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Anna von Ravensberg

Honors 100 BE
Experiential Learning Project
My partner for this project is Sean, who is interested in capitalizing on his
curiosity in computers. He explained to me that he wishes to pursue a Computer
Science and Engineering, Math, or Applied and Computational Mathematical
Sciences major. Due to his strong interest in these fields, Sean emphasized his desire
to work with a professor on a research project. However, Sean also informed me of
his interest in researching economics and social issues and development. He
expressed that from this; he would be interested in an immersive international
engagement project.
Based on Seans interests, I immediately began searching the Undergraduate
Research Website for possible opportunities for Sean. I came across an opportunity
to be a Scientific Programmer and work with Thomas Sibley of the Microbiology
Department. This research opportunity is based around developing Viroverse, a
scientific web application used for HIV research. In this way, Sean will be gaining
experience with computer programming, but also interacting with a global health
issue surrounding HIV treatment. (To the internship:
The second Experiential Learning opportunity I chose for Sean concerns
international engagement, which is the Computer Science and Engineering
Departmental Exchange with ETH Zurich in Switzerland. I chose this opportunity for
Sean because it included international engagement in an area of study he is
interested in. However, this program is an Exchange, rather than a simple study
abroad. Sean had voiced that he if he was going to study abroad, he wanted the full
experience- home stays, immersion, all of it. Therefore, an exchange was the obvious
choice for him, as opposed to an exploration seminar or similar program. In this
study abroad program, Sean would be studying a field that interests him, while also
immersing himself in another culture. (To the study abroad opportunity (although
there are no active application cycles!):
The final Experiential Learning opportunity I chose for Sean was a Service
project. Sean made it very clear that he enjoys learning about applied math. For this
reason, when I came across the Volunteer Math Tutor at Treehouse post, I thought
it might be a good fit for him. Sean never explicitly mentioned a desire to tutor or
teach, but I felt it might be a good challenge for him, a chance to step out of his
comfort zone while still teaching something he is comfortable with. With this
Service opportunity, Sean would be helping foster kids in South and East King
County with homework help, to aid this vulnerable population towards their
graduation. (To the service opportunity:

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