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b Now read three true stories about people getting revenge on a former partner. ‘Answer the questions with a partner ‘Whose revenge do you think was...? L the most ingenious 2 the most satisfying 3 the most embarrassing for the person it was done to the least justifiable the most likely to have a long-lasting effect LEXIS IN CONTEXT © Read the stories again and choose the right word or phrase for gaps 1-12. 1 a rejected — b dumped —¢ broke up 2a turning —b putting —_ creating 3a pried —b blamed —€ ridiculed 4a replaced 6 substituted c revived 5 a unwillingly obviously —¢ unbearebly 6 @ stuck b attached —_¢ posted 7 a invented b created = c made up 8 a peak b top ¢ crowning 9 agetover b getback —¢ getridof 10a found —b made © took IL asetofi — b setabout —c setup 12. a choppedup b sumpedon © sinashed GRAMMAR get Lodk et sare sentences fron listening, which all have Bene iin qpestionwwrihinrpactoce A Online agencies advise getting, a photo taken where {you look friendly rather than seductive, {ei ofr u plotae Vogts foe's rn Dea ET Broups of friends siaft fo make friends, and as'2 result the couple’ relationship gets stronger get questionnaire Ate you the kind of person who ‘eavlory gets rid of old clothes or A] Did you use t0 get inte trouble 2 lot 0 you consider yourself 9 person ihe cantly peace ag? Gany Cao | Do you tend to keep up to date with your work oF Studies ordo you often get behind? | Do you think young drivers get stopped by the police mmote than older ditears? Ooryou tht aia ie fais? Have you ever got caughe cheating in an exam? Have you ever chested in amexam and gor away with fouether ie wood way to teal gett know people? Speaking to someone in English [5 How often and where do you Getting you ‘Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned’ according to the 17th century English playwright and poet William Congreve, and it remains as true today as it was then. oO W hat do you do when lave has run ts course? How do you say's over? ‘According to singer Paul Simon, ‘There must be 50 ways to leave your lover’ Some years ago, fell singer Phil Clin infamously his second wife by fa. n these more technologically advanced days the Finish Prime Minister recenty Broke up wath his mistress by SMS. Less cowardly isthe facecoface approach ¢iHe need to tlk’ "This just sit working’ "Hove you like a friend, etc). ‘When French woman, Spe Calle received an email on her mobile, she was devastated to discover that it was a message of adiev in which her partner claimed t the breakup would ‘hurt me more than ic wil hurt you! Here fs a shot extract "watever haprens, you must know that | will never stop xing you in my own way| she way Ive loved you ever since ve known you, which wil stay par of me, and never die... wish things had turned out diferertly, Take care of yourself.” With hindsight, the man almost certainly wishes that he hal followed his irs instinct ‘acems to me It would be berer to say what | have wo say to you face-to-face), particulary fas tre woman he wae dumping & a conceptual arst who spedelizes in private pain int at. And that is exactly wnat she did with her ‘Dear Sophie’ email “ao heartbroken to reply, she decced she would ‘take care cf hers’ by sending the mans email to 107 women (inclusing an acess, a poet, a ballet dancer, a singer, a novelist, a psychotherapist an etiquette consuitant, a edo, a policewoman, and vena schoolgie. She asked all of them to read the email and to analyse itor intra it according to thai job while she filmed or photographed tre result. The psyehiatst Conclidas that the man was a "wisted manipulator’ while the etiquette consultant Cricized his manners, ad the elitor? his grammar and syrtex "The kea came to me very Quickly. At fst tas therapy, then art took over After a ‘ont had got over him, There was ro suferng. The project had *__ the man? “The resuiting exhibition Frenez sin de vous' was put on atthe Bibliotheque ‘in Pais and was ater a huge success atthe Venice Biennale: And afer becoming, * the notorious star’ oF an exhibition, is a sure ber that when Sophie exlover dumps his giiidands in the Future, he will never ever say Tace cave of yourself” 1) does ger mean become 2 does ger mean make or persuadte 3) Could you replace get with eave with no change v’o * Grammar Bank 2C. Read the rules and de © Read the get questionnaire and tick ten questions youd like to ask romeone che in the class. Asleand answer ¥ one of your gadgets or electrical appliances breaks Sown. do you normally ty t0 fhe R Yoursalt fst or do, wou immediately phone £9 get an expert to fH? you are meeting someone, do you usually get there sieves or ore you normally cabor early oe pe? mrupiemmeints FS woaid'you tyioget out st gongs Ht you were supposed to get Might {Ne day at there nad bean 9 serious Is there anyone in your family oF group of frends whe really gate on your nerves? (ond of te stick when you were Tithe house? What worries you most about getting ote? from everything ard relax? — 1 got ea email fro Mare tala If youTe going to the post office, could you get me some sam ps? When do you think welll get to Paris? Lets not bother with «taxi ~ we can get the bus, 2 Wed better go home. its getting dark. scum to have got very forgetfil recent. ‘The trafic gets worse inthe city cence every day 1 dort think my mother wil ever get used tc living aa ber ow 43 Wenneed to get someone to fix the central heating ~ Its ot sworking propesy, (Could you get Jame to finish the report? im too busy tod i thisaflernoon. 44 Lm going to get my hair cut nost wook [ nee tn get my passport renewed ~ it runs out in & couple of 5 Did you know Dea got sacked last week? ‘My husband got caught driving a (50 kmh. He got eae points oa bis licence Gt s one of the most coramon verbs in English and can be used in sony cifferent ys. 1" Ger+ noun / procoun can mean ‘receive “brings etch, obtais, “buy” ot eatch and with fo + a place t means arrive a i. 2 We une get + adjective or comparative adjective to mean “become: + Compare be + adjective and get + adjective 1s dark getting dark Tm sed 10 the climate in England now: In geting used 1 the climate in England. 3 We can use get + object + infinitive wo mean ‘make somebody do something of ‘persuade somebody to do something? 4 In informal spoken English we sometines use ger (+ object + past, participle) instead of have (+ object + past pariciple) to say that Join ask oF pay another person to Go something for you. See 1 hzve on page 137. 55 We ean use ge (+ put participle) instead of be to make a passive steveture. Ths is more informal than using be ‘a. Replace ge with another verb so that the senterice means the sume, I got fined yesterday for breaking the speed limit. was _My fae getting Incceasingy forgetfal in hisold age Do youlenow anywhere neat here were Tom get a newspaper? 4 Coukt you try to get your brother to come night toa? 4 We had to get the roof repaired, asi was damage! in the storm, ‘SL got an emai out ofthe blue today ftom an old school Feed. 6 Ul get the 7 301 atthe sation? 7 Do you think they'll get here in time for lunch? wold you he able to piek-me up 8 Fyoute going upstairs, could you get me my jacket, Che eee oy oe 9 She going o get caught if sh nat careful 10 How can get you to change your mind? D- Complete the sentence with the right form of ge! and the word in brackets You may need tp change the form of the verbs in brackets, ‘Lf gr fost (always (Lose) when Im driving, Tink To going to geca satnav 1 Loniy just fn time. It-was shout to run cut (ny work permit / renew) 2 My husband kas only been in the UK for two months and hhevust cade ‘nthe let. He gets very confused at roundabouts. (used / drive) 3 Monica’ Hance —__ ina carerash. He twas lucky to survive, (nearly / Kl) 4 Teen tommorrow night so we can go ‘ur. (ny sister / babysit) 5 yo ean find your keys, ell have co {all the locks / change) 6 Wey the police jt elie we costed the bridge. They were looking fora stolen car. (op) 7 Tent to the opticians yesterday to (eyes test) 8 A What happened to your eve? Br by amosquito st olght. (bite) New English File Teacher's Book Athan ae Grammar get Photeapable © Orford rivers Pres 290 © Right (7) or wrong (x)? Correct the mistakes in the highlighted phrases, 1 She was so exhausted that she OE tHE child¥eH f6'C50R while she relaxed. ¥ 2 We're now starting to Bet THe poiiit, where we just can’t cope. 3 Quite a few of our things SETS HEAR when we were moving house. 4 Look online to find out where you can get #0. EH BU into town. 5 It can take a long time to get Used {G! a new neighbourhood. 6 Top managers often Get pay substantial bonuses at the end of the year. 7 She was in the middle of Getting her leis waxed gil JOOKEd at the figures for me. © Order the words to make sentences. 1 the always women men same paid get should as Women should always get paid the same as men. 2 alotato paying of waste cut hair your is money get Paying. _ _ 3_get to the work to is rich way best hard The — 4 experience hurt a getting usually is learning Getting _ _ 5 older people get as they wiser get People a — 6 provided fine get is you caught dont cheating Cheating a 7 than them better presents giving getting is, Giving oo 8 in you help anywhere school doesr't get life to School ____ — @ Discuss the sentences in b with a partner. Do you agree with them? ia remember wiat these numbers refer to. famous composes, actress Jane Slavin was right to wonder 42°32 1000 25 24 if things were too good to be true Jane first © a message on his Facebook page last July. it said, ‘You are one of my favourite composers’ He instantly replied, and within minutes he had added her to a list of cyber ‘friends’. Later he emailed her asking for a date. ‘He a Pers: when she embarked on a relationship with a 0 107 30 more than 100 € Look at some famous sayings about revenge Which saying do you think best fits each of the three stories in b? Do you agree with any of them? Invited me to 2 concert ang it went on from there. it was an amazing _ ‘Revenge is sweet? adventure,’ she says. ‘it all seemed so magical to be with someone “Revenge is.a dish best served cold” so hugely talented.’ However, three months into their relationship, “In revenge, woman is more barbarous than man. he simply stopped emailing her. it went from 30 emails a day to ‘An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind” nothing. No phone call, no texts, no emails. | thought he'd died" So, suddenly and inexplicably rejected, jane returned to the internet. I put the words “lovely lady’ into Google and downloaded a 2 PRONUNCIATION stuniing-looking photoyrash ofa womrian andl | gaveihera amis words and phrases of French origin Lucia. | then a MySpace page for her. and emailed him. The ‘email from ‘Lucia’ said, ‘| don't have any friends on MySpace. I'ma A number of French words and phrases are used staat fan of your musi. WAll you be (ny fiend? By the and sfthe in English. They are usualy said in a way that is first day, he had sent her more than 100 errails. close to their French pronunciation, and so do not The ® moment of her revenge came when ‘Lucia’ agreed to necessarily follow normal English promunckation a rendezvous in a lige café in London. At the appointed time Jane patterns, eg. ballet (bela), reidecvous (/ rondervu2) walked in and said, ‘Hi, how are you? |'ve not heard from you for These words will appear in good English dictionary. ages’. He looked horned. “He said he was meeting a new PA. | said, “Do you mind if | sit down? @ Look at the sentences below, and underline a and he said, "Yes, I do, she's going to be here any minute now’.| said, French word or expression in each one. What “rll sit down for just a second’. | opened my beg and pulled out copies _de you think they mean? Do you use any of of all his messages to Lucia. When he asked, ‘is she a friend of yours?” them in your language? Heant across the table and whispered to him, “Lucia is all Jane”. 1 made a real faux pas when I mentioned his ‘Lucia was my revenge,’ says Jane. ‘It helped me ® him. ex-wile, Ufewe:riairegret 2 When we were introduced I had a sense of déja vu, though I knew wed never met heiore. o hho can forget the spectacular way in which Sarah Graham- 3 For our first date, he took me to a concert of Wi Se TMEGMG SER eradtende mine Sipe we) bo eeoa fifth baronet, after seeing his blue BMW parked in the 4 She’ engaged to a well-known local entrepreneur. driveway of a 42-year-old blonde? 5 know its a eliché, but it really was love al She promptly poured a can of white paint over the car ~ but that first sight. was only the beginning, Ten days later, she ! ‘altering’ his 6 On our anniversary, he always buys @ huge clothes. According to Sir Peter’s own account, she cut ten centimetres bouquet of flowers — he’ so predictable! off the left arm of 32 of his Savile Row suits, jackets and overcoats 7 Lmet Jane's fiancé last night. They told ine ~ some of which had cost him £1,000 or more. For good measure, they're getting married next year. she "a box containing 25 Havana cigars, flattening the lot of them, and threw another six boxes of the Montecristo No 2s out of |b 2 Lister and focus on how the French the window. expressions are pronounced, Then practise ut still Lady Graham-Moon hadn't finished. A week later, she went saying the sentences ona bizarre imilkcround’, dstributing 24 bottes of his finest vintage Wine and port on doarsteps in the village where the woman lived. ‘gave me a hell of a buzz,’ she said. 3 VOCABULARY phrases with get ae Sera a Can you remember expressions with get from avile Row a stot in London with many shops that sell expensive sper ie é Pathos for man tht are often specially made for each poman ‘hietents lak whlch meats: rilk round (in Britain) the ob of going om house to house gular. a take cevenge on someone dolivoring milk b recover from (a broken relationship with a anc eee someone) 1 Expressions with get a. Complete the sentences with an expression from the list. getashock gethold of _getinto trouble get out ofthe way get rid of smn artoonstokeem getthe chance getthe impression get the joke get to know _ get your own back on 1 |__ you're bic annoyed with me. Have I done something wrong? 2 You'll ‘when you sce hin. He looks at least ten years older. 5 Since we stopped working together we hardly ever __— to see each other. 4 [didnt laugh because didat he 5 When you hima T think you'll really like him. See er Ec 6 {need to speak to Sarah urgently but I just ea her 7 Lvant to thet awful painting, but T can't because it was a wedding present from my mother in-lave 3 Tin going to my brother for tling my parents I got back lat. Next time he asks to borrow my bike, J won lend it to him. 9 Hes going to with his wife i she finds out that hs boen emailing his ex-gelfriend 10 tried to walk past him but he wouldatt _. He just stood there, blocking the path b Witha partner, say what you think the expressions mean. 2 Idioms with get a Match the sentence halves. 9 My boytriend just never gets the message. 10 She always gets her own vay. ‘Theres no way you can afford that cat! You'te 35 and youre still living with your parents! 1 Got real! A is)ust too dificult for me. 2 Get allie! B Ishe in his eighties now? 3 Tin not getting anywhere with this crossword. They seem (o have exacily the same tastes and interests, 4 She really gets om my nerves. DD. Her exam sin two weeks and she hasnt even started studying. 5. She really needs to get her act together. EE thought the party was at their house, but it~ iS at Mike and Ja 6 They get on like a house on fire Everything about her irritates me, her voice, her smile ~ everything! 7 When we spoke om the phone I got the wrong endofthestick, G_He just does whatever she tells him to 8 You grandfather must be getting on a bit, isnt he? H_Tkeep dropping hints about his av cooking but he takes no noti 1 1 bb With a partner, say what you think the idioms mean. 3 Phrasal verbs with get ‘Match the phrasal verbs to their meaning. 1 Shall we try to get together for dinner next weekend? A recover fromm 2 Thope my brother gets over his break-up soon. Hes very depressed. B start a career or profession 3 Least help you nov, need to get on with the cooking, C_move from pleee to place 4 Tve tried to talk about it, but Tjust cart get through to hie. D make someone understand 5 How did you get ito journalisin? E_ menage with what you have 6 The best way to get around the city is by taxi - they're very cheap here, F fail to make enough progress 7 Shes cheated in exams several times but she always gets away with it. G Gepress 8 My wife is out of work so well just have to get by on less money. 1H write or speak to sb again later 9. I've gota bit behind with my work - I may have to do some et the weekend, I avoid a responsibility or obligation 10 ‘This werible weather i really getting me down, J. meet socially 11 Lvant te get out of going to Annis party. Can you think of a good excuse? K contince doing 12. ‘Thanks for your email. Il get Back to you as soon as possible: L do something wrong without getting ‘caught or punished

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