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Prepared by: Megan Stone

Lesson title/topic: Dribbling

Subject area: Physical Education

Grade: 5th Grade

Date: 2/20/2012

Time available: 30 Minutes

STANDARDS/OUTCOMES addressed in this lesson:

M.MC.05.06 demonstrate all effort movement concepts for time (i.e., fast/slow and sudden/sustained)
with mature form of fundamental motor skills in controlled settings.
M.MC.05.10 demonstrate all relationship movement concepts of objects and/or people (i.e.,
over/under, on/off, near/far, in front/behind, along/through, meeting/parting, surrounding, around,
and alongside) with mature form of fundamental motor skills in controlled settings.
M.MS.05.05 demonstrate selected elements of the mature form of the manipulative skills of chest pass,
bounce pass, hand dribble, volley (e.g., forearm pass, overhead set), and punt in isolated settings.
K.MS.05.04apply knowledge of the critical elements of movement concepts while performing selected
manipulative skills: catch, kick, foot dribble, strike with an implement and with the hand, chest pass,
bounce pass, hand dribble, volley, overhead pass, and punt in isolated settings.
OBJECTIVES Through these learning activities, the student will be able to:

Students will be able to dribble a basketball.

Students will be able to dribble a basketball with both hands.
Student will be able to dribble a basketball and walk at the same time.

Teaching strategy:

Indirect-Child centered
Introduction/Set induction

Students will be instructed to run five laps around the gym and then sit in the key by the blue wall.
There I will ask the students what they know what dribbling and introduce double dribbling and
Instructional Activities

1. All students will have their own basketball and they will practice dribbling with both of their hands.
(Show the students what the proper form looks like, knees bent, eyes up, and make sure they are using
the pads of their fingers not slapping the basketball.)
2. Have student partner up on the blue end line. The first person will dribble down to the other end line
around the cone and back to their partner so they can have a turn. Use right hand the first time, and
left hand the second time. Remind the students that this is not a race and that they need to be under
control of the ball. (Talk to the student about what doubling is and what traveling is. Double dribbling is
when you dribble and stop and then start dribbling again. Traveling is when you hold the ball and
run/walk without dribbling.)
3. Play Dribble Knock out- Everyone has a ball and they have to dribble within the cones that are in a
rectangle shape. For the first minute the students just need to practice dribbling, I will tell the students
to just dribble with right hand and then left hand. Once they get the hang of it they can start to try and
knock their classmate's balls outside the cones while dribbling their own ball. If their ball goes outside
the cones then they have to do five jumping jacks and then they can come back into the game. If a
student dribbles off their foot or causes the ball to go out of the rectangle they still have to do the
jumping jacks in order to get back into the game. (Remind them if needed not to double dribble or
travel. Show them how to protect the ball with their guard hand.)

Each student will put their ball back into the bin and gather in the key by the blue wall. When all the
students get to the key we will talk about dribbling and what is important to remember. Such as, staying
low, eyes up, and use the pads of finger, and talk about double dribbling and traveling.
Transitional Activities

How this lesson provides for ASSESSMENT of student learning:

While students are playing dribble knock out I will be able to see if they understand how to dribble.

Talk to them about dribbling and see what they know about it at the beginning of class.
Checking up

During the drill I will be watching to see if the students are dribbling correctly.

After finishing playing dribble knock out I will talk to the students and see if they can tell me what is
important to remember about dribbling.
Example: Staying low, eyes up, use pads of fingers
How this lesson provides DIFFERENTIATION for the students in this class:

If a student cannot play the game dribble knock out then they can dribble around the cones and

Basketballs and Cones

REFLECTIVE ASSESSMENT of the lesson and student success (to be hand written after lesson is taught)

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