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Curriculum Plan

Name: Cora Wright

Title of Lesson: How We Travel
Age of Children 3-5


Targeted Domain: Cognitive

Learning Center: Small Group

To have children recognize different modes of transportation


To have children place the different modes of transportation

Onto the bulletin board

Transition: Plan

Read a book on transportation


Have children in a large group, show them the board and read the labels. Ask if
any of the children know which mode of transportation goes in the air, which goes on land,
which goes on rail, which goes on water and then have children take turns placing each where
they go

Advanced Preparation:

make a large bulletin with different pictures of how each

transportation travel on, then make each transportation mode to match (car, train, boat, airplane,
etc.) the transportation on the bulletin board, laminate bulletin board and transportation modes,
place Velcro on the back of each transportation modes and on the bulletin board, so modes can
be place and removed for later use

List Materials: cut transportation modes, bulletin board, pictures of what transportation
travel on, laminator, construction paper, Velcro, scissors,

Developmental Benefits:

Fine motor, language, recognition, social, literacy, spatial

Future Plans: Make a graph and graph how many traveled on each form of transportation

Your Name: ______________________________

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