A New Nation Lesson Plan

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A New Nation: James Madison and George Washington

Teacher name

Brittany Minnick


Social Studies

Grade Level


Time duration

90 minutes

Materials needed

Promethean Board
History Book: Virginia: Adventures in Time and Place

Lesson Objective

Purpose of the



VS.6 The student will demonstrate knowledge of the role of Virginia in the
establishment of the new American nation by
a)explaining why George Washington is called the Father of our Country and
James Madison is called the Father of the Constitution.
Students will understand the actions and ideas of some Virginians who formed the
basis for the new constitutional government of the United States. They will learn
about George Washington and the reason he is referred to as the Father of the Our
Country. Students will also learn about James Madison and the reason he is
referred to as the Father of the Constitution.
The teacher will begin class by reading from the textbook Virginia:
Adventures Time and Place, chapter 8 Virginians and the New Nation.
Students will follow along as the teacher reads. Stop throughout the lesson
to discuss and check for understanding.
While discussing, refer to the teacher made Prezi. After reading and
discussing lesson one of chapter eight, pair students in groups of two.
Explain to the students that they will create a Prezi similar to the one the
teacher used to present this lesson. Assign James Madison to half of the
class and George Washington. They will research these important figures
to determine why they are considered the Father of Our Country and the
Father of the Constitution. Students may use their textbooks and the
internet to complete research.
The students will work together to produce a cohesive project with
research and complete a Prezi. The students will complete the project by
the end of class and present for assessment.
Teacher will observe the students process in completing the assignment
and be available for student questions.
Teacher will assess students through observations while monitoring the students
working collaboratively and during the presentation. They will be graded as a
group. Each group member must have a presence in the project and presentation
that demonstrates full participation and full understanding of the concepts.

This lesson plan aligns with the standards found in ISTE-T standards. The ISTE-T
standards state that teachers should use their knowledge of subject matter, teaching and
learning, and technology to facilitate experiences that advance student learning and creativity
(ISTE-T, 2008, pg. 1). In this lesson plan the teacher creates an exciting Prezi to display instead
of only reading from the textbook. Therefore, the information is presented in different ways. It
engages the students more and displays the end product of the lesson plan. This lesson meets the
SOL VS.6 as takes the ordinary assignment of reading about the new nation and allows the
students to take charge of their learning. The teacher begins the lesson by discussing the concept,
but then the students continue researching using technology and creating their own product that
they take ownership of. This lesson plan also follows the ISTE-T that states communicate
relevant information and ideas effectively to students using a variety of digital age media and
formats (ISTE-T, 2008, pg. 2). According to the ISTE-S standards, students should apply digital
tools to gather, evaluate, and use information (ISTE-S, 2007, pg. 1). This lesson falls into the
adaptation of TIM since the teacher chooses which technology the students are using. The
teacher isnt going step by step but is being the facilitator.
ISTE.NETS-T. (2008). ISTE. Retrieved November 22, 2014, from www.iste.org/standards/netsfor-teachers
ISTE.NETS-S. (2007).ISTE. Retrieved November 22, 2014, from www.iste.org/standards/netsfor-students

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