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Team Project Proposal to Develop a Constitution for the Christian State of America

Jacob Grady
Javelyn Hopkins
Jill Timmons

Professors Killingsworth and French
GOVT 2305/ENGL 1301

October 29, 2014

Team Triple Js Constitution Proposal 2

Our group chose a theocratic government because we believe this form of government is morally
correct. On top of being a morally correct society our citizens would be able to clearly
understand and follow all laws handed down. We believe a theocratic society will create a
harmonious environment in which our citizens can live a long, fulfilling, and safe life. In order
for our team to put these thoughts into a new constitution we have developed a task by task
overview as well as a section in this proposal that discusses how we will manage our team.
Our team has focused on each section as a whole; however, one specific person leads the group
when dealing with that specific section. Our team will finish each section a few days before the
assigned due date.
Our preamble focuses mainly on religious freedom for Protestants whereas the US constitution
focuses mainly on everyones ability to be free in all aspects of life.
Legislative Branch
There will be seven councilmen appointed to the council of the religious elites, this council will
approve laws and essentially hold the majority of the power.
Executive Branch
Our team has one essential person under the executive branch, the Superior Ecclesiastic, who
interprets the Bible and forms them into laws.
Judicial Branch
Our judicial branch has three courts all of which are at different levels of the federal
governments, they each focus on different aspects of the law in an effort to uniformly interpret
the laws.
Education System
Our team wants to develop an educational system that promotes learning and the advancement of
the Christian culture through understanding.
Military Branches
Our team wants to have 4 major branches of the military, each has a different function; however,
they all work as one to complete the mission
Healthcare System
Our team wants to have a healthcare system where it is free to the citizens and available at all
Immigration System
Our team will attempt to create an immigration system that allows Protestants to become citizens
rather quickly and allows non-Christians the ability to leave quickly.

Team Triple Js Constitution Proposal 3

Relationships among Federal, State and Local Levels

The Federal government will support the local government to the best of its abilities while not
interfering and running those governments. There is no state levels within the government.
Nomination and Elections Process of Leaders
Leaders are appointed by the individuals directly over them. They must meet specific standards
in order to be considered for appointment.
We want to give our citizens as much freedom as possible without harming the government or
Christianity as a whole.
In an effort to form a strong and thorough constitution we will highlight the teams roles and
Team Roles and Responsibilities
In our group we have three members, each member has taken on specific roles in the group.
Below we will go into detail about the specific roles and responsibilities of each team member.
Jacob Grady: Jacob was assigned as the leader of the group. He was chosen as the leader
because his leadership abilities were molded in the military as well as the fact that he was willing
to accept the role and lead the team. Jacob has also been assigned specific tasks that you may
view in Table 1.
Javelyn Hopkins: Javelyns was chosen as the reviewer because of her attention to detail and
thoroughness. She is very adept at communicating her thoughts on the papers we write. On top of
this duty she has also been assigned more specific tasks that one can see in Table 1.
Jill Timmons: Jill was chosen as the scribe. She was chosen as the scribe because she takes very
thorough and readable notes that convey exactly what was said. She is then able to maintain
those notes for later use. In order to see her specific tasks they are located in Table 1.
Team Rules and Regulations
In our group we value teamwork, communication, and efficiency. In an effort to have these three
things we have equally divided the work and support open communication. We understand that
we will have disagreements; however, we also know that we must resolved these differences and
come to compromises. When dealing with specific tasks the person who is assigned will lead a
discussion, point-by-point, on the topic. As a group we are understanding and know that people
have lives outside of school and may not be able to get their task done, we simply as that they get
it to us as fast as they can. We make it a point to send the documents to every team member for
review and to give their opinions on what we might change. Our group has agreed to specific
deadlines as seen in Table 1.

Team Triple Js Constitution Proposal 4

Table 1. Task Responsibilities Table for Team Project

Article 1 (Legislative Branch)
Article 2 (Executive Branch)

Student(s) Responsible

Start Date
Oct 14
Oct 20
Oct 25

End Date
Oct 15
Oct 25
Oct 30

Team Triple Js Constitution Proposal 5

Article 3 (Judicial Branch)
Education System (Article 4)
Military Branches (Article 5)
Healthcare System (Article 6)
Immigration System (Article 7)
Relationships Among Federal, State and
Local Levels (Article 8)
Nomination and Elections Process of
Amendment 1
Amendment 2
Amendment 3
Amendment 4
Amendment 5
Amendment 6
Amendment 7
Amendment 8
Amendment 9
Amendment 10
Works Cited
Comparative Analysis
Layout and Design of Constitution
PowerPoint Presentation
Final Review of Constitution, Analysis,
Optional Tasks:


Oct 29
Oct 29
Oct 30
Oct 31
Oct 31
Oct 23

Nov 3
Nov 3
Nov 4
Nov 5
Nov 5
Oct 29


Oct 31

Nov 5


Oct 14
Oct 14
Oct 14
Oct 14
Oct 14
Oct 14
Oct 14
Oct 14
Oct 14
Oct 14
Nov 5
Nov 5

Oct 18
Oct 18
Oct 18
Oct 18
Oct 18
Oct 18
Oct 18
Oct 18
Oct 18
Oct 18
Nov 10
Nov 10


Nov 5
Nov 8
Nov 11

Nov 10
Nov 12
Nov 13


NOV. 19

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