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Prepared by: Megan Stone

Lesson title/topic: Sharks and Minnows

Subject area: Physical Education

Grade: Kindergarten
Date: 9/26/2011

Time available: 20 minutes

STANDARDS/OUTCOMES addressed in this lesson:

M.MC.00.09 Demonstrate elements of relationship movement concepts of body parts in isolated

OBJECTIVES Through these learning activities, the student will be able to:

Students will be able to describe and explain what animal is prey and which is predator, between a shark
and a minnow.

Teaching strategy:

As a class, or large group.

Introduction/Set induction

Talk about what the students like to eat and how they feel when they are hungry.
Instructional Activities

Divide students up into sharks and minnows students with red shirts are going to be the sharks and
students with blue shirts will be the minnows. The sharks will chase the minnows and if the minnows
are caught then they are out of the game or eaten. If the shark does not get at least two minnows within
the 10 minutes of the game then they starve. After all the minnows are caught then we will pick new
people to be the sharks for the next round.

Talk about how sharks and minnows are predators and prey, and how the sharks have to eat the
minnows to survive.
Transitional Activities

Be a big hungry shark while going back to their seat.

How this lesson provides for ASSESSMENT of student learning:

When students are playing the game watch to see if they are chasing the right people. (Prey not other

Talk about prey and predators.

Checking up

Ask them which animal is prey and which is predator.


Ask student what they think we as humans are.

How this lesson provides DIFFERENTIATION for the students in this class:

Some students will be prey and some will be predator and I will make sure all students get a chance.

Blue and red t-shirts.

REFLECTIVE ASSESSMENT of the lesson and student success (to be hand written after lesson is taught)

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