss Row-cell brings up her theory to her colleague,
Miss Hodgins. Miss Hodgins informs Miss Row-cell that yes, many students within
the school are missing out on their morning meal.
Slide 10: Miss Hodgins agrees that it is unfortunate, but that there is nothing the
teachers can do about it.
Slide 11: She tells Miss Row-cell, our hands are tied.
Slide 12: Miss Row-cell tells her colleague that she herself will create a solution.
Slide 13: Miss Row-cell writes up a plan for a breakfast program.
Slide 14: After hours of research and planning, she is finished with her written
breakfast program plan.
Slide 15: She immediately presents her plan to the schools principal, Mr. Trott, in
the hopes that he will support her program.
Slide 16: The principal thinks it is a great idea and approves her plan. Mr. Trott is
impressed to see such a motivated and caring new teacher.

Slide 17: Straightway Miss Row-cell begins calling suppliers and asking for
donations to support her morning breakfast program.
Slide 18: Miss Row-cell is glad to find that the community is so encouraging of her
program and willing to help.
Slide 19: She writes an article in the schools newspaper to advertise the program to
the school.
Slide 20: Miss Row-cell gladly hands out breakfast to the students at her school on
the first day of the breakfast program.
Slide 21: Her colleagues Mr. Trott and Miss Hodgins are very proud of Miss Rowcells great work!
Slide 22: Miss Row-cell is pleased that her program is such a success. She is very
happy to know that all the students in her class and school are getting full meals
every morning for breakfast. Miss Row-cell always wants the very best for her

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