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Give a man a fish and you feed him a day, teach a man to fish and you feed him a lifetime

Chinese Proverbs

The fishing industry includes any industry or activity concerned with taking, culturing,
processing, preserving, storing, transporting, marketing or selling fish or fish products. It is
defined by the Food and Agriculture Organization as including recreational, subsistence and
commercial fishing, and the harvesting, processing, and marketing sectors. The commercial
activity is aimed at the delivery of fish and other seafood products for human consumption or
as input factors in other industrial processes. Directly or indirectly, the livelihood of over 500
million people in developing countries depends on fisheries and aquaculture.
According to the Aquaculture Report of the Philippines, Fish and seafood represent an
important source of protein for the average Filipino, at around 41% of animal protein intake.
But despite a high demand for fisheries products in the Philippines, and extensive aquatic
resources, fish is becoming increasingly unaffordable for the countrys poor due to dwindling
stocks and increased costs of production. The fishing industry in the Philippines is also
vulnerable to the effects of climate change - rising sea levels, increasing water temperatures
and changing weather patterns are all likely to have ongoing impacts on the productivity of the

With declining fish stocks (largely due to overfishing and habitat degradation) amidst
increasing demand for fish and fish based products, the Government of the Philippines
provided significant support to develop the aquaculture industry that in recent years
experienced significant increases in total production. In 2009, 49% of fish production was from
fish farms, compared to only 18% in 2003.
In 2010, the Philippines ranked 5th among the top fish producing countries in the world
with its total production of 5.16 million metric tons of fish, crustaceans, mollusks, and aquatic
plants (including seaweeds). The production constitutes 3.06% of the total world production of
168.4 million metric tons (FAO website).
The Philippines 0.745 million metric tons aquaculture production of fish, crustaceans
and mollusks in 2010 ranked 10th in the world and a 1.24% share to the total global
aquaculture production of 59.87 million metric tons. In terms of value, the countrys
aquaculture production of fish, crustaceans and mollusks has amounted to over 1.56 billion
dollars (FAO website).
Similarly, the Philippines is the worlds 3rd largest producer of aquatic plants (including
seaweeds) having produced a total of 1.80 million metric tons or nearly 9.48% of the total
world production of 19.01 million metric tons (FAO website).
MIMAROPA is an administrative region of the Philippines, designated as Region IV-B. It is
one of two regions of the Philippines having no land border with another region, Eastern
Visayas being the other. The name is an acronym combining the names of its provinces, which

are: Occidental Mindoro, Oriental Mindoro, Marinduque, Romblon and Palawan. The region is
also more formally known as Southern Tagalog Islands.
In 2007, MIMAROPA's economy surged by 9.4%, making it the fastest growing region in
the country in that year.[9] It was aided by robust growth in the industrial sector which grew by
19.1% from -6.1% in 2006.[9]
MIMAROPA experienced a big slowdown in 2006, posting a decelerated growth of 2.3%
from a 6.4% increase in 2005. This resulted mainly from the slump in the industry sector, which
shrunk by 5.4% in 2006 from its 10.8% increase in 2005.
The agriculture, forestry, and fishing sector, which contributed 42.1% to the total
regional economy, grew by 9.1% in 2006, accelerating from 3.2% the previous year. The higher
production of palay, corn, other crops, livestock and fishery resulted in the accelerated growth
in the total agriculture and fishery sector.
For the year 2013, fishing climbed by 3.3 percent from a contraction of 2.5 percent
recorded last 2012 with the increased production of aquaculture fishes, particularly tilapia and
milkfish, and more unloadings and abundant catch of skipjack, yellowfin tuna and roundscad in
NCR, CALABARZON, MIMAROPA, Bicol Region, Visasyas, Zamboanga Peninsula.

Background of the Study

Traditionally, fishing harbors served more or less the local port based fishing fleet by
provision of vessels orientated services such as mooring, unloading of fish, supplies of fuel,
water and store provisions, and small vessels repairs, as well as simple fish handling and

transportation ashore. Forced by dynamic changes in fisheries operations and technologies,

quality-conscious handling methods for fish, and the necessity for high throughputs, the role
and functions of fishing ports actively developed to serve the changing requirements of port
users. Important additional services were added because of the development of the business
environment that required extended harbor facilities for bigger, more sophisticated fishing
vessels, short and medium term storage of fish, ice supplies for fishing vessels and traders,
accommodation of fish processing industries, statistical recording of port activities, and last not
least, the need for consideration of environmental protection. In fishing ports with fish landings
by international vessels, public services were addedcustoms, immigration, health services,
and police.
Fishing port management has faced a rapidly changing sea and land borne volume of
traffic, accompanied by deep structural changes in fishing fleet operations, fish handling and
transport, and has had to cope with increased industrialization of originally traditional fish
processing methods. Modern technology, equipment and work methods were introduced.
Organization of port operations, as well as information processing and documentation, were
increasingly directed by process computer application. Operational systems (as management
tools) had to be changed and must be permanently adjusted to meet the requirements of
transit of fish through the portlanding/unloading, handling, sales, temporary storage or
warehousing processing, delivery, and distribution. Fishing ports had to react to the changing
situations and they are still reacting.

Strategically, some fishports and fish processing complex existing in the Philippines are
situated within island coves in good geographic locations. Site selection is a critical thing in
planning fishport and processing complex.
According to the Philippine Fisheries Development Authority, theres a program that
involves the provision and operation of fish port complexes in strategic fish landing centers
nationwide. These fish ports are equipped with facilities such as breakwater, landing quay,
market halls, refrigeration and processing facilities, slipway, and related facilities. In particular,
the program addresses the needs of the commercial fishing boat operators, municipal
fishermen, and fish processors/exporters, among others.
Some of the fishports and fish processing complex in the country are:

Navotas Fish Port Complex (NFPC) (Luzon)

Iloilo Fish Port Complex (IFPC) (Visayas)

Davao Fish Port Complex (DFPC) (Mindanao)

General Santos Fish Port Complex (GSFPC) (Mindanao)

All of these fishports and fish processing complex contributes a lot in the fish processing
industry of the country.
Mindoro is an island in the west-central Philippines. It lies across the Verde Island
Passage from Luzon (northeast) and between the Mindoro (southwest) and Tablas (southeast)
straits. Unlike the majority of its sister islands, Mindoro has no deep coastal embayments or
fringing islets.

A mountainous core extending for 100 miles (160 km) along the islands entire length is
surrounded by a broken coastal plain, widest along the eastern shore. Lake Naujan and Mount
Halcon (8,481 feet *2,585 metres+), the islands highest point, are in the northeast. Steep-sided
valleys are formed by rivers, including the Pandan, Ibod, and Bongabong. The tamaraw
(tamarau), a small water buffalo, is unique to Mindoro.
Bulalacao, one of the fifteen municipalities in the province of Oriental Mindoro, is
located at the southernmost tip of the province, on the undulating altitude northwest of
Bulalacao Bay and Tablas Strait, bounded on the west by San Jose and on the northeast by
Mansalay. It is geographically located at approximately 120 2030 longitude and 12 1930
latitude. It is 189 kilometers from Calapan City, the provincial capital and 47 kilometers from
Roxas, the trading center in the southern part of Oriental Mindoro. The municipality has a total
land area of 30,511 has. The urban area occupies 1,077 hectares while the rural area totaled to
29,434. hectares. The urban area is composed of barangays Poblacion and Campaasan. The
remaining 13 barangays consists the rural area. The Municipal Center of Bulalacao is situated in
a cove facing the southern sea of the Mindoro Island.

Statement of the Problem

Fishery is an important component of the agricultural sector in the Philippines. Marine
fishery is an important source of protein, livelihood and export earnings for the Philippines. In
2010, total marine catch was estimated to 2.4 million tons which accounted for about 48% of
the total fisheries production. (BAS 2011).

The increased demand for fish from rapidly growing population and increasing exports
has substantially increased fishing pressure on the marine fishery resources in the past two
decades. The major key issues facing the fisheries sector are resource depletion and
environmental degradation. Declining catch rates and the leveling off of marine landings also
supports these conclusions.
Philippines is still one of the top fish producing countries in the world. Over 1.5 million
people depend on the fishing industry for their livelihood. Philippines is also considered a major
tuna producer in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean (WCPO). The fishing industrys
contribution to the countrys Gross Domestic Products (GDP) in 2009 was 2% and 2.4% at
current and constant prices, respectively (Philippine Fisheries Profile, 2010).
General Santos is home to 6 of the countrys 7 tuna caning plants while Region 9 is host
to 11 of the countrys sardine production. Bariles is a Filipino word for Tuna, the primary
source of income of the people of General Santos City which hosts 6 of the Philippines 8 tuna
canneries and more than 80% of its tuna processing plants. But according to the World Wildlife
Foundation (WWF) that Occidental Mindoro is the Philippines emerging tuna capital because of
the regions significant increase in tuna catch for the past years.
In 2011 and 2012, the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources and WWF reported
that Occidental Mindoro has an average of 600,000 kilos of tuna delivered throughout the
Philippines and outside the country.

According to WWF-Philippines Mindoro Team Site Manager Joselito Tiongson, most of

the exported tuna of the Philippines that go to Japan, Korea and Australia, and some European
countries, came from Mamburao and Sablayan municipalities of Occidental Mindoro.
Based on the data gathered by the researcher, it is clear there is a demand to have a
Fishport and fish processing center in the MIMAROPA region that would cater the increasing
fish industry of the Region.

Architectural Thesis Goals, Objectives, and Strategies

The aim of the thesis is to identify clearly and find correct approach to the problems and
issues stated earlier.
Specifically, the study aims to:

To provide the MIMAROPA Region the architecturally equipped and well-planned

facilities and structures that would cater the increasing supply of fish and other seafood
products in processing and distribution for domestic and International exports

To help the country in promoting and improving its fish industry in utilizing the available
resources in the entire archipelago without compromising the future needs of the

To help small and big fish farms and companies in the Region in generating more income

To make the municipality of Bulalacao in Orieantal Mindoro the proposed site of the

To provide the people of Bulalacao in Oriental Mindoro, in creating employment and job

To accommodate the increasing tuna catches from Occidental Mindoro making it more
accessible for the most consumers in Luzon and in Metropolitan Manila


Environmental Impact: The building should have a reduced environmental impact measured in
three areas: its effect on climate change, pollution and resource consumption.
Renewable Energy: The use of renewable energy sources such as integral heat pumps and solar
panels reduces Co2 emissions and, can get close to energy self sufficiency.
Economy: The building should benefit society and provide added value to the community
through several major areas, such as education, tourism, environment, employment and
income generating commercials.
Water conservation, Recycling and Accumulation: Water conservation for this type of
structure is important, Water is one of the most basic needs of people and as the site is in the
middle of the an urban area, where the only water that is available is limited, accumulation and
proper management for water supply is important.
Waste management: Waste management for every type of structure is an important
requirement. Every structure is encouraged to improve environmental efficiencies and one way
to do this is by the proper management of waste.

Contamination of air, water and soil: As the objective of this structure is to adapt with the
environment, proper care for the surrounding environment and proper management of
contaminants must be well taken into consideration.

Scope and Limitation

The project is focused on the development of Fishport and Fish processing complex in
the municipality of Bulalacao, Oriental Mindoro. The project will cover the erection of such
structures equipped with facilities such as breakwater, landing quay, market halls, refrigeration
and processing facilities, slipway, and related facilities like canning and storage.
The project will consider the increasing demand and supply of fishes and other marine
products in the region.
The Fishport and seafood processing project will be proposed to the government but is
also open for privatization. Thus, the project is limited for the conceptualization of its scale
based on the current supply and demand of marine products. Therefore, the entire project will
be in a phase by phase development.

Purpose, Relevance and Significance

The study will be beneficial to the fish industry of the MIMAROPA region. For the
projects location, development of the municipality of Bulalacao in Oriental Mindoro will be one
of the projects benefits as well as the creation of much employment for the people of the
province. The project will accommodate the increasing tuna catches from Occidental Mindoro

and will make it an accessible Commercial Complex and Storage of fish products for the most
consumers in Luzon and in Metro Manila.
The result of this study will be an essential basis for future researchers and developers.

Review of Related Literature

2011 Philippine Fisheries Profile
According to the 2011, Philippine Fisheries Profile, Total volume of fisheries production
in the Philippines from January to December 2011 reached 4,973,588 metric tons. Fisheries
production fell by 18.46% from 4.41 million metric tons in CY 2006 to 4.974 million metric tons
in CY 2011. Average annual production growth rate within that period was registered at 3.08%.
In terms of value, the 2011 fisheries production was valued at 224.7 billion pesos as compared
with the 163.37 billion pesos in 2006, an average yearly increment of 7.62 billion pesos. The
2011 fisheries production also showed a 3.6% decrease from the previous years production of
5.16 million metric tons. The 2011 production was valued at 224.7 billion pesos. The annual
performance of the fishing industry was attributed to the production of the three (3) sectors.
The aquaculture sector posted an increase with 52.4% (2.608 million MT) followed by the
municipal sector with 26.8% (1.33 million MT), and the commercial sector with 20.8 % (1.03
million MT). The growth in aquaculture, however, underscores the importance of the sector in
maintaining the supply of fish.

At the regional level, the Autonomous Region for Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) registered
the highest production among all regions with its 18.3% or 909,370 metric tons share to the
total fisheries production, where seaweed was the major commodity produced followed by
Region IVB (MIMAROPA) with a 14.7% share or 728,972 metric tons. Region IX recorded an
output of 619,557 metric tons or 12.5% to the total fisheries production.
In terms of value, the industry has contributed P224.7 billion in 2011 as compared to
P221.05 billion in 2010. The top three (3) regions were Region VI with P27.61 billion, followed
by Region III with P25.39 billion and Region IX with P21 billion.
The Aquaculture fisheries subsector contributed the highest value of about P86 billion
or 38.3 %. Next is municipal fisheries subsector with a total production of P 80.1 billion. Total
fish caught by marine fishermen was valued at P72.03 billion while inland fisheries production
was valued at P8.05 billion. The commercial subsector contributed P58.62 billion or 26% to the
total fishery output.

Fisheries Export and Import Performance

Tuna remained as the top export commodity with a collective volume of 76,888
MT for fresh/chilled/frozen, smoked/dried, and canned tuna products valued at US
$294.114 million. Canned tuna, though, constitutes bulk of tuna products being
exported. In general, tuna export is down by (28%) in terms of volume and (26%) in
terms of value. Major markets for this commodity include USA, Japan and Thailand.

Seaweeds came 2nd on export value with 34% increase from US$155.61 million
in 2010 to US$ 212.13 million in 2011 or 24% share to the total export earnings for that
year. Carrageenan remains the major product being shipped abroad comprising 73% of
the total seaweed export value. USA, China and Belgium are among the major markets
for Philippine seaweed products.
Shrimp/Prawn ranked 3rd with a total contribution of US$60.5 million to the total
export value, higher than last years export earnings of $52 million. Most of the
shrimps/prawns are exported in fresh/chilled/frozen form with a total value of US$ 60.5
million or 98% of the total shrimp/prawn export revenue. The 2011 shrimp/prawn
exports, however, fell by (12)% in volume (MT) but gained 16% in value (USD) from the
previous years export. Japan, USA and Taiwan are among the major destination of
shrimp/prawn products.
Other major fishery exports e.g. crabs/crab fats, octopus, lapulapu,
cuttlefish/squid, ornamental fish, roundscad and sea cucumber constitute 83% or US$
723.5 million of the total US$ 871 million export revenues. Other commodities
accounted for the remaining 17% of the total export value/earnings.

Department of Agriculture
Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources

The MIMAROPA Region consists of five (5) island provinces namely: Mindoro Occidental,
Mindoro Oriental, Marinduque, Romblon and Palawan. These island provinces cover 2,661,195
hectares of land which represents 8.87% of the countrys total land area. The Province of
Palawan has the largest area while the Province of Marinduque has the smallest area. The
Region also boasts of diverse and vast coastal areas suitable for aquaculture activities.
Topographic Description/Boundaries Climate
Occidental Mindoro - Situated in the western portion of the Mindoro Island, The
Province has flat, sandy areas and terrain which becomes rugged and rough as it gets to the
hinterlands. It is generally undulating along the western coastal boundary facing the China Sea
and gradually rising towards the interior along the eastern and northwestern parts. There are
successive mountain ranges, intermittent valleys and elongated plateaus and rolling prairie
lands along the coastal regions. The island is bounded on the north by the Verde Island Passage,
on the west and south by Mindoro Strait and along the east by Oriental Mindoro.
The Island lies along the typhoon belt. Its wet season is from June to October while its
dry season starts from November and ends in May.

Oriental Mindoro - Situated in the eastern portion of the Mindoro Island. The province consists
of vast plains with occasional and moderately sloping hills. It is also predominantly
mountainous in the western part. Oriental Mindoro is bounded on the north by Verde Island

Passage, on the east by Maestro de Ocampo Island and Tablas Strait, on the south by Semirara
Island and on the west by Occidental Mindoro. The dry climate is relatively long from January to
May with occasional rainfall in mid-June to July.
Marinduque - Situated almost at the center of the Philippines Archipelago, Marinduque is an
island with rich mineral resources and fertile plains. The terrain is generally rugged with rough
mountains and few scattered alluvial plains occurring as pockets along the coasts. The terrain is
flat in the towns of Boac, Mogpog, Gazan and portions of Buenavista. The island is bounded on
the north side by Tayabas Bay, on the northeast by Mogpog Bay, on the southwest by Tayabas
Strait and on the south by Sibuyan Sea.
Romblon - The Island is situated in the heart of the Philippine Islands. It is generally hilly with
mountainous terrain and with narrow strips of coastal low lands. Low hills and low lands
characterize some part of the Island. Romblon consists of Tablas Island and Sibuyan Island.
Tablas is the largest island, which is 70 kms long and 17 kms wide with continuous rolling plain
in the western part. Sibuyan Island is kidney-shaped and its mountains are marked with heavy
and thick forests. The Island is bounded on the north by Tablas Island, on the west by Mindoro
Province, on the north by Marinduque Province, on the northeast by the Bicol Peninsula and on
the southeast by Masbate Province Romblon is dry during the months of March to April and
wet during the rest of the year.
Palawan - Lies in the southwest and west part of the main group of the Philippine Islands. It is
an archipelago composed of 1,768 small islands, most important of which are Busuanga, Culion,
Linapacan, Cuyo, Dumaran, Cagayancillo and Balabac. The Province is rugged and mountainous

in the southern side, hilly and with highly irregular and indented coastlines. Along the east and
west coasts are heavy forests with rolling plains. Rivers and streams characterize the eastern
section, and the most unusual river is the underground rivers flowing under limestone rocks for
about 7 kilometers. There are no navigable waters in the Province. The Island is bounded on the
north by Mindoro Province, on the west by China Sea, on the south by North Borneo and on the
east by the Sulu Sea. Palawan is dry from November to April and wet during the rest of the
Major Fishing Grounds
Occ. Mindoro:

Mindoro Strait, Offshore of Palawan, South China Sea

Or. Mindoro:

Mindoro Strait, Coron Bay, Tablas Strait, Paluan Bay


Calancang Bay, Masaguisi Bay, Sta. Cruz Bay, Marlangga Bay, Torrijos Bay,
Ulan Bay, Sayao Bay, Bolanacay Bay


Tablas Strait, Romblon Pass, Sibuyan Sea


Coron Bay, Taytay Bay, Cuyo Pass, Imunan Bay, Malampaya Sound, San
Miguel Bay, Calawag Bay, Ulugan Bay, Sombrero Coast, San Antonio Bay,
Puerto Princesa Bay, Green Island Bay, Honda Bay, Malunao Bay, West Sulu
Sea, South China Sea

Major Species Caught

Occ. Mindoro:

Scad (Galunggong), Anchovies (Dilis), Frigate Tuna (Tulingan, Talakitok),

Mackerel (Tanigue), Yellow Fin (Tambakol), Grouper (Lapu-lapu), Indian
Mackerel (Alumahan), Big-eyed Scad (Matang baka), Threadfin (Bisugo)

Or. Mindoro:

Tuna (Tulingan), Mackerel (Tanigue), Indian Mackerel (Alumahan), Scad

(Galunggong), Squid (Pusit), Octopus (Pugita), Threadfin (Bisugo)


Scad (Galunggong), Tuna (Tulingan), Spinefoot/Rabbitfish (Samaral), Bigeyed Scad (Matang baka), Lagidlid, Tamban, Yellow Fin (Tambakol),
Anchovies (Dilis), Grouper (Lapu-lapu), Haba, Indian Mackerel (Alumahan)


Threadfin (Bisugo), Big-eyed Scad (Matang baka), Caranx (Talakitok), Indian

Mackerel (Alumahan), Mackerel (Tanigue), Scad (Galunggong)


Grouper (Lapu-lapu), Maya-maya, Parrot Fish (Loro), Slipmouth (Sapsap),

Siganid (Samaral), Big-eyed Scad (Matang baka), Scad (Galunggong), Cavalla
(Talakitok), Anchovies (Dilis), Mackerel (Tanigue), Tuna (Tulingan), Yellow
Fin (Tambakol), Indian Mackerel (Alumahan), Threafin (Bisugo)

Monthly Regional Agricultural Situation Report

Bureau of Agricultural Statistics
Philippine Statistics Authority


In Occidental Mindoro, volume of fish, particularly, roundscad, yellowfin tuna

and skipjack unloaded in commercial and municipal landing centers increased.
In Marinduque, supply of fish and other marine products from different landing
centers of the province, especially, laguidlid, tulingan, galunggong, alumahan, gulyasan, squid,
tilapia, and bangus was adequate.
In Romblon, supply of fishery products improved. Unloading of tulingan,
galunggong, matangbaka, and alumahan increased in municipal and commercial landing
In Barangay Silonay, Calapan City, Oriental Mindoro, signing of a memorandum
of agreementwas conducted at the Provincial Agriculture Office-Fishery Section and Fishery
Management Office last April 9, 2013, between Strategic Intervention Community-focused
Action towards Development (SICAD) and Conservation International (CI). Planting of 140,000
mangrove trees in 25 hectares of coastal areas along the barangay was part of the agreement.
In Sitio Decala, Barangay Caruray, San Vicente, Palawan, the Fish Cage Project of
Decala Fisherfolk's Association was launched last April 16, 2013. The project will serve as
additional source of income for the members of the association. It will be responsible for the
collection of fingerlings particularly grouper (luba) for distribution to other fishermen engage in
fish cage industry. The project was sponsored by the DA.

Fishing industry
Wikipedia Free Encyclopedia

There are three principal industry sectors:

The commercial sector: comprises enterprises and individuals associated with wildcatch or aquaculture resources and the various transformations of those resources into
products for sale. It is also referred to as the "seafood industry", although non-food items such
as pearls are included among its products.
The traditional sector: comprises enterprises and individuals associated with
fisheries resources from which aboriginal people derive products in accordance with their
The recreational sector: comprises enterprises and individuals associated for the
purpose of recreation, sport or sustenance with fisheries resources from which products are
derived that are not for sale.
Commercial sector
The commercial sector of the fishing industry comprises the following chain:
1. Commercial fishing and fish farming which produce the fish

2. Fish processing which produce the fish products

3. Marketing of the fish products

Fish are harvested by commercial fishing and aquaculture.

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the world harvest in 2005
consisted of 93.3 million tons captured by commercial fishing in wild fisheries, plus 48.1 million
tons produced by fish farms. In addition, 1.3 million tons of aquatic plants (seaweed etc.) were
captured in wild fisheries and 14.8 million tons were produced by aquaculture. The number of
individual fish caught in the wild has been estimated at 0.97-2.7 trillion per year (not counting
fish farms or marine invertebrates).

Fish farming

Aquaculture is the cultivation of aquatic organisms. Unlike fishing, aquaculture, also

known as aquafarming, is the cultivation of aquatic populations under controlled conditions.
Mariculture refers to aquaculture practiced in marine environments. Particular kinds of
aquaculture include algaculture (the production of kelp/seaweed and other algae); fish farming;
shrimp farming, shellfish farming, and the growing of cultured pearls.

Fish farming involves raising fish commercially in tanks or enclosed pools, usually for
food. Fish species raised by fish farms include carp, salmon, tilapia, catfish and cod. Increasing
demands on wild fisheries by commercial fishing operations have caused widespread
overfishing. Fish farming offers an alternative solution to the increasing market demand for fish
and fish protein.

Fish processing

Fish processing is the processing of fish delivered by commercial fisheries and fish farms.
The larger fish processing companies have their own fishing fleets and independent fisheries.
The products of the industry are usually sold wholesale to grocery chains or to intermediaries.

Fish processing can be subdivided into two categories: fish handling (the initial
processing of raw fish) and fish products manufacturing. Aspects of fish processing occur on
fishing vessels, fish processing vessels, and at fish processing plants.

Another natural subdivision is into primary processing involved in the filleting and
freezing of fresh fish for onward distribution to fresh fish retail and catering outlets, and the
secondary processing that produces chilled, frozen and canned products for the retail and
catering trades.
Fish marketing
Fish markets are marketplace used for the trade in and sale of fish and other seafood.
They can be dedicated to wholesale trade between fishermen and fish merchants, or to the sale
of seafood to individual consumers, or to both. Retail fish markets, a type of wet market, often
sell street food as well.

Most shrimp are sold frozen and are marketed in different categories. The live food fish
trade is a global system that links fishing communities with markets.

Aquaculture in the Philippines: Building the future

WorldFish International

In 2008 the WorldFish Center and the Philippines Department of Agriculture-Bureau of

Agricultural Research (DA-BAR) established a project to strengthen collaboration between
Filipino researchers and the WorldFish Center. The project focused on developing capacity in
the Philippines for sustainable aquaculture and research and development in small-scale
fisheries. Building on the successes of this initial collaboration, the new AQUATECH project,
established in 2012, enhances ongoing partnerships between the WorldFish Center, the Bureau
of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) and DA-BAR to develop local understanding of
aquaculture technologies and aquaculture commercialization.
With a history of overfishing and habitat degradation, the Philippines Government has
identified the need to adopt more sustainable fisheries practices. Through funding provided by
DA-BAR, the AQUATECH project will help the Philippines to develop a local aquaculture
industry that is commercially viable, market oriented and, most importantly, sustainable. The
AQUATECH project will provide training to Philippine researchers on tools for applying
ecosystem approaches to aquaculture. These approaches allow development of the

aquaculture industry to meet the needs of the population, while preventing long-term negative
impacts on the resources and functions provided by the ecosystem as a whole.
As part of this project, Filipino researchers have opportunities to participate in regional
and international conferences, and be exposed to the latest advances in aquaculture
technology development and management (including climate change adaptation). Participation
in these fora, through presentation of their research results will encourage them to pursue
research that is innovative, relevant and of a high standard. These venues also provide
important opportunities for scientists to establish contacts with others in their field, not only to
share their expertise but also to pursue potential collaboration/funding opportunities.
An important factor in developing capacity is peer-to-peer networking and so built into
the project are site visits where WorldFish Center staff will visit sites in the Philippines, and
Filipino scientists will be taken to selected WorldFish Center sites that effectively demonstrate
sustainable aquaculture development.
Aquaculture with a future
Faced with the impacts of climate change, in a country with history of unsustainable
fisheries, the AQUATECH project will build the capacity of the Philippines to develop a
sustainable aquaculture industry that will be resilient to changes that lie ahead.

Related Articles
Romblon, Mindoro poised to become new tuna capital
(The Philippine Star) By JUANCHO R. MAHUSAY | Updated September 23, 2013 - 12:00am

CALAPAN CITY Two of the island provinces in MIMAROPA Region Romblon and
Occidental Mindoro can be the next or even dislodge in the nearest future General Santos
City in Mindanao as the tuna capital of the Philippines.
This was learned after the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) in Region
4B disclosed that for the last one year and several months now, there have been an increase of
35% in tuna catch in the whole MIMAROPA (Mindoro-Marinduque-Romblon-Palawan) Region,
and most of the times, surpassed the number of the said fish catch of General Santos City in
Mindanao Region.
BFAR national director Atty. Asis G. Perez and Romblon Governor Eduardo C. Firmalo
both confirmed this as they said the national government should encourage the establishment
of major sea ports and cannery or manufacturing factory to support the emerging tuna industry
in the provinces of Romblon and Occidental Mindoro, which are part of fish sources in the West
Philippine Sea.
Although failing to give further figures or detailed statistics regarding the catch of tuna,
an important large marine food and game fish related to mackerel, Perez said the significant
volume of tuna catch in Romblon and Mindoro may topple GenSan in the no. 1 spot of the said
level should the facilities for this such as the cannery be established in the said areas.
The coastal town of Sablayan in Occidental Mindoro, parading their large volume of
tuna catch in the whole year, has now included tuna festival in their annual festivities.

The disclosures stated above were mentioned as BFAR launched in this city over the
weekend the regional launching of the national program Municipal Fisherfolk Registration or
Held at the function hall of Filipiniana Resort Hotel in this city, FishR was launched to
fast-track, enhance and complete the nationwide registration of all municipal fisher folks in
accordance with Republic Act 8550, or The Fisheries Code of the Philippines. Through the
said program, BFAR seeks to officially register 111,034 fisherfolk in the entire MIMAROPA
According to BFAR, the total fisheries production last year in this region was about
685,647 metric tons which amounted to more than P18 billion. And with a total of two cities
and 71 municipalities, the whole MIMAROPA Region is said to be at the doorsill for more
government interventions that will be appropriately created and implemented based on the
data gathered through FishR.

Case Studies
Navotas Fish Port Complex (NFPC)
The Navotas Fish Port Complex (NFPC), the premier fish center of the the Philippines
and one of the largest in Asia, is the first major fishing port and fish market complex placed
under the exclusive jurisdiction, control and supervision of the Philippine Fisheries
Development Authority (PFDA). It is the traditional landing place of commercial fishing boats

operating in various fishing grounds in the Philippines. It is situated on a 47.5 hectares

reclaimed land at the Northeastern section of Manila Bay.

The project spanned three years of construction from August 1973 to August 1976
through a loan of more than Php 88 million from the Asian Development Bank (ADB).
Within the complex is a thriving fishing industry which supplies fish in major markets in
Metro Manila. Thousands of buyers visit the port daily where an estimated 20 commercial
fishing vessels call port and unload a total volume of about 800 tons. Overland vehicles from
different provinces also bring in additional volume of 50 tons. Outside the complex is a business
center in itself with banks, markets, restaurants and other recreational facilities present in the

Located at the heart of Navotas in the Northeastern section of Manila Bay, the NFPC
can be reached direct from the Rizal Park via the Roxas Boulevard Extension (R10) which will
eventually be extended to Bataan. The circumferential road (C-3) coming from Sampaloc,
Manila and passing through Caloocan City ends directly in front of the main exit of the fish port.
NFPC, in fact, is centrally located within a five-kilometer radius of the cities of Manila, Quezon,
and Caloocan, and the towns of Navotas and Malabon. Only 10 minutes away is Divisoria, the
country's premier bargain center.
Marine Industrial Estate
The PFDA has developed NFPC into a marine industrial complex where portions not
being used for fish landing and trading purposes were leased to the private sector for fish
canning, processing and other related services. The agressive marketing of the port's
commercial and industrial area resulted in the lease of approximately 20 hectares of land to
various fisheries and fisheries-related industries.
Davao Fish Port Complex (DFPC)

The Davao Fish Port Complex (DFPC) is the seventh commercial fish port to be operated
and managed by the Philippine Fisheries Development Authority (PFDA). It is, however, the
second major fishing port established in Mindanao Area. This 4.5 hectare complex serves as a
center for the collection, processing, storage and packaging of fishery and marine products for
distribution to Davao City's area of influence and to the export market.

The DFPC has become a major transshipment point and center of trade within the East
ASEAN Growth Area (EAGA). The modernization of commercial fishery coupled with the
required infrastructure is the country's commitment to EAGA.

Situated in Daliao, Toril District, the DFPC is about 16 kilometers from the center of
Davao City. It is located 125 degrees 35 degrees North latitude and 7 degrees N 10 degrees
East longitude.
Services and Port Operation

In May 1995, local commercial fishing vessel started unloading their catch and
conduct fish trading activities in this traditional landing site. Regular market hours are from
5:00 to 8:00 in the morning.
The breakthrough in foreign transshipment operations took place on July 12, 1995
when a Taiwanese fishing vessel unloaded, processed and packed its fish cargo at DFPC and
eventually exported it to market abroad. These foreign fishing vessels are serviced by
transshipment agents occupying bays at the market hall.
A One-Stop-Action-Center (OSAC) was established inside DFPC to facilitate processing
of documents for fishery products that are to be exported and for the entry and dispatch of
foreign fishing vessels.
Processing of marine products such as prawn, tuna, octopus, and cuttlefish are
undertaken at the refrigeration building in addition to 24 hours ice production.

General Santos Fish Port Complex (GSFPC)


The General Santos Fish Port Complex (GSFPC), covering an area of 11 hectares, is
strategically located in Barangay Tambler, General Santos City in South Cotabato. GSFPC is 32
km. South of the city proper, along the shores of Sarangani Bay.

The South Cotabato/Sarangani/General Santos (SOCSARGEN) economic growth area is

developing into a profitable business enclave and the GSFPC has emerged as the region's
principal trading port. The rapidly increasing population in the area as well as the establishment
of East ASEAN Growth Area have resulted into an increased demand for fish products which the
port hopes to supply. Moreover, it is expected to service a huge tuna based fishing fleet off
Sarangani Bay and the nearby fishing grounds with a projected fish unloading of 300 m.t. per

Services and Port Operation

Unloading and marketing of marine products both for local and foreign markets:

Harbor operations which include maintenance and repair of fish vessels; and

Processing and Refrigeration activities

Lerwick Harbour
Lerwick Harbour, strategically located at the heart of Europe's richest fishing grounds, is
one of Britain's main centres for the landing, selling, processing and shipment of seafood and
for the servicing of vessels.

Around 2,000 fishing vessels, including a modern local fleet, use the port annually with
landings of over 66,000 tonnes of pelagic fish, white fish and shellfish valued at over 62.5

Pelagic fish is landed directly at Europes largest processor, Shetland Catch. The
geographical location means mackerel and herring often being discharged within hours of being
caught. The modern factorys discharge berth, with nine metres water depth and one of the

most advanced discharging systems in the world, allows the largest pelagic trawlers to land
catches at up to 100 tonnes an hour.

A modern, temperature controlled white fish market operates five days a week.
Onshore weighing and grading of high-value species is a feature, and Shetland Seafood
Auctions electronic auctions have attracted more vessels, from mainland Scotland and

The various species are processed locally, or transported overnight to mainland buyers.
Lerwick has a well-deserved reputation for product quality.

Shetland Fish Products at Heogan on Bressay operates a fishmeal plant where industrial
species can be landed direct to the factory. The primary source of raw material for the plant is
by-products from other local fish and salmon processors.

Basing vessels at the port minimises sailing time to the rich northern fishing grounds,
allowing fishing vessels to make best use of days-at-sea allowances and saving on fuel costs.

Project Site Overview

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