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Project Details
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Project Name

SRO (Sponsor)
Project Manager
Start Date

Completion Date

Document Details

(Draft or


Author/Editor Details of changes

Purpose of the Project Quality Plan

This document defines the quality expectations the project must achieve and how they will be met.
It describes the qualities that must be possessed by the projects outputs in order that the desired
outcomes are achieved. It also describes the quality aspects that apply to the processes to be
used in the project to create the desired outputs and outcomes.
This document does not say precisely who is doing what activities on what day to manage quality:
that information should be defined in the Project Plan (and/or more detailed Stage/Team Plans if
they exist).

Quality expectations for this project

General statement(s) about the standards and level of quality expected to be achieved by the
project. This will usually be defined by the Senior Responsible Owner/Sponsor during project
start-up and may be drawn from the Project Brief.

Acceptance criteria
A set of specific, measurable criteria that the customer/user will use to measure whether or not the
project is complete and successful and will hence form the basis for signing acceptance.
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Acceptance criteria
Deliverables and interim products
A list of the outputs from the project (its deliverables ) plus any stepping stone interim products
that must be built to enable the deliverables to be built (eg procurement documentation, test plans,

Standards that apply to deliverables and processes

All standards, specific technologies and approaches that must be complied with (plus an
explanation why standards that should apply have been waived for this project).
Local site standards.
Departmental standards
Corporate standards
National standards
European standards
International standards
Better regulation standards
Documentation standards
Web site standards
IT standards
Testing and acceptance standards
Project/Programme management standards
Procurement standards
Building construction standards
Financial management standards
Governance standards

Quality Responsibilities
A list of who is responsible for monitoring and ensuring quality for different aspects of the project.
This will include responsibilities of those in the project team plus any external quality
responsibilities (eg external Quality Audit/Assurance).

Quality control and audit processes applied to deliverables

and interim products
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Quality control and audit processes applied to deliverables
and interim products

to ensure that the desired qualities are built in the products/deliverables (eg design techniques,
development methodologies, peer reviews, interim quality reviews, proof reading)
to test that products meet their quality criteria and are fit for purpose. (eg various type of testing
including user acceptance testing, inspections, quality reviews)
to obtain sign-offs from all relevant parties
to audit the product development and quality management processes.

Quality control and audit processes applied to project

Description of the processes that will be used:
- to ensure that project documentation is reviewed by appropriate stakeholders at the
appropriate times in the project lifecycle (this will include a definition of which project
documents will be produced for this project based on local standards and the nature of the
- ensure that the project is being managed with sufficient rigour (this might include use of
mentoring, peer review of documentation, project assurance and informal health-checks).
- to audit the project management processes (eg might include Formal Project Audits and OGC

Quality control and audit processes applied to project

management and suppliers
Description of the processes that will be used to ensure that:
- requirements for any work to be done or products to be supplied under contract are properly
specified and that procurement processes are fit for purpose
- suppliers are managed by the client with appropriate rigour
- suppliers are managing their work as agreed (eg they are following agreed standards and
- suppliers are applying quality controls as agreed (eg quality audits, documentation audits)
- suppliers are maintaining documentation and audit trails as agreed.

Change control procedures

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Change control procedures
taking action on issues such as requests for changes and faults/off specifications. This should
include levels of authorities and delegated limits that the project board/project sponsor/SRO has
agreed for approving changes or fault fixes.
Where external suppliers are being used the procedures should differentiate between
changes/fixes that are purely within the client domain and those that must involve both client and
supplier in analysis and decision-making.

Document management procedures

A description of the configuration management scheme that will apply in the project:
- which specialist documents need to controlled under the scheme
- which other types of specialist products will have configuration records maintained under the
scheme (eg new physical assets purchased or developed by the project (eg specialist
equipment), ICT components H/W and S/W)
- which project management documents will be formally controlled
- where documents will be located
- how document will be identified (eg naming convention, types of status, versioning)
- processes for such things as submission of new/updated items to the library, baselining,
version control, issuing copies to individuals, publication (eg via Intranet), security protection,
updating, archiving, deletion
- who will have responsibility for management of the document library.

Tools and techniques to help manage quality (eg software,

design techniques)
Any specials tools, techniques or approaches appropriate to the types of product being developed
in this project (eg tools to measure a web site against accessibility criteria).

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