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Michael Noguera

7830 Kipling av.

Woodbridge, On
November 29th 2014
Matthew Kennedy
Humber College
203 Humber College Blvd.
Dear Future Employers:
Im a close friend of Matthew Kennedy, as I have worked with him in many projects throughout
the year. As the organizer of the Social Justice Living Space in Humber Residence, I was able to
bring world issues to light in the community. Matthew was a large part of this group, offering his
time and experience to the cause. We created posters and small presentations that ranged from
child labor to governmental corruption.
This group was established during our first year residence, which then grew as more members
joined. Mathew has displayed great commitment and dedication to all events and tasks
established by the group.
I whole heartily recommend Matthew Kennedy for any future professional endeavors.
He has been a key player and respectful worker in Social Justice Living Space.
Michael Noguera
Group Leader

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