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State Board of Education Goals Future-ready Students for the 21st Century

Goal 1 North Carolina public schools will produce globally competitive students.
Goal 2 North Carolina public schools will be led by 21st Century professionals.
Goal 3 North Carolina Public School students will be healthy and responsible.
Goal 4 Leadership will guide innovation in North Carolina public schools.
Goal 5 North Carolina public schools will be governed and supported by 21st Century systems.

District Goals for Sampson County Schools

District Goal 1:

Sampson County Schools will produce globally competitive students.

Supports SBE Goal: North Carolina public schools will produce globally competitive students.
District Goal 2:


Sampson County Schools will be led by 21 Century professionals.

Supports SBE Goal: North Carolina public schools will be led by 21st Century professionals.
District Goal 3:

Sampson County Schools students will be healthy and responsible:

Students will learn in safe, nurturing learning environments that promote character,
responsibility, and awareness of world cultures that lead to healthy active lifestyles.

Supports SBE Goal: North Carolina Public School students will be healthy and responsible.
Leadership will guide innovation in Sampson County public schools.
Schools executives will collaborate with local, state, national, and
international partners
Supports SBE Goal: Leadership will guide innovation in North Carolina public schools.
District Goal 4:

District Goal 5:

Sampson County Schools will be governed and supported by 21st Century

systems which include:
formative assessments that diagnose instruction, and
21st century technology and learning tools.

Supports SBE Goal: North Carolina public schools will be governed and supported by 21st Century

School Vision and Mission Statements for (insert school name)


Promoting an Atmosphere of Academic Excellence through Continuous Improvement while Providing a Safe and Orderly Learning


Union High School, in partnership with parents and community, will prepare and graduate globally competetivitve students to become
productive citizens in a changing world.

LEA or Charter Name/Number:

School Name/Number:
School Address:
Plan Year(s):
Date approved by stakeholders:

Sampson County Schools - 820

Union High School - 388
1189 Kader Merritt Road

Principal Signature:
Local Board Approval date:

School Improvement Team Membership

From GS 115C-105.27: The principal of each school, representatives of the assistant principals, instructional personnel, instructional support
personnel, and teacher assistants assigned to the school building, and parents of children enrolled in the school shall constitute a school
improvement team to develop a school improvement plan to improve student performance. Representatives of the assistant principals,
instructional personnel, instructional support personnel, and teacher assistants shall be elected by their respective groups by secret
ballot....Parents serving on school improvement teams shall reflect the racial and socioeconomic composition of the students enrolled in that
school and shall not be members of the building-level staff.

Committee Position*
Assistant Principal Representative
Teacher Representative(s)

Inst. Support Representative

Teacher Assistant Representative
Parent Representative

Student Representative
Student Representative

Julie Hunter
Brian Richardson
Myron Bass
Jason Rinka
Arno Peterson
Jessica Register
Josh Rackley
Cheryl Ellis
Krista Henry
Anthony Austin
Tracy Moore
Krystin Moore
Meagan Thornton
Jaclyn Garey (Chairperson)
Taylor Potts
Rhonda Tatum
Vergie Hayes
Dylan Powell
David Hayes

Date of Election

* Add to list as needed. Each group may have more than one representative.

School Data and Summary Analysis

Use data identified on the Data Sources tab (or from other sources) as the basis for understanding the school and identifying
1. What does the summative data analysis tell you about your schools strengths?
According to the 2012 Teacher Working conditions survey, teachers perceive that UHS provides ample time for collaboration with
colleagues, that they can focus on educating students with minimal interruptions and that non-instructional time is provided for
teachers is sufficient. Teachers are assessing each week and utilzing the results of the assessment to effect change in student
2012-2013 SCORES for EOC, ACT, Work keys and Vocats
EOC scores for Math 1, English II and Biology fall at 14.1, 34.8 and 26.4 respectively. English II met expected growth. ACT results
demonstrate 15.6% of all students met standard in the English component of the ACT exam and demonstrates readiness to enter the
UNC university system.
2013-2014 Scores for EOC, ACT, Workkeys and Vocats
Union High School improved in the area of the ACT Workkeys. In 2012-2013, only 48.1% of UHS Seniors met the silver certificate
goal. In 2013-2014, 66.3% of Seniors met this goal with math being the one area that showed the most significant growth. UHS
also showed growth in the ACT from 15.4 in 2012-2013 to 16.8 (1.2 points lower than the state college requirement of 17). There
has been significant growth in Math I this year with more growth expected next year with the implementation of year long math for
most rising 9th graders. English II maintained from the previous year while EOC Biology scores tumbled. UHS met growth based
on the NC School Accountability Growth model.
2. What does the summative data analysis tell you about your schools gaps or opportunities for improvement?
EOC scores for Math 1, English II and Biology fall at <5, 34.8 and 26.4 respectively. Union High was right at the state average for
English, -1.5 math and -1.1 biology in the 2012-2013 school year. Gains must be made in all three content areas, while math is a
priority as well as overall growth in all content areas.
ACT composite scores for 2013 display a mean of 15.4 for our student population while the target is 17. We have an area of
improvment to raise achievement scores in math, science, writing and reading.
Workkeys results for the school year illustrate 48.1% of the population achieving a silver or better award which illustrates that only
48% seniors exhibit work readiness skills.
Results showed that improvement/growth was in all areas except for EOC Biology. Schoolwide science enrichment will be

Results showed that improvement/growth was in all areas except for EOC Biology. Schoolwide science enrichment will be
instituted to help increase in this area. This will begin in the Fall of 2014.

3. Based upon the analysis conducted, what 3-5 top priorities emerge for the school?
Cite relevant evidence from your analysis to support these priorities.
Math I
Lowest-achieving EOC subject.
ACT composite score was 1.4 below the target for the UNC system.
Overall growth in EOC and ACT components (English, writing, math and science)
While English II met expected growth, math I and biology did not.
Math I
Low proficiency rate
Science (Biology)
Lowest-acheiveing EOC subject for 2013-2014
ACT and Workkeys
Increases made in both tested subjects however math,English, science, reading and writing will be a focus for the 2014-2015 school
Formative Data Analysis
Benchmark 1 - Strengths/Areas of Needed Improvement
Benchmarks actual scores: 60% target for proficiency set at district


Areas of Strength
Math I:
F.IF.1 (67%)
F.1F.7 (53%)
A.CED.4 (48%)
A.CED.1 (45%)

Areas of Improvement

G.GMD.3 (43%)
A.REI.10 (40%)
A.REI.3 (40%)
A.APR.1 (31%)

N.RN.2 (19%)

Areas of Strength
3.3.1 (66%)

Areas of Improvment
1.1.1 (33%)

3.2.1 (28%)

3.2.3 (51%)
3.2.2 (48%)
1.1.1 / 4.1.1 (46%)

1.2.2 (32%)
3.3.2 (37%)
3.3.3 (28%)

3.1.1 (23%)
3.1.2 (42%)

English I
EII.RI.3 (49%)
EII.RL.1 (44%)
EII.RL.4 (41%)

EII.RL.2 (22%)
EII.RL.5 (24%)

Benchmark 2 - Strengths/Areas of Needed Improvement


Benchmark 3 - Strengths/Areas of Needed Improvement


Priority Goal 1 and Associated Strategies

Area for improvement and supporting data: EOC data illustrates 32% proficiency.
Math, Biology, English

School Goal 1:
SMART Format

Union High School will raise the overall proficiency score

from 32.0% to 37% by the end of the 2014-2015 school year.

Supports this
district goal
Milestone date:

District goal 1: Sampson County Schools will produce globally competetive students.
EOC data, AMO Targets

Goal 1 Improvement Strategies Identify research-based strategies whenever possible.


School-wide Academic Focus

Action steps:
1. Year long math (foundations/math 1)
Strategy 1: 2. School-wide math, science and English practice
daily (SMART Time)
3.Mandatory ACT instructional review= 18 hours
4. Gather evidence and data to possibly mandate year
long Biology for the 2015-2016 school year.


PD for staff
Action steps:
Strategy 2: 1. send core content teachers to AVID training
2.Utilize district PLCs
3. Continue to implement WICOR strategies
4. UbD lesson planning

5. Instructional Rounds - each semester


Action steps:
Strategy 3: 1.


Professional development - Identify the professional development required to successfully implement the strategies abovethat
has taken place at the school level. May attach appropriate district plan(s) as needed.


Staff person or group

Course name/title

Course provider

Date completed

AVID content training

AVID summer institute



UHS Teacher
WICOR Stratgies
UHS Teachers

UbD Training
Staff Development Half Days
Customized Professional

District Instructional Coaches

Adminstration and AVID Teachers


How will we fund these strategies and associated professional development?

Funding source 1:
Funding source 2:
Funding source 3:
Funding source 4:
Funding source 5:

Federal funds - Title I

State funds - DSSF
Select a funding source
Select a funding source
Select a funding source

Review frequency:


Funding amount:
Funding amount:
Funding amount:
Funding amount:
Funding amount:
Total initiative funding:


Assigned implementation team:

What data will be used to determine whether the strategies were deployed with fidelity? How will this goal be measured?


EOC data
ACT/SAT score results
Common formative assessments
Pre Assessments
EOC Data
ACT WorkKeys

How will you determine whether the strategies led to progress toward the goal? (Include formative, benchmark, and summative data as

Mid Year Check - (What does the current data say?)

Based on mid year performances in math, math minute was instituted to help build foundational skills in the area of math. Each day, students will work on
foundational math skills in class without the aid of a calculator. ACT test prep has also been used to aid Juniors in the hopes of increasing ACT proficiency



What does data show regarding the results of the implemented strategies?

End of Year Check - (Has the goal been met, or partially met? How do you know?
Union High School improved in the area of the ACT Workkeys. In 2012-2013, only 48.1% of UHS Seniors met the silver certificate goal. In 2013-2014, 66.3%
of Seniors met this goal with math being the one area that showed the most significant growth. UHS also showed growth in the ACT from 15.4 in 20122013 to 16.8 (1.2 points lower than the state college requirement of 17). There has been significant growth in Math I this year with more growth expected
next year with the implementation of year long math for most rising 9th graders. English II maintained from the previous year while EOC Biology scores
tumbled. Overall, UHS has made continued growth and improvement.


Based upon identified results, should/how should strategies be changed?

End of Year 2013-14 (Will you keep this goal for the upcoming year? Do strategies need to be revised?


The UHS School Improvement Team approved this goal for the 2014-2015 school year. June 12, 2014

Priority Goal 2 and Associated Strategies

Area for improvement and supporting data:
Raise the overall proficiency score from 32% to 37%. All core content areas as well as CTE courses must raise achievement levels to reach mastery levels on ACT, Workkeys, and expected growth of
students at both the state and federal level.

School Goal 1:
SMART format

Union High School will increaes overall proficiency. Increase EOC composite from 32% to 37% for the 2014-2015 school year and increase Vocats proficiency from 73.2% to 81% in 20142015.

Supports this
district goal
Milestone date:

District Goal 1: Sampson County Schools will produce globally competetive students.
EOC/Vocat assessments.

Goal 2 Improvement Strategies Identify research-based strategies whenever possible.

Utilize and implement common assesments for all departments
Action steps:
Strategy 1: 1. In PLCs, analyze student data for each common assessment.
2. ID deficient knowledge based on results
3.ID differentiated strategies to re-teach concepts
4.Planning period meetings to discuss red zone students


Use additional resources and software for identification and remedation of at-risk students
Action steps:
1.Provide staff development on EVAAS, Castle learning and
Strategy 2: SchoolNet.
2 Purchase computers and document cameras for student and teacher


Implement WICOR strategies schoolwide

Action steps:
Strategy 3: 1.Provide professional development in AVID strategies for non-AVID
2. Cornell note taking or learnng log strategies school wide

3. Use SMART Time to focus on math, science, reading and English enrichment

Implement planning period meetings to discuss student achievment and best practices.
Action steps:
Strategy 4:

1. Focus on struggling students and discuss ways to enage them

3. Focus on WICOR strategies during meetings that can be implemented in classes

2. Refocus red zone collection on students who are close to passing

the EOC or those that with effort and focus could pass the EOC.


Professional development - Identify the professional development required to successfully implement the strategies abovethat has taken place at the school level. May
attach appropriate district plan(s) as needed.
Staff person or group
All Teachers
Select Teachers
UHS Teachers
UHS TEachers

Course name/title
Planning period meetings with information on
implementing WICOR stragies
AVID Summer Institute
UbD Lesson Planning
Deparment wide PLC's

Course provider

Date completed

How will we fund these strategies and associated professional development?

Funding source 1:
Funding source 2:
Funding source 3:
Funding source 4:
Funding source 5:

State funds for at-risk students

State funds - DSSF
Federal funds - Title I
Select a funding source
Select a funding source

Review frequency:


Funding amount:
Funding amount:
Funding amount:
Funding amount:
Funding amount:
Total initiative funding:

Assigned implementation team:

What data will be used to determine whether the strategies were deployed with fidelity? How will this goal be measured?


Begining of the Year 2013 -2014

EOC scores, common assessment data


How will you determine whether the strategies led to progress toward the goal? (Include formative, benchmark, and summative data as appropriate.)

Mid Year Check - (What does the current data say?)

Based on mid year performances in math, math minute was instituted to help build foundational skills in the area of math. Each day, students will work on foundational math skills in class without the aid of a
calculator. This practice will also help Seniors who will be taking the ACT Workkeys test. The ACT test prep has also been used to aid Juniors in the hopes of increasing ACT proficiency levels.



What does data show regarding the results of the implemented strategies?

End of Year Check - (Has the goal been met, or partially met? How do you know?)
Union High School improved in the area of the ACT Workkeys. In 2012-2013, only 48.1% of UHS Seniors met the silver certificate goal. In 2013-2014, 66.3% of Seniors met this goal with math being the one area
that showed the most significant growth. UHS also showed growth in the ACT from 15.4 in 2012-2013 to 16.8 (1.2 points lower than the state college requirement of 17). There has been significant growth in
Math I this year with more growth expected next year with the implementation of year long math for most rising 9th graders. English II maintained from the previous year while EOC Biology scores tumbled.
Overall, UHS has made continued growth and improvement.

Based upon identified results, should/how should strategies be changed?

End of Year 2013-14 (Will you keep this goal for the upcoming year? Do strategies need to be revised? )


The UHS School Improvement Team approved this goal for the 2014-2015 school year. June 12, 2014

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