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Chapter 4/5/6 - The Road to Revolution

Magazine Project
In this unit The American Revolution, we will be studying the events which lead the Original 13
Colonies to break away from the mother country and eventually go to war with England to win their
independence. The divided between England and the Colonies did not occur over night, but rather
over the course of about twenty years. During that time several significant events occurred that caused
the rift between England and her Colonies that would lead to the Revolutionary War starting in 1775
and ending in 1783.
Your Assignment:
Your assignment will be to research and study the events leading to the Revolutionary War and during
the war and then complete your magazine. Your project must also be of high quality!
NO HANDWRITTEN INFORMATION/ALL information must be typed
EVERY page of your magazine MUST have COLOR AND ARTWORK that reflect what is on
the page!
Throughout this section, no other homework will be assigned so that students may pour all of
their effects into completing a high quality project. Below you will find the events that can be
included (BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO) in your project.
The following American Revolution topics can be included for your projects.
Google Key Words
The French and Indian
The Proclamation Line
of 1763
The Sugar Act
The Quartering Act
The Stamp Act
The Stamp Act
The Declaratory Act
The Townshend Acts
The Boston Massacre
The Quit Period
The Tea Act

The Boston Tea Party

The Intolerable Acts
The First Continental
The Battles of
Lexington and
The Albany Plan
The Battle of Saratoga
The Battle of

French OR Spanish
Involvement in
Treaty of Paris 178
The name of your
colony and the TIME
PERIOD of the 17201750
The road to revolution
Revolutionary War
The fight for American

Each day you will turn in ONE page for your magazine BEFORE THE END OF THE BLOCK!
Each article MUST BE TWO or more well written paragraphs (8-10 sentences each)!
Use your time wisely! Whatever you have done at the end of the block is what you will be
graded onno exceptions! You may ADD to the quality of your work as you work on your
magazine for more points!

Table of Contents-- Your magazine must have the following:

EACH day you will turn in the items from that page for a grade!
Page 1 (outside cover)Flag, Table of Contents (Box of whats inside your magazine with
page #s)
Page 2 (inside front cover)
1. Editorial with picture of the writer about whether you are for or against the revolution
2. An actual editorial from somewhere in the 13 colonies in support of your viewpoint
(cite your source!) Be sure to include who WROTE the editorial and include a picture
of THAT writer/author
3. These will be the LAST two things you turn in so that you have had time to research
whether you believe we should have stayed loyal to England or rebelled for
In no particular order (for a full 8 pages, with page 8 being the back cover):
Page #______*1 key event/battle FROM YOUR COLONY about the revolution and picture
Page #______*2 key laws/actions/Acts (taken by either the crown or the colonies) that cause
people to want to revolt and pictures that relate to your articles
Page #______*1 biography about a hero/heroine from the revolution (Be sure to include why
they are remembered over 200+years later, include their picture
Page #______*2 articles that inform (of your choice) that youd like to include about the road to
American Independence. DONT plagiarize, use your own words! Each article must have its
own picture
Page #______*1 article that speaks to the CULTURE of the time (laws, behaviors, social
expectations, education, religion, business, economics, etc.) and picture that relates to article
Page 8 (back cover)1 or more advertisements of goods, services or exports/natural resources
from your colony. DO NOT use dollars and cents (use English moneypounds, shillings, etc.
or equivalent barter trade). Advertisement ALSO must have a picture for each advertisement
ALL pages must have color. Your magazine may have pictures that you print out and color or
may be your own artwork IF that artwork is well done and it is obvious you have taken time and
care. Articles are to be glued in (may have frame around/underneath them of other colored
paper). DO NOT print out in color. Use COLORED PENCILS TO COLOR YOUR
Remember, NOTHING may be handwritten. The only things that can be hand-created are the
artwork that you create and add to each page and author signatures!
credit will ONLY be given when all other required items are completed!
*Each extra article (must be 2 or more 8-10 sentence paragraphs) =10 points
*Each extra advertisement (must adhere to rules from above) =10 points
*ANY article with 3 more paragraphs = 5 points

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