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What Can We Do?

Providing Students with Accommodations in the

Every student is unique and need different accommodations in order to be successful in the
Accommodations can be divided into 9 categories:

Amount of work
How the information is taught to the learner
Amount of participation required
Time limits
Level of difficulty
Altering goals
Level of support
How student will respond
Alternative instruction and materials

Types of Accommodations
Amount of work
Decrease the amount of work the student is
expected to complete

Example: Decrease the amount of homework

questions the student is expected to complete

How information is taught

Teacher should use different methods of teaching
the student

Example: Using visuals, hands-on activities, oneto-one instruction, group work, record lectures

Types of Accommodations
Amount of participation required

Time limits

Teacher can determine how to help the student

participate within their comfort level

Teacher can increase the time allowed to complete a

assignment, task, or test

Example: If student is shy and has trouble talking

in front of others, the teacher can have student
present to a small group or the teacher alone

A visual timer should be given

Assignment due dates can be postponed to a later


Example: If a student struggles to complete tests in a

certain amount of time then the teacher could
extend the amount of time the student is allowed to
complete the test

Types of Accommodations
Level of difficulty
If the student is struggling, the teacher can
decrease the level of difficulty of assignments,
tests, or projects to fit the needs of the student

Example: Allow the student to work in partners,

simplify tasks, incorporate materials the student
has already mastered

Altering goals
Teacher can change the goals or expectations
while using the same materials

Example: The student can highlight misspelled

words instead of writing it, or student can verbally
state information instead of writing etc

Types of Accommodations
Level of support
The teacher can increase the amount of
assistance given to the student depending on
their needs
Example: Teacher can provide peer tutors or
partner activities

How student will respond

The teacher can adapt how the student will
respond to instruction or an assignment

Example: Instead of writing answers the student

can circle answer, instead of essay questions have
multiple choice etc

Types of Accommodations
Alternative instruction and materials
Teacher should provide alternate assignments or
activities to help meet the learners goals

Example: Go over what will be talked about in

class before class begins, provide a laptop or

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