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Laura Wingate

My Code of Ethics
5. Shall not intentionally expose the student to embarrassment or
This is code of ethic is extremely important to me. The development of good selfesteem or sense of self is vitally important to each child. It is my moral duty as a
teacher and a person of influence and power that I understand the role I play in this
development. Self-esteem is built through a successful task completions and
accomplishments. It is my job to foster an environment that provides opportunity
for this to occur. There is no room for negative reinforcement or my own bad mood
and prejudices. I have a degree in applied Behavioral Science and the techniques I
will use involve positive reinforcement. In my opinion it is abusive to use any type
of embarrassment or disparagement when working with a child. It is unnecessary
and ineffective.
6. Shall not on the basis of race, color, creed, sex, national origin, marital
status, political or religious beliefs, family, social or cultural background, or
sexual orientation, unfairly-a. Exclude any student from participation in any program
b. Deny benefits to any student
c. Grant any advantage to any student
Each Child is a unique individual. I believe in the inherent self worth of every child.
I approach children with this philosophy and attempt to get to know each child on
their own merit. Prejudice is an adult creation. Children tend to be colored blind
until they are taught such prejudice. I will always attempt to look at individuals
through a childs lens.
7. Shall not use professional relationships with students for private advantage.
A teachers most important duty is to ensure the welfare of the child that they teach.
They are in power position that holds great influence. It is immoral to use this
position for any personal gain.
8. Shall not disclose information about students obtained in the course of
professional service unless disclosure serves a compelling professional
purpose or is required by law.
Confidentiality is an important part of job as teacher. The trust of the student and
parent is important in the educational setting. If the trust of confidentiality is
broken the education experience is diminished and less effective.

4. Shall make reasonable effort to protect the student from conditions harmful
to learning or to health and safety.
Safety is a very important part of being a teacher. You are there to keep the children
safe and be a advocate for them.
2. Shall not unreasonably deny the student's access to varying points of view.
As a teacher you should not impose your view point on children. You job is to give
the children as much information on subjects so that they can make their own
educated decision.

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