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MYP Individuals and Societies

Statement of Inquiry
Research Question

"When natural disasters that threaten a people or culture occur, the systems necessary to
sustain that society and culture often rely on external support, technology and aid"
How can the inhabitants of Fiji Island overcome the complications faced during a natural
occurring cyclone, ensuring the success of a maintained and secured environment aided by
the support given by both local and worldwide organizations.

What to research?

Why research it?

Which sites or sources can

help me? (use the source analysis section to guide your research)

What are the pull factors that

attracts people to inhabit in Fiji
Island and makes it a successful
place? Justify the surroundings
and the living conditions of Fiji

To grasp in the cultures and people of Fiji

Island at the same time classify the need of
ones effort towards the redevelopment after
a devastating disaster.

What aspects or features of Fiji

Island resulted them to be a more
vulnerable and prone place to live
in and its awareness towards
living in a vulnerable and prone

To identify the climate and geographic

features of Fiji Island in order to be able to
create an action plan that can further support
the evacuation process and the aftermath

Look into depth of Fiji Islands

infrastructure relating the
significance, conditions,
characteristics, etc.

To be aware on how to further develop Fiji

Islands infrastructure after a natural
occurring cyclone to a better condition.

MYP Individuals and Societies
The risks and consequences taken
during the natural occurring
cyclone that can include spread of
diseases and other devastation.
Elaborate the aid and support and
relief responses given.

How to resolve and prevent a specific

problem by creating an advice regarding the
aid and support and relief responses given.

When should I begin this? What do I need to do to complete Why am I doing this? What is my goal?
When should this be
summative assessment correctly
(including research tasks)?
Begin: 22th November 2014
Complete: 23th November

Identify and take advantages of

significant information that can benefit
us in this task.
Taking notes in bullet points or any other
desired way while reading websites and other
varied sort of resources.

We are doing this particular step in order to have an overall

and general understanding regarding the place we will be
looking further into. I believe that this will allow me to
undertake of higher quality of work.

Begin: 23th November 2014

Complete: 24th November

Evaluate and justify the research did and

create connections and links to the research
question, discard and exclude all unnecessary

To assure that all the information are related to one another

as well as the topic resulting useful information to use in the
final leaflet and plan. This would be really useful since this
might prevent unrelated and unreasonable work.

Begin: 24th November 2014

Complete: 26th November

Based on the information obtained create a

rough guide of the plan and report relating on
the survival of inhabitants in Fiji Island as
well as the internal and external support
needed to be given.

This step can give a rough outlook of what to do in my final

leaflet and plan. Giving a apprehensible guide of what to
write regarding the survival of the inhabitants and how both
local and worldwide organizations can help.

Begin: 26th November 2014

Develop further details from the rough guide

in order to create the final leaflet and plan.
Including media such as pictures and deep
understanding of the unit.

Following the rough guide made give further details and

understanding in order to produce a flowing relatable leaflet
and plan.

Complete: 29th November 2014

MYP Individuals and Societies
Begin: 29th November 2014
Complete: 30th November

Evaluate the following leaflet and plan,

ensure that it achieved all the requirement
needed and does not stray off the guidelines.

Creating unintentional mistakes can happen at most times

therefore we should evaluate and review our own work this
may help us avoid mistakes in the final leaflet and plan.

Begin: 30th November 2014

Complete: 1st December 2014

Finalize the report and publish it on our

websites after reviewing the work multiple

Give final touches to the final leaflet and plan then publish
in our website along with other desired media. Make sure it
is posted and my team members links are working so that it
would be graded.

What do you know about the person who
created this source?
Think about:
Is this a primary or secondary
Is the writer an expert?
Is the writer and/or website
reputable? How do you know?

Title: Fiji - $1.7 million for tropical cyclone Gene rehabilitation

Creator: OCHA
Type of source: Website
Date of creation: 12 Feb 2008
The creator/ author is rather trustworthy in giving out secondary source
information. I can apprehend that this author/ creator is reputable since this
website is conducted by an organization called United Nations Office for the
Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA).

MYP Individuals and Societies
Yes, this website updates their feed regularly providing fresh daily news and
relief responses on a particular event/ natural disaster.

Are the ideas and information still
relevant or are these out of date?
What is the creators purpose? Why did they
create this work?
Was it to:

influence people?
sell something?
tell their version of events?

The creators had stated We provide reliable disaster and crisis updates and
analysis to humanitarians, so they can make informed decisions and plan
effective assistance.Our editorial insight, combined with access to the latest
technology, allows us to provide innovative, reliable and informative products
and services on a continuous, global basis. as their purpose to creating their

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